OW characters don't belong in HotS

Dear Blizzard,

I don’t know if blizzard knows this, but Overwatch is a FPS game. This is why Overwatch characters DO NOT belong in Heroes of the Storm. It makes no sense whatsoever that tracer should be able to move while attacking, and have an ult before anyone else does, as well as have multiple blinks, and a recall. Who thought it was a good idea to let this happen? Not only tracer, but every OW character in HotS has a noticeable advantage including Lucio who can cancel out the damage of any ult for the entire team with his shield, attack while moving, cancel abilities with his push, and make the entire team move faster. Look at D.va, she can call down mech and completely heal, keep casting self destruct, and has an ult on top of self destruct, she is boarderline unkillable, and can wipe out the entire zerg wave with ease on braxis hold out. Genji is the number one biggest threat in the upper ranks. Seriously why are OW characters in HotS? Why not put destiny 2 and call of duty characters in while you are at it? Instead of calling it heroes of the storm, we may as well call it heroes of overwatch and get rid of every other hero at this point. If you want to make a game that showcases OW mixed with other games, then have a FPS version of HotS with destiny 2 and call of duty, don’t mix 2 different genre together and give all the FPS characters a distinct advantage. Please Blizzard, if you are not going to take out overwatch heroes, at least rework all the abilities to make them fit the genre, and stop playing favorites.


Ana, Zarya, Junkrat, Hanzo?

Tracer has been nerfed to being almost useless.

Lucio is OK.

Genji is still kinda ok.

DVa is usually trash.

Ana is fun

Junkrat even as he is annoying is OK.

Hanzo is ok mostly in high ranks.

Edit: Genjis winrate is the fifth worst even at high levels of play, literally handful of players who can play him left.



point is they aren’t relevant because they are from an FPS game. There for they do not fit in this genre.

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Diablo isnt an Moba, throw them out too.

Neither is Starcraft.

Or Classic so TLV has to go.

Just because you manage to get killed by an Lucio it doesnt make him OP

Also you didnt explain Ana, Hanzo, Zarya and Junkrat being advantageous?


Ok I get it vision you like OW heroes. No need to be rude. The point is that all these heroes have a similar background EXCEPT OW. Mobas were inspired by RTS games, so was diablo. Have you ever played any blizzard game besides OW? If so you would notice that all these characters really didn’t have to change much when becoming a moba. Yeah I ranted a bit because in my opinion I think that OW characters are imbalanced. But the real issue is that they just don’t fit. They are not built for mobas. Their abilities are not built for mobas, attacking while moving shouldn’t be a thing especially for ranged heroes, getting your ult before everyone else does should not be a thing, Ana doesn’t fit at all, neither does hanzo, junk rat makes a little more sense the way they set up his abilities, but he still doesn’t really fit. Thats very ignorant and condescending of you to say that I am ranting because a lucio killed me. Obviously that is not the issue. Clearly you don’t actually care to contribute any constructive criticism, you are just trolling at this point. Sorry if I hurt your feelings posting this. Are you a lucio main or something? If so just because someone says something about the hero you like, doesn’t mean you have to troll. If you really like lucio so much then play OW. If anything why don’t you comment on why they wont add destiny 2, or call of duty characters? Probably cause deep down you understand that it wouldn’t make sense to mix a FPS game with a moba.

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This comment in a nutshell.

If you really like Alarak/Kerrigan/Zagara so much, play Starcraft 2 Co-Op or Campaign mode.

If you really like to Li-Ming/Kharazim/Valla/Sonya/Johanna/Xul so much, go play Diablo 2/3.


Ana is pretty much the only OW hero i play and IMO theres nothing wrong in her kit that sets her apart from other healers than maybe being harder to play.

Also im more about melee assassins in general, Tracer, Genji and Hanzo arent something i personally enjoy that much.

Also i have never played OW and dont want to.

Like said earlier, dont really play OW heroes but i think their implementation is fine atm and the heroes are pretty balanced, having a different opinion isnt trolling.

There is something to be said about release Tracer and Genji and Hanzo but otherwise it has been kinda fine.

And with Hanzo it was more of a numbers / OP talents problem, his play doesnt actually differ much from Chromie, Hard hitting AA, Snipe on Q, W is harder to use on Hanzo.

