New player getting bullied

Solid argument. It is not anyone’s problem you don’t know how to implement pings effectively. Also, if they ignore your pings they will ignore your chat. You’re just upset they can’t see you rage at them in text.

You let your friend reply for you.

I don’t think you know what straw man actually means, so you used it to sidestep my assertions and so far two questions posed to you. Keep your head in the sand and rage on.

In other words - ignore, dismiss, pretend there’s no problem. But don’t refute with any kind of evidence.

I’m done with you now.

Ohh, with that statement, we sure are. Strike three yer out!

This concludes my services. Thank you for choosing Confused Ostrich Counseling by Kellogg’s

I like how teaching people to run and hide is what you think is going on. Ignoring rage babies who have no perception of boundaries and asserting a psychologically evolved stance isn’t running. In fact you’re fighting against it because it is an affront to people like you. People who got their boundaries all busted by some other wanna be badass rage baby.

Don’t be scared about people getting beat up in the street and killed as a consequence for respecting boundaries. Maybe go beat down whoever originally funked you up and leave random people in game who don’t care about you alone and save yourself some reports. Good luck out there.

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Everything you have written is that everyone owes you and explanation, everyone else should change around your choice. No matter how neatly you try to wrap this is a bow. Then when someone disagrees, you explicityly state

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Of course, because it’s a TEAM game and all players usually tend to pick what they want to pick. It’s not like I am the only one, who does that and the best option to say someone he should not pick a certain hero or role by giving him valid reasons why his choice is bad, isn’t it? If you have no valid reasons to say someone why someone shouldn’t pick Butcher, then he just can pick Butcher, even if you disagree with, because you know players can pick whatever they want. And the only soft restriction that exists in this game is communication, but this communication has to be friendly and cooperative. If someone tells me “Don’t pick this hero, he’s trash”, that’s not really what I would call friendly or cooperative, but rather dominant. Why should I listen to this from a stranger? I would rather ask why first, if there is no answer or repetition I would ignore it and pick it still.

I don’t see the problem with my point of view…

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Because of the matchmaker. You’re not supposed to have fun games but “a western style” when you play QM. If you want a better experience, play Unranked.

Man, you can’t say that anymore, that was the answer 3 years ago. Unranked is just as bad : you just need to suffer more until you find a team lul.

The que time in unranked as solo que is so high now.


I love how maybe a quarter of this thread is about the bullied OP new player, and the rest is just about anything! It tickles me.


This x100.

Cancel Culture is the most toxic thing ever.

“If I dont like X than no one can have X!”

I think, with this being your response to that, we can conclude that you are just an innately self-centered individual.

I say this purely objectively. Not a bash, a flame, or whatever.

But you literally see no issue in expecting 4 other people to revolve around you. Your response to being told this is “of course, it’s a team game”. Which, in your mind, means: “Of course. It’s a team game, my team should adapt to me.” And you say this totally and utterly nonchalantly.

You are objectively a self-centered person. I’m hoping that you can read this post in a purely neutral manner, and perhaps consciously acknowledge and learn something about yourself.

My point of view is just based around my experience in bronze - gold, nothing else. If you call it “self-centered”, so be it.

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… Also, BAM, this EXEMPLIFIES the majority of the issue being talked about in this thread. Simple, mundane things being labeled as toxic.

“Don’t pick X, he’s trash.”


“Don’t pick Illidan, he’s trash.”


IN WHAT UNIVERSE is this a toxic, offensive, aggressive statement? ARE YOU ILLIDAN IN REAL LIFE??? Or perhaps the GAME DEVELOPER that made him???

Those are the ONLY TWO PEOPLE that statement can be “toxic” towards. And one of them doesn’t actually exist - as far as we all know.

“Don’t pick Illidan, he’s trash.”

This is EXACTLY what you requested. A legitimate reason not to pick a character.


Draft is QUICK. Not to mention, people tend to highlight LAST COUPLE SECONDS. We gotta be QUICK AND EFFICIENT in explaining the reason not to pick Illidan.

“My GOOD sir, I do say… It is my own humble belief that the character known as Illidan is rather lackluster in comparison to the other choices a person has. If you were to select a different option for this game we are about to embark on together, I would be much obliged! However, if you do not wish to do so, then we shall still press onward together, as a merry team, and do the best we can in order to triumph over the opposing faction. And I wish you the best of luck, and the most of fun, regardless of what you choose!”

