Place for Tassadar feedbacks by players

W+R2 and wall with slow/damage is nuts.
The black hole tends to carry people with it as it travels, so putting the wall stops people from being carried too far, and you can keep them within the dimensional storm, get damage from wall, it just worked really well when I was on the ptr.

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My experience is that your main target blows up from W+R+Q especially with some help, but sure, if they fly away, I can cast an E to keep some at place :smiley:

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Btw, I did some testing, and Blackhole’s lvl 20 (Kugelblitz) casts talented Psi Storms.

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Go full Q with Blackhole and spell power on 16 and on 20, get nano and just watch everyone 100-0. The burst is real.


Archon form negates his Khaydarin Amulet talent.

Currently using the Archon form will negates Prismatic Link talent. I’m shocked.

I think the changes to dimensional shift make it fair enough to be a basic ability. With the way his kit plays now I would prefer that over wall. I don’t think it would need a super long CD either since the duration was lowered. I would like to see W do more than what it does now too. Overall, I think the wall could go and the new shift could stay.

Yeah the black hole is amazing even when combo’d with just shock ray. I think it might be a must pick in a shock ray build.

That’s good to know!

I find the 16 talents for % damage to be better since you can take the passive spell power at 20.


Yeah the % damage is pretty good as well. I’m just saying take both spell powers because they stack, and then with nano on top of that it’s a lot fo damage from blackhole + Q + W.

This. This. This. It’s not losing shields so much as baseline Oracle + Dimensional Shift.

Haven’t played him yet, but have watched several hours of gameplay by streamers.

  • Q build seems to do everything. More damage on his main nuke(which already does loads), 100% CDR on it that’s up almost all the time, more Basic Attack Range, easy supply of Resonance when you hit Qs, stacked Q gives insane waveclear, no real mana problems.

  • AA build does not do enough damage or provide enough CC to warrant picking. Self-rooting to deal miniscule damage and slow at standard range should provide some serious benefit in exchange for the risk. W build is slightly different but ok, just less powerful than Q.

Several of his talents make no sense or have no synergy when they should.

  1. Why does Beam Alignment (the Q talent) give Basic Attack Range, but Arc Discharge(the Basic Attack talent) does not?
  2. Why does Arc Discharge activate on all enemies, instead of just Heroes? Tass already has good waveclear, why does he need Psi Storms landing on every enemy hit when he’s already pre-occupied with keeping Resonance Beam charged?
  3. I figured taking Khaydarin Amulet would allow proccing Psi Storms on multiple heroes with Arc Discharge due to the chain effect. Might be OP if that were the case, but was disappointed to find out that’s not how it works.
  4. Archon does not benefit from Khaydarin Amulet when it used to benefit from the same effect from Prismatic Link pre-rework. I get the feeling this is a bug.

Final thoughts:

  • Consider adding an attack damage increase to Khaydarin Amulet.
  • Move the Basic Attack Range from Beam Alignment to Arc Discharge.
  • Have the Psi Storms from Arc Discharge proc on Heroes only, to allow more control over keeping Resonance Beam charged on minions, and dealing damage to heroes.
  • An alternative would be to proc the Psi Storms(possibly weaker versions) with Arc Discharge on a per-hero basis, allowing it to benefit from Khaydarin Amulet’s cleave.

Other than that, I like everything else about the rework. Charging Resonance Beam, active mana restoration, high sustained AoE damage with slows. Black Hole is satisfying and powerful. Tass feels like he’s almost perfect, just needs a few tweaks to how some talents work.

If you follow me in Hero and Skin Suggestion Drlogan,I have a famous thread with this name
My Wish and My Idea - #17 by anon80712462.
I will create a build about Tasadar as Concept,I will attach it in your post also and grant it you as reward,freindly ship and…

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Can you explain this part more? Like, what do you mean by it?

Its a difficult question.

On one hand, from the perspective of “its a new
hero”. They did good. Storm spam is fun, his AA actually does damage when untalented, and his talents in general are fantastic. Black hole has this psuedo knock back effect like the conveyor belts on volskya which is something ive always wanted them to experiment more with.

On the other hand. Tassadar is basically gone. There are some nice call backs but new tass is nothing like old tass to play. He simply cannot support anymore. I can understand why fans of old tassadar would be upset. The only part of tassadars old gameplay that he retains in his rework is his AA build which dosent have the sustain it used to have but is generally more flexable then it used to be.

Personaly, im happy with the rework.
Ive alwayse liked mages and the new tassadar really stands out from the other mages. I played him a bit on the ptr and hes got some really high damage potential but will probably need the help of his team to keep enemies in his storm. Hes also a mage who, i think, will work very well in double mage teams. Hes got several ways to both, increase their damage and ways to further capitalize of the CC that other mages generally bring. Additionally sustain damage is decent no matter what build you take which should fill in the biggest weakness that double mage teams generally have.
I also play alotta whitemane so im looking forward to all the perma slows and spell power boosts.

I hope they give some of the things tass lost to zarya when her rework rolls around. Both heroes already shared alot of similarities (ults that wall ppl out, perma slows, and of course, shields). Alot of the talents tass lost either git well in zaryas kit or she already has. Id like to see things like the leaching shield, the %health AAs, and some form of nullification get carried over.


I am going to create a Concept about Tasadar,we know it has a new rework recently,but I have want a collection of Hero Concepts and most of them are granted to Hots as Suggest,and this one(rework on tasadar) has more aspect of advertising, work, expertise and creativity.

It is my rework suggestion about is a new build no it is a 2rd build for Tasadar.
(Tassadar New Concept//My wish and My Idea - #2 by Javadpashe-2702)