New player getting bullied

unless you’re at master league or above, meta pick dont matter because they are incapable of using heroes to their full extent. Its better to let people play stuff they are good at then force them to play heroes they arent good at.

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Yeah and I hate people learn bad heroes no matter what skill level

Whats a bad hero? I’m curious on your definition :stuck_out_tongue:

Nova, butcher, dva pre rework.

Sadius want to talk with you.

lucifer want to talk with you.

Just because a hero isn’t a generalist, doesn’t mean he is worthless and like Shia said. Meta picks are only relevant in the highest league, in lower leagues other heroes work pretty well.

Unfortunately, that’s on you, then. What you should do by mere logic and decency towards other players alone, is to play vs AI until you have learned how to properly play (you can also have lots of fun there too, so don’t worry about that).

Otherwise you are screwing it up for your teammates, forcing them into a lose just because you would be showing you don’t care about anyone but yourself.

Having said that, is not your fault there are so many players with more experience than you and that you are paired with them, indeed. Also that they are still d-heads if they are behave like jerks instead of being comprehensive and friendly on your situation, but in the end, you put yourself into that situation alone. Is neither their fault nor yours that you are matched with them, but is certainly your own fault they are going to lose the match because of it, know what I’m saying?

In the end there is a place and moment for everything and everyone. If you know you can’t compete yet because you are new and totally lost about heroes or maps, be considerate towards yourself and others and learn in vs AI first, then, once you get the grasp of things, jump into ranked or ARAM, Then, once you are skillful enough to help your team win, try climbing in ranked to the higher levels or jump into QM (where the real men are made, or woman in your case, :stuck_out_tongue: ).

That’s the best advice I can give you. Sorry you had to learn this the hard way. Hope it gets better for you from now on and you make lots of good friends in the way.

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Turn off chat or u will have nightmares if u take such things serious.

Not communicating / using chats makes you terrible lol. No one wants people like you as a teammate.

Pings are enough to convey what is needed. My entire comment was so players can avoid dealing with the obvious toxic community and attempt to enjoy the game.

The OP is complaining about those who use chat to be toxic. No one wants people like that as a teammate.

So because they don’t agree with you, you must be offended. How typical of this day and age.
Rather than explaining why you don’t feel nova is useless you just tone out any disagreement, label them as toxic, to try to use strong language to ostrasize and marginilize their opinion. That is weak and pathetic standing.

Just made an alt account and it’s actually terrible the things that happen in these lower player games.

I’ve seen a lot of bad behavior in my normal games but in those ranks people can actually defend themselves and dispute things.
On this new account I’ve seen level 100s making awful calls and flaming level 20-50 teammates for not bending over backwards to accommodate them.

Best advice I can think of is to just ignore anyone you’re being matched with that feels it’s necessary to be derogatory to get their point across. Instantly muting players who are clearly in a bad mood is often the best way to minimize headaches.

Why should I explain myself, if someone is displeased with my pick? It should be the other way around, because if you want that I change my choice you should give me valid reasons to do so, because everyone should pick heroes they think they are good for the comp and they can play well. That’s what I call trusting in your teammates and if you don’t trust your teammates, because you don’t like their picks then argue nicely why someone should change it… I don’t see what is toxic in this behaviour sorry.

You must be a troll or stupid, if you struggle that hard to understand my point. I don’t call them toxic, because they disagree with me, but I call them toxic, if someone just calls me to change my pick without valid reasons, because in the first place everyone should pick what he likes and able to play. It’s rather toxic to force people to pick heroes for your sake, because this game isn’t working around you, but around your team. Plain and simple.

For example a valid reason would be, if I tell someone hero X wouldn’t be good here, because we need wave clear, because your team could otherwise easy be outmakroed or we would need a tank, can you fill that role instead. But it’s on you to ask the other teammate nicely and reasoning why they should change and not them. But if instead the Nova/Butcher/X player showed his hero from beginning and you don’t adept and don’t talk to your teammate and try to convience him, well tbh. it’s your fault and not from the Nova/Butcher/X player.

Ok so this is not an insult or anything, everyone just keeps bringing up Nova and toxic people should give a reason. Since you thought me saying Nova was worthless let me give you my 2 cents on why I think Nova is worthless. You can agree or disagree thats up to you. She has little to no wave clear, she struggles to do camps unless she uses bribe. So she “sucks” at soaking waves and doing camps. So what is her job? Outside of team fights and ganking she just sits around being a below average hero. Lets say you are playing Sky Temple and you have a teamfight over the bottom shrine and your whole team dies but you. The other team goes to take the boss and on the side of the map both bruiser camps are up. You could go take those camps to help your team, or go and push out mid or top wave but since your nova you are doing it at about 1/3 of what most heroes can do. I feel the same way about Medivh that was mentioned. Has bad wave clear and cant kill camps as a dps. Medivh has amazing utility although if you are very good with him that is why I said if you are a God with him he can still be a very good pick. Has synergy with things like Gorge/Portal.

First I wouldn’t draft Nova for wave clear and second she can talent for wave clear at 16, if needed. Usually bruisers will clear the waves anyway.

Bribe is a mandatory talent for me (same with Murky), it fits her ganking playstyle too well to skip.

Ganking, focus down targets, stealing camps belongs to Nova’s strength.

I wouldn’t compare Medivh to Nova, but rather Genji since both heroes are in the same spot and both struggles in the meta. While Nova is a single-target burst assassine, Genji has constant damage and his high mobility to finish off targets, both are good at fighting and ganking, but both struggles with camps/wave clear. And Genji can’t even talent for it like Nova at 16. While Medivh sure, if you are good with him then he is an exceptional assassine, but aside from that he also have other supportive qualities unlike Nova or Genji.

It’s not a thing, they removed the new player protection queue a long time ago. It will first try to match new players with other new players for around a minute then mix them with veteran accounts.

I remember the patch notes when they made this change, it was because there are too few players for a dedicated new player queue.

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Also 80% of all new accounts are smurfs.

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I know that, I’m just echoing the sentiment that it should not exist or come back.

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Better question, why do certain people care what randoms say or think.

Hyperbole. You are just pulling numbers out of the air. Where is the 100% proof?

So you are willing to throw the rest of the team under the bus because of selfishness, and then label everyone else as toxic. What a great point.

Nope, no toxictiy here.