Illidan can just dominate a malthael instantly. I pick malthael whenever I feel like I’m feeling really grey on the game and just there to anti heal soul absorb opponents and be the ominous gloomy death angel. When I don’t use malthael and someone picks him I choose illidan because he hardcounters malthael. Pick a talent where his blades glow and pick a heroic called the hunt. Malthael will die within seconds…can he get a ability that makes him more durable like parrying like Chen/illidan (yes I said Chen because their is a talent when Chen makes everyone miss their hits.) or put himself in stasis so he can survive plz? Malthael no longer lives up to being the angel of death at this point.
There’s literally another thread on malthael on the front page
thats my thread, and Malthael really needs a buff, other heroes have been buffed so much that malthael has gone behind now
Haven’t you learned anything that we said to you?
i did, its just that i still think he is weak but not AS weak as i said in the thread. he still needs a slight buff in my opinion; just slightly
The only buff he needs is beefier heroes being made
I think he needs to do more than being a minion sweeper.
I’ve killed a malthael with a illidan and a tyrael. Malthael can’t even survive murky even if he has an antiheal talent.
Just because you don’t know how to play a hero it doesn’t mean that hero needs a buff.
Compared to other bruisers, malthael does fall a bit behind. Not problematic much though, as the winrate itself is still decent enough to consider him balanced. But for bruisers (which seem to have a higher average winrate by default) it generaly appears worse.
This makes malthael below average in the bruiser vs bruiser case (note not the 1v1, but in the 5v5 with both teams having a bruiser). And as he is below average, its clear enough he is underperforming. And im very certain that its because his %dps simply doesnt work against bruisers which generaly have decent self sustain.
But i would agree at least that there are other bruisers which are far more clear in requiring buffs (and some in nerfs).
If you ask me, what that lucifer does is called harassment.
Malthael is perfectly fine. Sonya and a few other Bruisers are overpowered. Tripke Bruiser comps are more and more popular at high lvl. Nerf the problematic Bruisers instead of buffing the majority to their (not balanced) lvl.
Yes totally agree, please buff him
I don’t think it’s as simple as nerfing every bruiser doing well. Even when they’re weaker, they can do more than Malthael.
Rexxar: 2nd Highest winrate Hero in Masters (tho not played often)
Sonya: 7th (2nd most popular Hero)
Hogger: 15th (most popular Hero)
Triple Bruiser comps are on the rise. I disagree with you.
You disagree with what?
Let’s see here.
It seems accurate. Malthael looks fine.
- With the opinion that nerfing the top Bruisers wouldn’t be enough.
- With Malthael not doing well and being weak compared to other Bruisers.
Artanis, Yrel, Dehaka, Imperius and Leoric are not bruisers that I think other bruisers have trouble against. And they are those that Malthael has the highest winrate against. Death wing and Chen are a bit over 49%. 49.56 for deathwing which people would expect to be destroyed by Malthael (Though I don’t think DW gets sent to the solo often). It’s almost half and half.
They’re not horrible stats, but nothing impressive either. But it’s not the stats I’m concerned with. I’ve mentionned it often enough.
Well, neither of us can know for sure. But I don’t have a problem with Hogger.
I said other bruiser can do more. Which is not the same as Malthael not doing well.
Playing Malthael is boring and unengaging. You just clean minions. When your team is pushing structures, you don’t have much to contribute. And if you’re alone in lane, the enemy have time to emprison Illidan and come back before you can deal any significant damage to their structures.
And because of your trait, your scaling sucks compared to most heroes. It doesn’t feel good when at lvl 20, you don’t clear merc camps much faster than at lvl 4. And your heroic upgrades don’t feel exciting or game changing. You can easily forget that you took the upgrade to “Tormented Souls”. It barely makes a difference.
To you. And to some. Not to everyone. You probably have Heroes you enjoy but others don’t. That’s how things work. Perfectly normal and fine, no reason for any kind of change that some ppl bored of something.
I do a lot more as Malthael.
Yes, dealing Structure dmg is something Matlhael is bad at, so what.
Minions, Camps and Heroes. Focus on that.
You can if you use TS without killing. I usually have it for the full fight if I pick it. To me there’s a difference, but it’s not like one “bad” lvl 20 means much to a Hero’s powerlvl and enjoyment.
Me neither, but he’s
The most popular Hero in high lvl ranked with the 15th highest winrate. So the most popular Hero is in the top 20 most successful out of 90 Heroes. That is not cool. That’s not balanced, even if anecdotal evidence tell us that he’s “no biggie”. Like the Hero is really hard so ofc in random games he’s usually not a big decider.