Dear Blizzard,
I don’t know if blizzard knows this, but Overwatch is a FPS game. This is why Overwatch characters DO NOT belong in Heroes of the Storm. It makes no sense whatsoever that tracer should be able to move while attacking, and have an ult before anyone else does, as well as have multiple blinks, and a recall. Who thought it was a good idea to let this happen? Not only tracer, but every OW character in HotS has a noticeable advantage including Lucio who can cancel out the damage of any ult for the entire team with his shield, attack while moving, cancel abilities with his push, and make the entire team move faster. Look at, she can call down mech and completely heal, keep casting self destruct, and has an ult on top of self destruct, she is boarderline unkillable, and can wipe out the entire zerg wave with ease on braxis hold out. Genji is the number one biggest threat in the upper ranks. Seriously why are OW characters in HotS? Why not put destiny 2 and call of duty characters in while you are at it? Instead of calling it heroes of the storm, we may as well call it heroes of overwatch and get rid of every other hero at this point. If you want to make a game that showcases OW mixed with other games, then have a FPS version of HotS with destiny 2 and call of duty, don’t mix 2 different genre together and give all the FPS characters a distinct advantage. Please Blizzard, if you are not going to take out overwatch heroes, at least rework all the abilities to make them fit the genre, and stop playing favorites.