A very hard hero, 1s stun perfect to set up your own combo : ( very hard you know…
I usually pick Malth to counter their solo laner and I feel like he counters most bruisers in lane.
If you have a squishy front line and they have burst it’s probably not a good idea to draft him.
It’s impressive if it ends up in a kill. I can attack tanks without killing them over and over, and I’ll get very high damage. I never look at hero damage in a vacuum. It’s pointless. It also helps to have coordinated team mates who setup your kills.
I don’t think anyone will be surprised that you can do very well on a hero with a team of people who know what they’re doing. As opposed to randoms that may be clueless, which is what most players have to work with.
Yep, everyone does well with TLV. I mean, all you have to do is dive enemies and get kills.
That’s pretty much it. No argument from me there.
Well, Thrall, Artanis and Chen do well against him. But they’re not popular so if you haven’t picked bruiser first, you’re usually ok. Sonya is often banned. Gaz and Hogger aren’t issues but D.Va is.
TB Varian is problematic, as is Xul. And Rexxar is Rexxar. It depends at what level you’re playing.
guys just take a look at the big picture, malthael has so many weakness and not much strength now!!!
Malth weaknesses:
bad siege damage
bad against low hp targets
bad against ranged
bad against any sort of stun and silence
low hp compared
supposed to be a tank killer but cant even do that anymore
great AoE (wave clear)
good against high hp targets (which theres a low amount of them)
decent movement
decent camp clear
cmon guys, doesnt that rly deserve a buff?? he is obviously weak now!!!
if it was possible to nerf about 40% of the bruiser heroes, that would be cool, but obv hots devs wont do that!!
i agree with what this person said:
just fix the numbers slightly and he would do a lot better, this slight change would be so much for such a weak hero!
just slight number changing and its all good (i think and hope)
if its all about waveclear and to win in lane, what does malthael have in difference with leoric and murky?
as someone said, he deserves to be more than just a minion sweeper!
leoric literally has a janitor skin BECAUSE he IS made for minion sweeping, and murky IS made for laning and double soaking, he needs to be more useful than that!
if he is supposed to be a tank killer, tychus does a better job at that. tychus is ranged and has good movement abilities.
he needs to be a decent tank killer, a decent wave clear and also good at something else too, he cant just have these 2 strengths and ALL these weaknesses! maybe better movement, maybe more hp than other bruisers, maybe better at damaging siege, idk, better at something! anything!
please tell me if u disagree with me at any of the points that i covered. and tell me which ones u guys agree.
Malthael has lower selfsustain against squishies but kill them faster, because % dmg is the same to everyone but his normal dmg is relatively higher the less hp the enemy has. Therefore Malthael is no bad against low hp targets.
Malthael can do a lot against a lot of the Ranged Heroes. Like for example, 1v1ing an Orphea is a skill matchup. Mages usually also has no chance because their AOEs can be dodged and they have high CDs.
Literally every Hero can be countered with Stuns. And most Heroes can be coutnered by Silences. But he has an Unstoppable in his talent tree so he has answers against that. Same with his moblity.
But he is.
Good diver.
We have 17 Bruisers (so 16 Brusiers that are not Malthael). There are like 3-5 Bruisers that needs nerfs. That’s not close to 40%.
These are the 2 strongest builds from stats.
Which do you recommend and in what situation?
you can kill afk orphea bot with any damage hero like that. what is the take away from that video?
Q Build with LR if I need to dual and I don’t have a choice, like on DS, Braxxis (Braxxis was the map in my last SL game where I picked LR, did so to kill the Sonya, I prefer TS if possible because my style requires the extra mobility).
W build with the Curtain combo on maps where I need “poke” (like ToD), I usually used this against the beefier teams.
But I usually go with Q build and TS which is especially nice if I’m lucky and have an Ana (who’s willing to Nano me. I wasn’t lucky with my last Ana ally).
Do I need to post clips from master games to showcase how strong they are or?
Heck, even in QM from lvl 1-10, their win rate is 6.24% over the average.
would be much better than try mode. Or even better than that - clip of that combo in tournament game
That’s just the scratch of the problem.
3560 total HP baseline.
Only worth 0.25 a death.
Fury of the Storm on a 5 sec CD.
Play Again on only 100 sec CD.
This one is much better. Yeah vikings are strong.
We don’t have full stats on them (only heroesprofile/hotslogs), but maybe they could use some balance changes. Personally I am completely fine with their current balance state
Like abathur, tlv shouldn’t exist.
Nope, the best advice!
W build beats Q build
Great chase
Great sustain in or out of combat
Silly with nano
Invulnerable on W
Great kiting ability
Decent dueling ability
Can open up a target for death on rites (trust me, its great for things like garrosh who don’t seem to die).
Passive cleaving autos
Great mobility in teamfights
Like, malth is deceptive, but he’s good, granted not good in every situation and more often than not, not good in qm, but he’s good.
If there were a buff, I’d only hope for 5 mana less on Q cast, his retention is awful for what he’s supposed to be.
I think they just have different uses. I mean, “Die Alone” is his biggest power spike, and the slow on Q “Cold Hand” makes up for his biggest weakness. It helps both escapes and kill secure.
Wait what?
Also make Deah Shroud deal damage baseline. It’s so easy to dodge it often feels like you have no ability. And don’t getme started on “throwing shade”
What do you call the curtain combo?
By that I mran when you also have the Throwing Shade talent. Longer Curtain more often.
You mean to use W, or just to poke with E?