Now i know how bronze elo hell can exist

If you get mis-ranked after placement games, you are truly in ELO hell. Since the better you play games; no matter if you (or I) keep getting highest hero and/or siege damage, that means Blizzard knows your player skill is higher; so it then has to give you worse teammates to let the enemy team “stand a chance”. Problem is, 1-2 good teammates can’t offset 2-3 bad ones who feed recklessly when teamfights are outnumbered, etc. At least now I know why I’m in ELO hell; since I somehow got misranked to begin with; given that I am consistently getting highest hero and/or siege damage, but am still losing far more than I should. All I can do is BEG my teammates to not enter teamfights when we’re outnumbered; but in too many games they still do it causing an automatic loss; no matter how good my personal KDA and seige/hero dmg and XP are. All I can do now is hope I get placed better next season.


ELO hell isn’t real. You can get out.

What makes it hell is the amount of variance dragging it out.


Hero/siege damage don’t matter, getting kills, destroying enemy fortifications, getting objectives, not dying matters.

The game isn’t out to get YOU, the game isn’t only putting bad players on your side.

Losing more then you should is a weird takeaway, remember the only constant in your matches is you, and if you’re truly better then everyone at your rank you should slowly raise above them.

Is the matchmater perfect? No, but it is serviceable with the current population.

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It’s not because you have top siege dmg and hero dmg with Orb build Li-Ming that you’ll make a difference. You have to go beyond the stat screen.

How much space are you creating?
Are you securing kills?
Is your macro sense worth of climbing ranks?
Are you flexible during draft?
All these sort of things add up.


This, they’re on the other side too.

Nah next season it will place you where you left off. System is broken and honestly if you get placed down there. Its not worth even queing.

This is an absurd assumption that get repeated ad nauseam that has absolutely no basis in fact. Any individual player is only 1/10th of a contribution to any single game. The odds that they can provide the sole determinant of any single game outcome is incredibly low, even if they are a superior player to those that they are playing with.

What is true is that your individual chances of winning games over the course of a season are at best a few percentages greater then the average at that level of play BUT during each individual match the match maker has balanced the team in such a way as to give each individual game a 50/50 ratio for either side to win.

You have to play A LOT of games to achieve any measurable advancement. For most players who aren’t obsessively grinding out several hours worth of games per day, this process is going to be immeasurably slow, giving the individual players the perception of the game being rigged against them.

This is the reality of ranked progression in any solo queued team game like HotS.

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Depends on how highly ranked the player is. Streamer names everyone is familiar with often provide 90% or more of the impact in any given bronze or silver game.

The statistics screen also often reveals they are really hogging every single kill in the match and surpassed other players in siege, exp and hero damage by a factor of 4 to 5.

(These are mostly Grand Masters though.)

One of them even manages to do this without using a keyboard at all.

If you are a GM player playing in Bronze and nailing every gank you attempt in order to decimate your enemy team’s morale, and knock them out of the fight for 30+ seconds towards the end of the game, and in generally have the enemy team running around like chickens without heads because they have no clue how to play against you… sure you’re probably going to have a ridiculously high win rate to climb out of the lower leagues as you play dozens of games per day with a fresh account.

That’s not the situation for the vast majority of players who play a game or two every day or two where you would be happy to just get to gold or platinum.

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I fully agree with that. I just meant it is possible to have much, much more impact on the result of the game than merely being 1/10th of the match.

A normal player wont have much more than 10% impact. You can have more than that if you are considerably more skilled than the enemy. If you are at the same skill level as the enemy, this kind of solo carrying becomes impossible.

There are maybe a couple hundred people in this game who can single-handedly decide the outcome of a match in ranks like bronze-gold. So ~0,1%, 0,2% of all players can do it.

If they are feeling particularly brash like the streaming gentleman above, he may even do it with one hand and not use a keyboard.

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Elo hell is a real thing I have experienced it, (generally regarded as low MMR but in this case. Higher MMR than everyone else in the game so you get put with far worse teamates.) but typically not in Ranked where everyone has a somewhat similar skill level unless the other team has a smurf or two every game.

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Those games are very quickly not rated as 50/50, thats why such palyers are able to do so so quickly with a fresh account. Their rating gets driven higher, faster. Even if the system does rate the games 50/50, they obviously aren’t, therefore the predictive power of such matches is broken.

Again, not the case for “normal” players.

It is absolutely real, although people use the term without know what it is.

You’re on the right track, here.

And therein lies the issue with this argument.

This is like putting Tom Brady on a Pop Warner football team, and then saying, “Sure, it’s absolutely possible for one player to carry a game.”

Even if you or me can’t do it, it doesn’t mean “it can’t be done”.

Just as an average football player can’t carry a match like Tom Brady can.

There are plenty of people claiming it’s physically impossible to carry in HotS which just isn’t true.
It’s only impossible for the vast majority of players, not all players.

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Just another “Im better than my rank says, that is why its hard to gain rank cuz my team mates are bad but enemy team is always awesome” thread.

Nothing to see here.

I’m pretty sure that even midget footballers could pull down a Tom Brady if given sufficient numbers.

Maybe a better example would be Emmet Smith.


I’m not of the mind that it “can’t be done”. I’m saying that unrealistic to point to guys like Fan, and use that as an example that there is nothing wrong with the game.


Rank is nothing more than “how many games have you won compared to your immediate peers?”

Even the best player in the world can come in dead last in a tournament among their peers. That’s how competition works.


They can once or twice, then they wont be top players anymore.

As in HotS it’s just a boring grind. You grind to stay at a very high win rate like 60% (considered very high in HotS since it is so team based).

Even if you get a 7 loss streak occassionally, your long time win rate is 60% keeping you at grandmaster.

Not all people like this grindy aspect of team games.

Only solo players (think tennis, running, chess and so on) can keep 95-100% if they are the best in their league. Since you are literally your own team.

This thread mentions Fan, and he is around 70% in storm league over his lifetime. That is very telling. A player of his caliber still must yield 30% of the time for reasons out of his control.