Now i know how bronze elo hell can exist

Positions and proximity of my teammates and opponents.

That depends on the situation. Be more specific.

It’s not but it is one way of communicating my own awareness to my teammates. It’s but one component in a complex series of actions, reactions, plans, strategies, tactics, etc…

Of course not. Nobody said it did. And hindsight is 20/20 they say. But much like your earlier statement, you need to be more specific for this answer to have any serious meaning.

Absolutely. Be more specific though. How do you abuse them and when? What are the tactics you employ to do this?

All of this is good, but it’s entirely too vague and situational to really put into an action plan. A lot of it is just common sense. Be more specific.

I am not gonna be more specific because i don’t want to teach/explain the game while writing 500000 words about it… My post above this one is already big enough ^^
There are people who offer coaching services.

Then perhaps refrain from providing vague analysis on what they may or may not being doing wrong.

Unless you have evidence to the contrary, you’re assumption could be entirely wrong and baseless.

Just saying.


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Soloing a boss instead of soaking lanes.


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What if your lane has been soaked or has pushed up past he first fort? Wouldn’t being so deep into a lane be a recipe for getting easily ganked?

Inquiring minds want to know?

Regardless, soloing a boss is fun bit of “unexpected lane boss” finely timed that needs to be defended during an objective or our fort/keep will go down.

It also fall into the “abuse your opponents because they are baddies” territory.

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Post replays and let’s see how clowny it can get.

I shared my assumption that the OP might have not been doing well enough/as much as possible because he claimed to not being able to win against bronze player teams as much as he expects. The base for this assumption is my experience on a bronze account winning almost every single match until i wasn’t in bronze anymore
Making an assumption obviously means it can be wrong because it’s just an assumption. Since i haven’t seen the replay and OP is not providing it i can only make assumptions. OP is welcome to prove my assumptions wrong by showing the replay and i would probably watch it so i can be more specific…

Give me something to work with but just telling people to be more specific about a super generalized topic is just crazy…

To be honest, if your opponent isn’t map aware and you get the boss, it’s nothing but bad mojo for them most of the time.

Most of those times, however, aren’t really HotS Moments material. I doubt you’ll find much clownery. Just desperation as a team realizes that it’s now got 1 or 2 bosses to deal with rather then a team fight at the objective. On the rarer occasion that they do figure out whats going on, it’s because someone on your team has decided to come and “help” you “solo” the boss, by moving through an wave of minions to get there and any braid dead opponent that was half paying attention to the mini-map is going to know what’s happening. At that point the jig is up. If I’m soloing a boss and this happens I bug out immediately.

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Pix or it didn’t happen.

When I was ranking up, I won games in low leagues because I took boss alone with Varian.

High ranked people often don’t believe it, but in low ranks, nobody will defend that boss. It can push until every last bit of HP it has.

If you are lucky and that lane has no keep left, the boss could even start damaging their core. They wont react to it at all, that’s why they are at places like silver 4.

To state the obvious, this wont work against people with a brain. But it will work in low games.

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It’s cool that you’re trying to explain your thought process, but it’s more of a nuisance than anything else if master players were to analyze low elo gameplay. You think you know how to play the game efficiently, but that’s just plain wrong.

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I wouldn’t solo boss in a game with masters players. That’s the part where you’re failing to understand the context of the conversation.

That’s funny.
And sad.


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How would that matter?
What would be the difference if i prove it or not?
Did you just assume i was lying?

What sad is that you believe you’ve come into this conversation with a perspective that grants you some sort of cred for pointing out something obvious and tragically out of context.


I don’t know, are you?

Well, it doesn’t matter what i say to this because you are free to believe what you want. If i say i wasn’t laying you can decide to believe it or not. If i show you a picture of said account then it could also be fake or not my account whatever - you are free to believe me or not. Also people who lie about this would probably write something similar so i guess you can now think i am a liar but it doesn’t matter.
My assumption (that OP wasn’t really playing that well and that he probably missed opportunities) still stands and everyone is welcome to prove me wrong and be super specific about it…

Okay… so maybe the OP doesn’t play as well as… maybe a masters or even diamond player… What about how well he plays compared to a Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum player?

Bronze 5 for life, I get 17 points per win and I lose 17 points per loss. Higher ranks gain a lot more points for a win, like 200 points…

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Sorry what are you trying to achieve?
You want to compare the performance of the OP during a single match (that we all haven’t seen) to various skill levels? What do i know how good he’s playing? The bigger the skill-difference is, the easier it is to win matches…
A master player will have it easy in a bronze game while a silver player would probably not be good enough to make a big difference…
It’s just weird when people claim that they are stuck in bronze but i guess they are right because they are at least silver5…

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