New player getting bullied

But there are legitimate reasons, too, which I have to admit even though the late highlighting frustrates me.

Maybe most of the team is Fill. And everyone would PREFER to ranged DPS, but can tank or heal or anything else if it Fills the team comp.

Well, here we are, the bans happened quickly. Time to pick. But once you highlight, you can’t unhighlight. You must have something highlighted from here on.

But that can also send a “permanent” message to the team. I AM certainly playing tank! But maybe you don’t want to certainly play tank. Maybe you only want to Garrosh, but if he gets picked/banned first, you don’t wanna tank.

But this is also a lot to communicate through chat, and maybe you were already spending time communicating other things, answering questions, listening to others, etc.

Next thing everyone knows, there’s 15 seconds left. Gotta crack down on thinking about what to play.

Who’s safe? Why is nobody else highlighting? Will they?? Maybe. What if they highlight a safer pick, and one that benefits you more? Maybe you should wait. Maybe not! Maybe you gotta make the first move!

10 seconds left.

F it, highlight ranged DPS since you’d prefer to do that. See if the other Fillers highlight tanks or healers, see what’s up from there.

7 seconds left. Nobody highlighted.

Someone highlighted another ranged DPS. Maybe they thought the exact same things as you.

4 seconds!

You now have to decide. Are you playing tank again, perma-locked as a tank player in ranked because nobody wants to do it? Or are you going to assume your 3+ Filler teammates are going to Fill, and you take the selfish ranged DPS pick?

As you can see, there’s a lot going on. Time gets wasted easily. We’re not hyper-efficient, mentally-linked robots that can go BEEP BOOP ZIP ZAP done, complete team comp calculated, best win rate probability acquired, proceeding to map load screen.

It’s 5 strangers thrown into a room. And GOD forbid, someone is ALSO burdening themselves with trying to make sure they don’t say anything that gets them reported. That will REALLY cut into the time. Maybe they aren’t even saying ANYTHING, as per YOUR own advice, and that will REALLY cause problems.

Point being…


Seven seconds.


You, Yusuke, have already dismissed these people entirely.

Right, but you didn’t say that. Maybe you purposely set that up as a trap comment?

Explain to me how a mage is “weak to divers” but a ranged AA isn’t.

Frankly, I consider AA’ers to be weaker to dives than mages! Lmao.

I also don’t understand what “kill pressure” you miss out on. Mages aren’t built like Dota mages, where they’re “supportive burst”. They’re more like LoL mages, where they are able to provide the “carry DPS”. They have immense cooldown reduction, constant ability to contribute to the fight. And their spells hit hard, and can kill any medium-healthed character that doesn’t get a second wind by the time “round 2 cooldowns” come in.

Two mages isn’t inherently missing out on anything.

The REASON people “Moba Lemming” that rule is because it can be drafted against with spell armor spam, or something along those lines. But if that already hasn’t happened, 2 mages is fine. They can’t buy magic resist in the game, lol, so draft is the only time you can punish double mage. (And frankly, mages are so strong in this game, you can often just power through a “spell armor” draft. It’s not like spell armor abilities are permanent.)

Bit of a side-topic, here, though.

Not like our main topic is enjoyable, though, I suppose, huh?