Ok is being good at Ranked REALLY something to brag about?

No one cares about ranks anymore. Many players are misplaced on the ladder either as a result of points decay or playing in a premade. There’s not much difference with player decision making among adjacent skill tiers either, and probably the worst part is how a relatively weak player will easily manage to maintain their rank once boosted, whereas a player much lower on the ladder won’t be able to climb in anything less than 200 matches.


I commented on their shear negativity. Nothing about being bad about games specifically.

I digress enjoy your circle jerk.

This makes no sense. The topic of the thread has to do with the ranking system, not Karabars’ family

What does being “good” at the real world even mean? This is completely subjective, not to mention you fail to understand the differences between “then” and “than.” How relevant is this? Depends on what you mean by “being good in the real world.”

You started the personal attacks, not him. You brought this on yourself.

Of all the Masters in these forums, Karabars is one of the few who doesn’t display themselves with an air of arrogance. You’ve shown more childish behaviours than he has so far. You haven’t been able to counter argue him in any way so you’ve gone out of your way to attack his personal life for no reason other than to attempt at making yourself feel better. This isn’t an error on him, but on you.


Enjoy your delusions, your ignorance and your children’s level of reading comprehension.

I thought the than and then part was fun too considering he was bragging about his so called “Master’s degree”


My apologies for my typo in a game forum, posted from a phone.

Also, my original response, since its totally been glazed over, was that Karas statement about if you’re bad at something give up was incredibly negative.

I am aware it’s not directed at me, I still feel it’s an untrue statement and it’s not how we as people should coach and support each other and the community, it’s condescending and at worse just toxic. Saying I’m better and others should just stop (which is what Kara did) is arrogant and belittling in its essence.

I did over step with my aggressive response. My point still stands and is directly related to the subject of this thread.

I guess me going into more details and clarifing that what I meant is, that “if you want results and what you currently do doesn’t provide that, you need to change on things” was pointless…


See, there’s your reading comprehension again. The original statement you’re questioning was a conditional, you just broadly applied it to everything. OTP (one trick pony) can be powerful.

For something like Xul (which is what Zenasprime OTPs), you actually can get out of really low ranks just by exploiting his push power. However, that has its limits, and if you’re banging your head against the wall and getting stuck by not understanding how to do anything except killing brain dead minions, you are going to have to either learn how to use that OTP in other contexts and increase your micro like Karabars said or stop.

Could the statement have more context? Maybe. But the way you’re twisting it is pretty weird and your brain really does seem to be shutting down because you’re getting defensive.


But only if “you” are not happy with the current results, like I have nothing against any rank, so if someone is happy at whatever, cool, keep on!
But if ppl can’t climb yet want to, they need to change. Instead of blaming everything but themselves.


Ego players will never understand why their performance doesn’t mean anything to secure victory. This game is a team working. In a quick match, you get random composition, and you pick whenever hero you like, but in ranking, your common strategy would give you fewer wins.

Assuming you play only ranged assassin or healer. Playing a tank or bruiser is more critical.

How can we not see many complaints about the forum as leading tanks players?

Simple. They know what to do.

I agree. Most fast climbers are OTP’s and most often ranged assassin mains. No point in skirting around the issue. Some heroes are more effective in solo que than others statistically during climbs.

How come we never see GM streamers climbing bronze5->gm fast on heroes like Morales with very low wave clear, damage and siege? Because it generally can’t be done as effectively.


Is he, or are you looking for an excuse? Let us look at this thread shall we? because it feels like you’re doing the exact same thing your claiming he’s doing.

Here is the line in the conversation that started it all between you and him:

and here is you’re response to this one line in his entire conversation:

You literally removed everything he said and focused on his last line, at least when replying to me that is what you’re telling me:

So now the question is, is it true that Karabars stated that if you’re bad at something you should stop? Out of technicality, the answer is yes, but unfortunately, we live in the “real world” and context matters. So now the question becomes, did you take what he said out of context? Let us look:

Here he is clearly talking about Ranked matches and stating the obvious: If you’re a one trick trying to climb up the ranks and you’re not climbing, you should stop and try something else, due to probably being bad.

