Please remove "compelled fairness"

By saying “The ideal would be 50% winrate” this dev litterally contradicts AZJackson’s comments about MM which I re-linked from Hoku above in this thread.
What should we believe then?

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In our lizard overlords.

If the reddit post didn’t scream FAKE as the flair, has 51% upvote ratio on top of the fact the reddit post was made in January 2019 while that blizzard post in February 2019, then I’m sorry but people are easy to be tricked i guess.


There can’t be a dev because that post is submitted in January 2019 and the post date of the dev is February 2019. Unless this is Interstellar and he can really travel forward in time by using a wormhole.

Nobody would use space travel just to make a reddit post on HotS mechanics with information from the future.

people want to see stuff that already agrees with them. They’re more willing to accept something as ‘proof’ of what they already think rather than think through the possibilities that they started on a misguided premise.

That’s part of why tv/stream shows or whatever actually encourage viewers to find studies that agree with their perspective, rather than shift their perspective based on available, and consistent, studies. They want to be ‘right’, but hey don’t want to put effort into actually thinking about it.

In the tl;dr literacy of things, people scan for linebreaks as an indication of reading, rather than reading the content to see if the connecting lines actually form a cohesive unit. This should otherwise be one “paragraph”, but anything longer than 1 sentence, let alone 2, starts to ‘offend’ some people, so they scan for linebreaks instead of reading things through.

People teach themselves to search for encoded biases, and then wonder why they’re convinced that the universe is personally out to get them :thinking:


… or people did not look at that because they don’t have that garbage Reddit app on their phone (that seems to be mandatory, otherwise Reddit’s displaying just darkens so much it can’t be read at all and imposes the app option), nor do they wish to have this trash either, so they manage to read the content as they can and ask questions for the rest of it.
In short: just pointing out that discrepancy would have sufficed. Judgeing others so quickly helps no one… and especially not yourself.

You don’t need the garbage reddit app to browse reddit posts, just like you don’t need twitter, or facebook or youtube to watch or read content, though they will keep scuffing you about “making an account” but its not forced to some extent.

For clear reference: There hasn’t been in history of Blizzard (or at least this forum) in which a dev post post getting deleted unless the moderators themselves delete the topic which causes that post itself to be lost too.

And the person who made that reddit post also created “finally reached imperius level 100” at the same time Imperius was officially announced, using a windows paint edit of some screentshot so they are known for this stuff.

Yeah sorry about that, its just very tiring that people have to repeatedly bring that stupid image up again and again when it is verified that it is 100% fake, it made me very frustrated, especially with the MMR and forced 50% win rate rabbit hole of “evidence” being built mostly on anecdotal, fake or same exact evidence repeatedly posted (seriously someone here posts the same video in QnA session time stamped in that section as evidence of forced 50% win rate over something we don’t even remotely know if it was implemented in the first place).


The universe is a magic ball and the Earth is flat by the way. Flat earthers will find me a study to prove me right.
That is one paragraph and two sentences. Now I know I am being absolutely convincing :laughing::+1:

ah, but only if it was written as a haiku :shushing_face:

universe ball (gemination on ‘ball’ so it counts as 2 on)
two sentences, paragraph
earth flat and [i] win.

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People complain about queue times, it’s trash like this that inflates queue times.

If they would just create a match at whatever they your assume MMR is, and let the outcome sort itself out, we would have less problems with matchmaking issues.

If someone is “underperforming” then they’re at an MMR higher than they should be.

If someone is “overperforming” then they’re at an MMR lower than they should be.

The issue is black and white, and their “solution” is garbage. Handholding people’s MMR by trying to not let it move is the reason why matchmaking sucks so much in this game. There’s a ranking system for a reason, let numbers move without intervention and sort players naturally.

You get a 50% chance of winning by putting 10 people together of similar MMR, not by this “compelled fairness” trash.

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You’re right in general, but on the contrary, if higher people climbs to the moon (GM), where almost none is then he would need to wait longer to find matches and then he might create a new smurf and then we have the same as we have now. That’s because the population of this game is low compared to what we were used in the past.

But this “compelled fairness” is fake anyway, so why bother?

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It blows my mind that people still can’t understand the simple concept that if you are, on average, matched with people of similar skill level, that you’ll end up with a 50% win rate over time.

Too many people posting in these forums suck at math and think that if they’re an above average player that they should have a win rate above 50%.


If you come up with a system, ANY SYSTEM, where you’re paired with players of equal skill and play enough games (big enough sample size), you’ll end up with a 50% win rate no matter what in the long run.

Only the outliers at the top and bottom will be above/below 50%.



Makes sense, as the only people who really deviate a huge number from that are low bronze (20-40% win rates) and GM’s (60-70% win rate).

The rest of us tend to hover around 48-52% once we settle at our skill level.


its due to low player count.

Now ARAM in asia is full of chinese robots just afking and dying to level up and get gold.

QM is a complete mess

SL is impossible to find a game.

Wish you guys the best out there in EU/USA.

It’s the slowest I think it’s been either on the old or new forums. Many regulars are either completely missing, or post perhaps twice a week. It’s sad really, I miss the many unique voices lost, I can only hope they return if we get some new content.


Didn’t a lot leave because of reports and punishments?
Technically speaking, we lost DrLogan.

And disappointment in losing nice threads?
Such as the 100 club.

And TL3 is way too expensive to grind.
I don’t care about the forums being purple due to my epic status, but would be nice to post links to trusted sites and the occasional picture.

I’m pretty much here for those 5-10 people only.

This whole thing just fits my little doomsaying storyline.

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By the way, no matter how amazing it sounds, but the sweatiest and most interesting games are at the bottom, in the bronze and silver leagues. Quite often the players playing there do not want to give up on both teams. Although the players there make a huge number of mistakes.

Indeed, I said the same earlier in the the thread. I know quite a few regular posters said they were leaving because of unfair or inconsistent moderation. The loss of these people is very palpable. I’m grateful for the many posters we still have, but the forums have declined with the loss of those whose posts were both quality and quantity.

I agree with you also about TL3, it’s too hard to get, and too difficult to retain. Most of us take breaks from the forums, it’s lost rather quickly if you don’t log in. As the traffic drops even more on the forums, it will make it even harder to attain.


I didn’t realize it was fake, but they did this garbage with Overwatch so it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if it was real.

As for people on the extreme ends, they just need to take the normal distribution of MMR and split it into like 50 buckets of equal size. Bronze and GM games would be all over the place in terms of MMR, but queues would be fast because they don’t need any special rules. If you’re X MMR, you go into Y queue and once there’s 10 of you, launch a match.

Actually, it makes it easier.

You just need to open the forums once a day, read 25% of the posts, and in like a month or two you’re TL3.

It’s much easier to read 25% of the posts instead of the cap of something like 25,000 or whatever it is.

I accidentally got TL3 (this is my 4th time) with like zero effort and haven’t lost it in months despite low participation.

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Honestly don’t even know how many times to repeat this but sure.

It’s 25% posts of all posts amount that posted in the last 100 days.

It’s a counter that increments and decrements daily and frequently, and even posts that are older than 100 days count for this.