If you dont why dont you play CoD or smth, no lucio there.

Dont know about destiny, we already have a cyber ninja and if i understand right they only have 1 type of a guy, but CoD that i knew only had 1 character, a soldier with guns, not much to add there.

Modern CoD in Space is just a reskin of the good times trying to be something new, never really liked the games after CoD MW.

The problem isnt with the FPS if you implement them right, its the lore behind and unique mechanics they could bring but a noobtube and a M4 isnt bringing anything to the table.

We already have Raynor doing AA things and Junkrat throwing out nades with his martydom on the side.

If youre looking for OP heroes, you dont need to look further than Warcraft heroes.

Oh and Starcraft after reworks.

Or from release.


still don’t see how that compares a first person shooter to the way you play ALL THE OTHER BLIZZARD GAMES

“Just because you manage to get killed by an Lucio it doesnt make him OP” Clearly you don’t have just an opinion, obviously you are trolling. It is pretty evident considering you do this on every forum. Starting to wonder if you even play the game or if you just spend all your time being condescending towards everyone posting a forum.

He is right, you are mostly just arguing your opinion. Tracer only ever gets nerfed, true, but that’s because she is one of the most overpowered. D.va seldom dies, especially if they are a skilled player. They put junkrat in a slightly more acceptable fashion, but he is still very good. I am talking from experience of playing these characters, not what I hate about my enemies. A skilled Genji player can wipe the enemy team, all at once. As for Ana, she is the usually trash one since her heals are skill shots, but her sleep dart can set up quite well, and she still has a global healing ult or can make any mage better for a time. Hanzo, similarly all skill shots, can vary, but is still one of the highest dps in higher ranks.


As is anyone on these forums, yeah.

Like i said, There is something to be said about release, Genji, Tracer and Hanzo.

So can Li Ming and Zeratul as it now stands.

True, she has her strengths and weaknesses as every hero does.

And Hanzo can jist be ridiculous from time to time yeah.

But i guess that the things making these heroes strong isnt that they are from an FPS game, its their implementation and the numbers they were given, not their source which OP is referring to.

And most of them are in a pretty good place right now tbh, Genji is just an eternity project.

you keep bringing up that I said they are OP when I admitted that part was just a rant of mine. The point I keep trying to get at is that their design just doesn’t fit. So alright, if you really think they deserve to be in heroes then they need a complete rework so their skill set makes sense.

Its just the point that its not about them being from an FPS game but how they out them here.

Tracer was first ban material for a year with Genji.

Maybe they gave them more power to hype em up or smth who know but it didnt go well.

The reasoning about an FPS not being applicable is that most of their abilities are meant to be in a 3d world where anything can be dodged or misfired in many more directions. Putting them in a top down gives them a lot more power just because they are easier to aim at relatively the same, or more strength. Take Genji again. He can now block any damage and deal back for it, instead of just projectiles. sure the damage was changed to be shuriken, but you can buff it to deal more, and for it to hit all enemy heroes in the area, and reduce the cooldown. Not only that, but it isnt aimed, as apposed to overwatch where you have to perfectly aim to reflect and kill.


their skill set still makes NO SENSE. It shows too, thats why they have been nerfed a million times. And honestly lets look at it on the flip side. Would you put thrall in OW? How about zeratul? Sargent hammer? How would they fit? Especially when they use the mouse buttons to move and have mana, and you don’t control them first person. It wouldn’t be easy to fit them in especially when most of them don’t have a gun or a shield.

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I mean all their skillshots are the same as the heroes we already have, not sure if they do have more power though.

Ana fir example if she hits every heal her healin oer second is still lower than Morales point and click for example.

Like i said, Genji is an eternity project, and nevermind that his W prioritizes heroes over everything.


How about putting warcraft, starcraft, diablo, heroes, and lost vikings in OW? Really doesn’t make sense does it

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I didn’t mean more power compared to other nexus heroes, I mean’t more powerful compared to their Overwatch Counterparts. And besides, we already said that Ana is the least powerful of the bunch.

Ranged heroes could be possible to put there melee heroes not really.

I dont play Overwatch so cant say how the mechanics work there really, HotS is the only game i really play and have played the past 3 years or so.

Well if you don’t know how the mechanics work then stop arguing when we say the mechanics don’t make sense to convert into heroes. lol

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