Place for Tassadar feedbacks by players

Aba has this issue with simbiote talents being redundant during ultimate evolution. Something for a player to consider, but the power of the ult speaks for itself.

The real best part of the Tassadar rework is that he has upgraded to the void ray attack animation.


I was bad at him before the rework, and I’m bad at him after lol. I don’t quite do well with the slight self-root on the Q.

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My first impressions are really good. My only complain is the lack of relevance of Q in AA build. I think a lot of people will write something amazing about new Tassadar, I just want to say I like it and I’ll definitelly play Tassadar to level 100.

I refuse, I'll say something not useful.


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I just finished a full review of the character , the skills talents and everything , you’re welcome to checker it out !

Warning : it is a super wall of text of doom lol

Artanis shields need to look cool like new tasadar’s level 4 talent

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I just don’t like that they took one of our very limited supply of heroes that can provide a shield on a regular basis, and removed the shield.
Remove the vampirism on the shield (it should have never had it)
Reduce the cooldown and strength of the shield so it isn’t as good with deep divers.
But don’t remove the shield entirely…
And what did they give him, a boring Viktor/Ra-style lazor you can’t angle or move while it is firing…
And then they removed another of our very limited vision abilities as well.

Medivh can feel like a mage, an assassin, when played well.
I just don’t see why the shield needed to go, just to make him more assassin-like, when it can work with the shield.

Ultimate Evolution with Abathur negates ALL of your talents…
As do any heroic you have to channel like Diablo’s Lightning Breathe.
This is really a non-issue, you decide when to use it.


I feel like Psionic Storm doesn’t do enough damage. Imo, it should be Tassadar’s main source of damage, since it’s the most iconic ability of the High Templar, and Psionic Storm is a massive threat to armies in Starcraft.


I would be fine with it’s damage if it had more combo potential. Right now it’s main synergy is with the AA build. I would of loved a talent where firing a shock ray over a psionic storm would cause an explosion. There are only two builds right now: shock ray and AA. I find it sad that the shock ray synergy talents with psionic storm are severely lacking.

I feel like the best way to give Tassadar a “High Templar” feel would be to make Psionic Storm his main source of damage, and have the rest of his abilities revolve around keeping the target in place so that they take the full brunt of the Psionic Storm. I don’t think Psionic Storm should do enough damage to kill someone with a single cast, but I think it should be enough to take a sizable chunk out of the target’s health pool if they stand in it for the full duration (About on par with a max-distance Arcane Orb, maybe?).

Because in both the original Starcraft and Starcraft 2, Psionic Storm is a huge, huge threat to armies, and you need to be extremely wary of it whenever you’re up against High Templars. Despite their extremely low health and low AA damage, a single High Templar can end up killing dozens of units with Psionic Storm alone. They can single-handedly shut down some unit compositions like Marine spam, because the Marines die so quickly that they don’t even have time to move out of the AoE.

I feel like it would also help Tassadar stand out more from the other mages, since we already have a lot of mages that revolve around comboing spells together. Why not have one that’s more based around trapping and zoning enemies instead of just burst damage?


Watching a youtube vid, it doesnt look like the damage of two psy storms on top of each other stacks (like when KTZ uses is lvl 20 shade).

However, it does look like the 2nd storm will retain the ramp up damage of the first. That means the 50% damage bonus lasts the full duration. Who knows, it could be sleeper strong?

Caveat: i could be wrong with that interaction.

I feel in Tassadar, they want to combine the “High Templar” and “sentry” units from starcraft 2. Personally I was happy with Tassadar’s “old version”. To be honest, the old Force Wall is kind of broken in my opinion and Nullification (talent lvl 13) is too good.

I agree with Monlyth regarding the “trapping and zoning”. Could it be they try to address this with his new Heroic ability “Black Hole”? I would expect more emphasis around his Psionic Storm (as a High Templar) and Force Wall (as a Sentry). Unless a Sentry support hero is under development…

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Twilight Archon should enable Tassadar to use mount in Archon form to help him traverse the map faster and be able to stay in Archon form as long as possible for players who try doing this.
The shield of Archon gives him life steal while
the upgrade reduces Archon basic attack speed by 20%, I am not sure if these are bugs or features that missed the description.

