New player getting bullied

Why is the HOTS community more toxic than overwatch?
I have been playing overwatch for 5 years and just recently come onto HOTS and I’m getting paired with level 1200 plus and they are constantly reporting me for throwing when in fact I’m just learning and having fun. It’s not my fault I get paired with high levels. I was sadly bullied to the point of tears the other night. It’s hard enough being a female and wanting to chat and have a good time but to be bullied for wanting to learn a new moba and have a good time, is so silly. Am I the only new person getting bullied in this game? What the hell do I do if my account gets banned for something which is out of my control?


I’m not sure what to tell you really. Moba’s in general have a very toxic community. This one does have measures they try and take to prevent such things though such as no “all chat” like LoL and they do seem to enforce the silences on players who are toxic. So just report them and try to remember its just a game. Not everyone is a pro and some maybe have a hard time understanding that. If someone makes a personal attack on you and its just not game related then make sure you put that in the comment when reporting someone for being toxic to you.


Thank you. I really appreciate it


I highly recommend you get used to the game with AI matches, preferably with a friend and under coop matches with humans as allies. Getting into QM or, heaven forbid, SL is going to cause you and others a lot of trouble if you run into towers and die on level 1 (guilty as charged on my first match).


Thank you muchly :3 :3


Hey no worries, I’m glad you’re listening. Having new players is always nice to see :slight_smile: I hope you have as much fun as I did when I first started!


The game matches you with level 1200’s even as a newbie because the player population is low at the moment.

Normally you’d only play on Cursed Hollow against other new players.

In a way, it’s great the game is getting new blood, but for the newbie him/herself it’s a bad time to join HotS. You will be thrown into veteran games.

Well, there are always AI games, which are ok for learning the ropes of the game (but wont prepare a player much for PvP).


I feel sorry for your experience, but as Legit already told you the moba comms are toxic in general. Hots is no exception. But don’t be afraid about getting banned, because there is no ban report for playing bad. The only report option that comes close to it is the option for feed, but this is kinda vague and I guess it’s only counts, if your death count is extradinary high like 15+ death and also you will need to be reported by really a lot of players so it’s kinda unlikely that you will get banned.

That’s why don’t worry to much about it, be nice, give your best and you have nothing to worry about and also just report the toxic players.


Dont cry my friend, you should smile like this ! EHHHHHHHHH


play ai, i rarely met toxics there
except a few times, i even saw a tryhard who was scared of losing vs adept ai :smiley: :smiley:

insulted us all game and ping spammed… as if that game can be lost…


There is a thing. MOBA players are toxic in general. Dunno why, they’re just like this.

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You went from bad to worse in terms community quality. Whatever you experienced in OW expect it to be 10 times worse here.

Couple of tips:
Play Vs AI to learn the game
Learn how pings work
Mute all types of chat
Don’t use chat, ever.
Expect to be reported/bullied for any type of mistake
Expect leavers, griefers, afker’s, and trolls, Oh my!
Learn at least 2-3 heroes of each role if you plan to play Draft.

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Mobas are team games and random players with the aim to win don’t like to be depended on strangers and everyone has his own expectation how this game should be played. That’s the origin for toxicity in this game, that’s why you see a thread like Salt mines blooming.


In HotS case - people don’t play in team in teamplay game.

Healers don’t heal
Tanks don’t peel or don’t protect backline
Dmg don’t kill
Bruisers don’t soak
And so on

Plus people are so sensitive to the criticism.


I too would recommend playing against AI the first 50-100 matches just to get to know at least some of the roster, maps and the general flow of the game. Just don’t overstay (unless you really like AI) because AI will teach you bad habits for qm. And qm will teach you bad habits for ranked.

But as with most MOBAs, it has a pretty steep learning curve, and you will get called out if you don’t meet expectations. But then again, you will get called out for whatever reason. No helping that. If I had to give a single advice though, it would be to not die. If you don’t see enemies, stay close to towers. It’s totally okay to not have top damage despite what people say, not the end of the world. But having 10+ deaths will almost inevitably lose you the game.

If you’re unsure of what to do, try to ask someone to team up with you and help you out. There actually are quite a number of decent people willing to help newbies out.

Oh, and you probably shouldn’t worry too much about the reports. Not a real threat.

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Actually people do this, but they don’t do it the same way like others expect them to do. Everyone has his own expectation that means, if someone has higher expectations they can easily be broken by someone, who don’t fulfill them, that’s create toxicty.

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Every time I play Nova/Medivh and I have someone, who can soak or clear waves, he doesn’t do that.
That ruins a game by making me doing that because it takes ton of time and I become more useless.

And that makes me angry.

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That’s what I meant, when I said they do things different from your expectation. Their game decisions are different from you, because they set other priorities for themselves and that’s why you’re mad at them and I understand you well.

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Its all perspective. I am a master player so when I have a nova or medivh on my team I dont expect them to soak because i know that is not their role but I get mad at someone “like you” for picking a worthless hero. Nova just flat out isn’t a good hero and medivh is only good if you are a God with him. So everyone gets triggered by different stuff.


See Sadius? This is the best example why the moba community is toxic and won’t change, because for a change it would be required to change the mindset of competitive players. But it’s impossible, when even master players as you both have a different expectation how to play this game.