THIS IS WHAT YOU INSANE PEOPLE ACTUALLY EXPECT. That’s the sad part about this. You WANT THIS. You haven’t SAID that, no, and you might not be consciously aware of it, either. But it’s the ONLY THING that would make you NOT view the message as toxic.

AND YET, I can imagine SOMETHING in there would STILL be viewed as toxic, anyway. And this is why EVERYONE ELSE JUST DOESN’T GIVE A [CRAP] ANYMORE.

shakes head

It’s so exhausting.

I’m so exhausted.

The raid boss will never be beaten.

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So, if you want to play Gazlow, Sonya or Mei and someone says to you “Don’t pick this heroes, they are trash”, you would listen to him? I would firstly ask why this guy thinks that and if he don’t answer or repeat himself, I would ignore it, because I don’t know how good my mates are, but I only can control myself.

Where’s your common sense, bro?

It would be already enough, if someone shows his gameknowledge and says like something: “Don’t pick Illidan, because enemys have Johanna and Lili to counter you”. This would be useful, this would be educating and not just insulting by saying “Your choice is trash”.

But people like you are indeed a good reason why communication in this game will never work, people just should pick whatever they are good with and ignore his teammates, mute chat.

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More times than not, correct. I would not pick that hero. I play many heroes. If one of my picks would tilt my team, and I’m trying to win, I can extremely easily pick the next thing I had lined up in my head.

Of course, right, no I’d ignore them sometimes, too.

But I’ll tell you what I wouldn’t do.

I wouldn’t report them. I wouldn’t label them as toxic.

I’d just label them as wrong about that character pick and move on. Because that’s all they did. They declared their opinion about a character, and expressed an interest in me picking something else. It’s really just that simple.

Not only do you know damn well that you’re not going to “educate people” in 7 seconds during their draft pick, but I know that you know. And, again, the time restriction. You’re still expecting way too much. “No Illidan, he’s trash.” Maybe a “plz” in there, whatever. That’s enough. That’s all we need to get the message.

OF COURSE THERE ARE REASONS that a person doesn’t want your pick. Nobody just ROLLS DICE to decide what they’re gonna say in chat. There are always reasons. Why do you need them spelled out for you??? It’s funny because you actually are verging into my sarcastic example of the kind of chat message you DO want.

And, naturally, you wrap it up with a senseless personal attack - which is fine. That’s human interaction, lol.

But please elaborate for me. What part about my above post is the reason people like me are why communication in this game will never work?

Go on. I’ll wait.

(And for the record, people like YOU are why communication CURRENTLY does not work in this game. Literally.)

Looks like we play a different game, my draft picks lasts way longer than yours (25 second for a pick). But now I understand why do you have a problem to give your teammates valid reasons to not pick heroes, because indeed 7 seconds for a pick is extremely low. :joy:

I didn’t knew that it is hard to say:

“Can we have some CC?”
“Don’t pick hero X, because they have blind”
“Not 2 mages pls”

Talks about ad hominem and don’t realize that he is attacking others too, lovely.

You’re hardcore cherry-picking, and you didn’t even pick a good cherry.

I already said, people tend to highlight really late into their draft. So, yeah. Seven seconds. EX DEE.

  • Maybe I don’t like their pick despite it having CC.
  • Enemies having a blind isn’t reason enough to just pick zero AA’ers.
  • There’s nothing inherently bad with 2 mages.

I know you are just giving examples. But my counter-examples are giving reasons why there’s WAY more to every story than we have time for during draft.

And, once again, you are legitimately proving my sarcastic chat quote to be accurate.

Am I being trolled with this one?

That was my POINT. That you attacked me, well, here’s one back at you.

If people waste their time and don’t use it correctly that’s just another reason for me, don’t listen to them, because they obviously don’t take this match serious.

Maybe not AA heroes, but it’s a valid reason against easy countered heroes as Butcher, Illidan and so on. Are you trolling?

Except they are weak to divers and usually two mages have well poke, but you will miss kill pressure. It’s common to take one AD and one AP assassine.