It’s been a long time since I’ve updated my list from here. Since then , there was a lot of rework and big changes.
Calc: WR (SL dia+, lvl 40+) - (QM lvl 1 to 5). Highest number = hardest hero.
Tracer is still very hard to master while D.Va, Gazlowe, Tassadar, Abathur, TLV and Samuro are a lot easier to master than before.
Deathwing, Mephisto and Orphea are now hard heroes. Their nerf affected them, but they’re still pretty good.
It’s interesting to see Zarya really that high. think it’s mainly due to the fact that in high elo, players know the best talents, which implies picking Maximum Charge and Expulsion Zone.
TLV and Abathur surprised me a lot from their difficulty shift. TLV got huge PvP buffs on June 2020 (+68% dmg on Spin to Win vs heroes and Nordic Attack Squad is now passive when TLV are grouped). Abathur doesn’t have to body soak as much anymore since the xp globes were added. I’m not 100% sure why his current win rate is very low now, even in Dia+ on lvl 40+. If someone can enlighten me, go ahead.
There’s no surprise for Hogger to be at the top. People complained a lot at the start that he was “trash tier”. Now, we’re all begging for nerfs.
Tlv not being number one hurts
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Glad you can see statistically what everyone has tried to explain to you. TLV are nowhere near as difficult as you make them out to be.
Same with Ana.
As for op idk why you chose qm as the “noob” measurement. Some heroes have really bad matchups in qm. This also explains why some heroes like zeratul are “easy”. In qm enemies cannot counter him and he has a field day. Also he’s matched up against illadin/butcher
The only thing that bothers me about this list is a lot of heroes are at different difficulty levels based on which build they are running. For example, Cleave build Zeratul is much easier than AA build Zeratul, and Orb Ming is brainless compared to Calamity Ming.
I’m still saying tlv is the hardest hero to play hands down.
Definitely not hands down.
I find Zeratul a lot harder to play then Tracer and Zarya.
(Also, Murky should be at the Hardester level)
Yeah what’s up with that? I started practicing Zera, and there’s always a Butcher somewhere in my games.
Indeed, like Medivh and Nova. I could adjust it to SL dia+ on lvl 1 to 5 instead of QM, but I would lack datas (SL avg 206 games played vs QM avg 5047 games played).
I am worried about Abathur being easy.
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Abathur gameplay nowadays:
Abathur, TLV, Zeratul and Probius should be all in top Hardest heroes to play.
Oh never mind, I play with the guy from Bronze and am Silver. It’s all ok.
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I mean, easiest doesn’t mean necessarily good. It’s that heroes have their own limitations. Some exceptions can be applied like Kure’s Zeratul with Shadow Stride, Carbon’s Li-Ming with Poilk combo, Munky’s Samuro with hearth swap and perfect Illusion Master micro and Lutano’s Genji. Generally, I think the list represent fairly their difficulty.
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Share replays. That always works
What!? Tracer is one of the easiest heroes to play. I think Tracer and TLV need swapped.
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I respect your opinion, but I also unleash Sami’s wrath upon you.
Go, Sami!
I mean, I guess because I’m a Tracer/Varian/Murky main my opinion is slightly skewed, but come on, Tracer isn’t hard. Right click on a target, then just run around in random directions like an idiot and you win. Blink when you need to catch someone or get to safety, and reserve your Recall for when you need to remove a DoT or to get back safely after a hard dive.
Being effective with her is another story, but playing her, she’s super easy.
Low skill floor doesn’t mean easy to master. There’s a huge gap between entry Tracer players and good ones.
The list is for looking at heroes with the most potential when mastered comparing to the least potential when played for the first times.
I’m terrible at Tracer, playing her makes me anxious, so I play her badly! For me she’s very hard to play.
Other heroes on that Hardest list, Zarya and Yrel feel intuitive for me to play. I wouldn’t have rated them personally as difficult.
Well Lucifer said it all right there. 
I guess I’m more of a high risk high reward type of player. I take a lot of risks when I play and when they pay off they pay off big! Probably why I was so fond of heroes like Tracer and Butcher.
I’ll do things like hold off or baiting enemies so my teammate can capture an objective. Sometimes it passes off teammates that aren’t trying to play 4D Chess like I am, but when it works it works.