His level 16 feels underwhelming specially the W talent.
I wished for distortion beam to get removes but it stayed and the trait built upon it :confused:.

His psionic storm radius seems to be a bit larger than the current radius but a bit less than the radius you get as a reward for psi infusion quest.

Lastly I really wished he can keep his role as a support and increased his numbers a bit

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Must be a bug.
Btw for some reasons when Tassadar AA forts/towers, his AA doesn’t split as before with 20 level upgrade.


I haven’t played yet on PTR because internet is unstable atm but I did see the new Tass while watching Fan’s stream earlier this morning.

  • I am disappointed to see Oracle is not a baseline Active. It was the best vision ability. Sure, the new one is global but I don’t think I’ll be picking it up much over Feedback or Shadow Walk.

  • I am going to miss Dimensional Shift. It’s his only baseline escape ability and the new one aka Shadow Walk doesn’t have the invul to damage, instead replaced by true invisibility. At least the 40% move speed is a good compensation.

  • I kind of expected Force Wall to have retained it’s cancel but I guess not with what I’ve seen. It’s an okay defense ability. Only thing I want changed on this is proper vector targeting.

  • The health buff is appreciated. Thanks!

  • I really like the new trait. Mana regen increase is great because of how high cost his abilities are.

  • Waveclear is overall better and satisfying compared to live version.

  • What I don’t like about Shock Ray is the cast delay, kind of like Chromie. Other than that, solid damage ability. The level 4 compensates for the delay with the move speed increase.

  • Level 16 Q upgrade is really good. It may get nerfed. Executor’s Will as well. I can see it being paired with the level 1 AA talent because it bounces to additional targets. You can stay at the back and just beam them to death.

  • Khala’s Gift seems too strong. Unless there is a range of the spell power increase and not global one like Chromie’s, then maybe it’s not that strong.

  • Black Hole is a nice ult though with the delay, you need to time it right or you can use your Force Wall to help. The slow upgrade on Wall also helps greatly so you can hit your ult. To me, it’s seems more like a win-more ult.

  • Archon is pretty good. I like the added 20% reduced armor on hit. I will miss the reset on E since there is no more D Shift.

  • To me, I think Q build will become the standard build.

Again, what you’ve read above is just what I think of new Tass based on what I saw from Fan’s stream so don’t take it too seriously.

Overall, I like the new Tass though it will take some time to get used to not having vision and shift baseline.


Still can’t get why Dimensional Shift was changed. Ok, you increased CD, ok you lowered duration… But why did you remove its invul to damage? It was used not only for escaping but to remove enemy’s neggative effects, like DoT, too.

About Oracle - nothing stopped them to leave it on trait and just add new functions.

Shield - could they just add this ability as talent on 13, 16 or 20 level? I really loved Tassadar to use shield on someone. Even without lifesteal.


I guess they had to change it to a talent one because new Tass is more on damage and they didn’t want a long-ranged poke character to have that good of a baseline escape.

He does have a shield talent on 4 but it’s a self-shield one. You gain a stacking shield of 15% max when beam stack is fully charged. It’s not much but it’s there.

I honestly wouldn’t mind if they added the live version’s 20 talent Shield Battery.

AA build is better with Archon imo, because it has synergy unlike with the other.

Logan and everyone else: W+R2 (Blackhole)+Q is a nasty burst combo.

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13 level is not baseline. You don’t take it all time and anyway duration and CD is nerfed. Why do you remove main effect of its ability?

I was talking about old Plasma Shield what I could use on allies. Give me such talent on 13-20 tiers and I will be happy.

Black Hole is more teamfight ult, when Archon is more carring one, espesially on 20 level.

Better start maining tyrael boi he us the better tassadar