This statement is typically true to anything in life when it comes to competitions. However, it is also true that a person can get better at their faults if they keep practising, but instead of stating something like this you did something else; here was your response to that:

Not only do you straw-man him, you go ahead and insult him on top of that.

You’re not asking to be coached, you’re trying to defend OTPs by using faulty logic to begin with. Master/GM players are not typically one-tricks. You have the few who pull it off, but most will play what is “meta” at the time. This is true for most Mobas that have intense competition for climbing to the top spot.

So was Karabars being negative and toxic? No, he wasn’t, you took him out of context and personalised what he said to you. However, you were pretty darn toxic with you’re response. Makes you look like a hypocrite.

Did he? let’s again look at the forum: When it comes to toxic behaviour being directed at you personally:

But let’s be real, you deserved far worst from the comments you directed at him.

What point are you trying to make, because nobody here seems to understand it. That it’s ok to OTP? It is, but if you’re trying to climb through the ranks, good luck doing so; you’d have to be really good at that one particular hero to do so and very few can demonstrate those capabilities. Not to mention, you better hope the enemy team doesn’t pick it before you, ban it or hope you’re not forced in to a different role on your team altogether. So no, your point isn’t valid. You’re just trying rationalise OTP behaviour.


Something that players fail to consider when they run their everything’s fine you’re just bad routine.

I happen to dislike assassin game play. Hmmm… I wonder if that has a negative effect on my relative win rate?


There’s a reason why pro FPS players practices their headshot skills and why HotS GMs primarily run with ranged assassins. It is a statistical advantage to do so, and as a result, improves their ladder ranking.

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Gee would you look at that:

Brief interview with mostly useless questions but a primer to the subject none the less: https://gdconf.com/news/interview-josh-menke-evolution-matchmaking-competitive-multiplayer-games/?_mc=blog_x_gdcsfr_un_x_gdcmc_x_x-15-MC4

If you are so incline to listen to the man himself talk about the topic: https://gdconf.com/masterclass/matchmaking-ranking-competitive-multiplayer/?_mc=blog_x_game_un_x_gdcmc_x_x-15-MC4

Educate yourselves about how the Match Making System works (and not your romantic fantasy version of how you wished it worked).

Gee would you look at that:

Meanwhile, you’re on the decline for awhile now, still blame the matchmaking and in denial.


That 250ish points below is now 423 and it’s the equivalence of being 4 ranks below.

The one who’s in dire need of education about the MM and how to climb the ladder is you.


Yeah I took Karabars advice and filled all of my games since last season. I wonder what happens when a player plays a bunch of roles and heroes that nobody else want to play (you know, because they aren’t statistically viable for climbing the ladder).


Where’s that guy rambling on and on about how I used HotSLogs?

Your most played hero was Xul, which is your main and on a 7 - 10.
“filled all of my games” what a joke.

You’d even blame Karabars for your losses. How more pathetic can you be?


Last season I did nothing but fill.

Not my problem that Heroes Profile is a bit lacking in complete details.

I think most players prefer to play damage in general which could be skewing results.

Personally, I think the best climbers is more hero specific rather then role specific. Something like taunt varian or morales would have a hard time making a real impact if their team isn’t helping them out. However, I’d say stuff like stukov, whitemane, garrosh, and mei can defiantly carry games if they really do out skill everyone else.

Pls share your last season stats.

You’re right in that he wasn’t asking to be coached, and that Master/GM players are not typically one-tricks (although, I see some people using the term ‘OTP’ wrongly. OTP never categorized play-only-one-role players. It always was referring to play-only-one-hero players).

But you’re wrong in that he was trying to defend OTPs. This was never about OTPs. It was about can one climb ladder if he/she is skillful enough, subject that came from other threads, not necessarily this one. zenasprime is the one who thinks you can’t, the one full of negativity about climbing. And Skyi is the one who shares this view, the negativity part. Karabars is the one who thinks you can, who has positivity about this. I hope me trying to point out the irony came across clearly as it was Skyi who took what Karabars said, not even out of context, but just completely wrong, and tried to frame him as spreading toxic negativity or whatever in this.