New player getting bullied

If you’re a real person and this really happened to in a video game… it’s not going away. It’s in every game, and lot of sickos are using discord and creating all kinds of sick and fowl word play. They don’t care if they’re playing a 20 year old + game… they will lose it if you “do, not, play, by their standards”… even if the game requires you to work as a team and fight of computerized monsters. They will lose it, they gang up on you, they try to ruin your experience. No one says anything about this, but there’s a lot of sick people out there… if I ever was the parent of any of these youngster I’d smash their computerized toys to bits… if you want a game, don’t tell anyone you’re a female, and if you just want to play, just play. Blizzard has done nothing about this and no other gaming company has done it ether. A lot of them hide out discord, and they don’t realize… ya they will avoid in game bans… but the discord servers record everything…

I’ve been silenced before for not saying a word play heroes of the Storm and Overwatch. And I got bastion to masters for 2 seasons… I can’t stand Overwatch now… so much potential wasted on a good looking game…

You can’t defend yourself against a group of cowards that decide to do a mass report on you, when it was obvious the person that ran their mouth over the microphone loses it… that’s why I avoided microphones for gaming for almost 14 years…

Just play and provide small talk, mute them, block them, report them. That’s all you can do, unless you find these weasels hide outs on discord and other platforms to avoid in game bans. At least on discord you talk down to them and they can’t do a damn thing about it

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I don’t know how you can conclude this from my posting. Care to elaborate a bit more?

How is this thread still going and with so many replies? A storm in Li Li’s teacup.

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My guess would be: toxicty is a big problem in moba games and people want to change it, but it’s a fight against the wind…

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Toxicity isn’t as big of a problem as cancel culture.

Fighting “toxicity” (can we delete this phrase so you actually have to think about your labels?), negativity, bad environments, etc… Sure. Whatever. Why not. But this fight, and PC culture in general, and all of this crap… it’s mutated. It’s become a monstrosity. A pure abomination of what it was intended to be.

You, Yusuke, seem to be on the abomination train. If you had it your way, you’d reap countless people’s accounts without batting an eyelash, and call it a holy mission. You believe in good & evil, and, naturally, you are good.

You think anyone telling you that what you’re doing isn’t great & amazing is “a toxic plague that needs to be cleansed from these lands”. It’s YOUR game, damn it! YOU purchased it with your own money! You can play HOWEVER you want! And if anyone gets in the way of that, they are impeding on your god-given freedoms and rights, and they need to be banned!! Never mind the fact that you’re impeding on their gameplay, as well. Any other thought doesn’t need to cross your mind. YOU ARE RIGHT!

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That’s why I only ban extreme cases, when people deserve it, because they don’t say anything useful, but harm people with their threatening insults (and no “noobs” isn’t justifed to report someone for me). If that’s what you describe as a “holy mission”, so be it.

You have a big fantasy, but you’re still wrong about me. Just because I say something based on my observation, it doesn’t mean I am all for it…

But I feel I get trolled by you, because it’s unbelieveable how someone can be so wrong about sth. he reads…

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Maybe read what you wrote as if someone else did instead. Take an objective point of view, and then say this with a straight face.

Every post you have made in defense of your picks are memememememe and fufufufufufu if you don’t like it. If you are playin in ranked, and you don’t care what anyone else thinks about your pick, then you are the troll. End of discussion. Clear enough?


Communicate. Pay attention. Tell people you are learning.

But do not be silent and don’t sling insults back. Unfortunately in the modern environment you aren’t allowed to retaliate, ever. Gotta take it on the chin and ‘just mute them’. Blizzard is silence-happy and weak-minded safe space dwellers nod their empty little heads every time someone suggests that maybe it isn’t the best way to handle problems, so Blizzard never changes.

Good luck.

I never said that though. Maybe read again and try to understand what I wrote?


But you think anything anyone says that isn’t sunshine and rainbows is toxic. You’ve said so in another thread - any call to stop doing something that clearly isn’t working is toxic. Asking someone to pay attention is toxic. Asking them to work with a team is toxic.

So no, pings are not enough when you awesome non-toxic people just ignore them and sit in a lane playing a single player game anyway.

Homeboy go read my posts about camp one and two. You are a die hard camp one robot.

You think without sharing the abuse you got that people won’t be strong. You’re also too afraid to find out that you’re wrong because that would just mean you’re the abused baby snowflake.

Your camps mantra is “I was abused to now you get the abuse or ur a lil weak weakerson”

And yet you post a whole bunch of “bad is actually good and it’s good that’s tearing this country apart!”

How much of a snowflake weaksauce baby do you think you sound like when you complain that the weak people are beating you and the weak people won’t play fair. Seems like you should be turning back to your basic book of abuse for a source of “strength”

But maybe that book has no end and doesn’t have a chapter that admits what it is. It ain’t no book of cool angry tough guy stuff thst you think you’re reading from. It’s the book of big time super big double sad that hurts so bad that it seems your only choice is to never be vulnerable again and setting your revenge sights on anyone you find that resembles you when you first got flattened unfairlybut NEVER on the original attacker because you’re busy stockholm syndrome style loving and respecting them!!

That’s your take on it. And it’s interesting, but wrong. Fact is that some people are going to be jerks. if the response to jerkish behavior is ‘just ignore it and let someone else handle it’ then you’ll always be waiting for someone else to handle it and it won’t get handled. That’s how people get beaten to death in broad daylight while others watch or pass by - they all expect ‘someone else’ to do something about it and so nobody ever does.

This is the situation weak-minded people like you create. Teach everyone to run, hide, back off, give up and hand it off to someone else but you wanna rage and protest as soon as that ‘someone else’ doesn’t do it the way you want. You want the best of all worlds - all the power, no responsibility to act and no consequences for failure.

Not gonna happen.

What does cancel culture have to do with anything?

We’re talking about a F2P game, so I really think you’re shoving words into Yusuke’s mouth. Anywhooo, is all this worth it, or even on topic?


You could que up with me for example i play every role both on na or eu and i dont mind losing though its hard to accept at times.

At the first sign of potential toxicity , you can just mute both ping and chat of all allied players , that is all you need to do.

Plus I dont think you can get banned by them reporting as long as you didnt do anything too trollish.

You absolutely can. You can get silenced and suspended for literally nothing if enough people report you. It’s been tested many many times over the years.

You should’ve kept reading. You would see I’m not in team black or white. I’m reasonable depending on the context.

Don’t pretend when people, “ask” for something without wrapping it around with insults don’t exist. People who do ask nicely, (if those actually exist) still get reported.

What do you think would happen if the report system was removed entirely?

Fact of the matter is: You aren’t the leader and no one has to listen to you. They will play any game they want because that is what they want to do. If they can mute and ignore you and do their thing, they can do so even if it is a team game and they happen to ruin it for the rest. Let’s face it, there is nothing you can do about it.

You and your friend can continue to complain and rage or MOVE ON!


Hmm, but it is not that common I think .
In that case OP should just follow her team’s playstyle then it should be fine.
Getting banned is not that big for a deal imo, just get a new account and spend some money to get your favourite heroes/skins and farm the rest.

I read the entirety of your long-winded lecture. I still think you’re wrong.

The rest of this post is filler and strawmen. Not responding to it.

Oh and i don’t know what ‘friend’ you’re talking about. I don’t know anyone in this thread.

You are out of your mind if your solution is ‘just start over lol’. That’s the problem. Nobody should be getting silenced or suspended or banned for frivolous crap.