Hots team doesn’t care about the game or even play it much.
Is the game ANY better right now in any of these areas? Matchmaking, community, social features, report system, gameplay, etc…
The artists animators added a lot of skins, hero’s and that was great, but the designers have done nothing tangible since I started playing.
They promised a lot of great things to trick people into staying saying things will get better but they NEVER do.
They failed so hard they are just doing random stuff to report that they worked on the game. They don’t really care, test or play the game to make it better.
Hots actually has some of the worst game designers of many games i’ve played. If blizzard’s track record wasn’t behind it than it would have shutdown a lot sooner.
The HL/TL merge seems to be pretty hated and most folks only believe it to have been done because the playerbase for the draft modes plummeted so much that the two individual ranked queues were getting obscenely long.
That is probably true. However, I would rather have chances being taken and progress being made than no action at all.
That was the biggest problem with the last regime - they simply did not listen to feedback and did not have any sort of agile approach to process improvement.
Storm league in its current form may still have issues, but at least it is still preseason and I’m sure they will continue to evolve the new ranked for the better.
they say they do but actions speak louder than words. They don’t even come on these forums anymore. If they really played as much as they say they do than they would show us.
the issue is more jsut how heavily the placement matches skewered MMR. I’ve seen people go 3-7 and get into Diamond because they won their first 3 games.
And my Master (HL) friend went 5-5 and got into Plat. They never played Team League, at least not for a year+.
Honestly, they screwed up because the people who did “earn” their rank in HL got punished and pushed down. While people on TL just played with groups and got good wins regardless.
Shoulda just kept their ranking sure of a players MMR if they were in HL, and for TL players raised the range it could swing.
I’m probably not gonna finish my placements, lost a bunch of early games (1W-4L so far, L/L/W/L/L) and while I don’t care that much about my rank, I did plan to grind to master, eventually. And being put down from Diamond to probably Gold 1 or something just to have to climb up sounds terrible.
The converging of modes to help queue times-- great.
Getting a bit more anti-smurf stuff- great (I think they did not go far enough, but it is better than before).
The MMR garbage to TL top players, great.
The MMR garbage to top HL players? terrible.
"I hate this game and I came here just to tell you how much I hate it.
I hate it for vague and indefinable reasons, but the closest tangible reason is that it failed.
How did it fail? Well it’s a funny story but shut up that’s how.
Anyway, I wanted to tell you all how much I hate this game because I’d much rather tell you all how miserable I am than actually go and do something I like to do.
Yes, like destroying any ability to get some kind of gameplay out of Quick Match, oh and a auto mod so sensitive that just saying hello to some one could get your account suspended if enough people report you. GG
Someone said (I can’t remember if it was Nox or some reddit/forum dude) that there’s a high chance of getting placed in Plat/Dia 5 by just luckily winning your first 4-5 placement matches. I’m not sure if this is indeed true, but I do find it interesting.