New player getting bullied

As others have said if you want someone to play with/teach a bit feel free to add me Shadowmere#1860

Id highly recommend ai mode. I don’t play too often nowadays bc i have other things, but this game is quite fun and most ppl are decent. Dont worry too much about some of the responses here. Its okay to react naturally to bullying. Just remember that most people aren’t bad if you’re honest about your abilities. Do the rest of us a favor and Report the ones that are bad.

Lesson learned - if I want to play Nova, I will turn off chat.


Ahaha, so there’s a small problem with people smurfing, IE those level 1200s thought you’d made a new account as an existing HotS player.

Sometimes you can ameliorate a lot by mentioning you’re new. People won’t always sympathize or believe you, but it’s something you can try.

I just want to say I’m sorry you have also had this shared experience. There are those of us in the community who are not toxic and just enjoy the game.

Welcome to HotS and I hope you find friendlier team mates.

Between the username and the title, does anyone else get a self-righteous, holier-than-thou attitude?

If you’re new, there shouldn’t be any expectations on you, sure. But as long as Blizzard didn’t do anything to you for those dumb reports, who cares?

You’re gonna get bullied literally anywhere you go in a multiplayer game. You can’t clam up over it.

Take solace in the knowledge that these level 1200 accounts are getting worked up over non-ranked games. That’s your victory. Take it and just mute, honestly, so you can get back to enjoying the gameplay.

Still getting bullied after 5 years so I’m afraid you just gotta be patient or block the players :slight_smile:

Blizzard does a piss poor job at making the new player experience enjoyable.

On one hand, there are not enough players to get fast games to new players unless you pair them with and against veterans to have a “balanced” match.

Problem is, if you do that, it turns out many Veterans have 0 desire to be forced to carry and deal with a complete newbie. I am guilty of this, If you are a brand new player in my game and you don’t listen to the Veterans and keep doing your own thing, you are not only getting a report, but I will call you out in game for being bad and to please follow team.

I want to queue and play with similarly skilled teammates and opponents. New players should not even be allowed in my sight, let alone on my team. I cannot have fun with such a huge anchor holding my side back. It’s not fair and it’s not enjoyable for anyone. Enemy gets a free stomp, our side gets stomped and get angry because we feel powerless to the almighty luck of the Blizzard Matchmaker from Hell.

I’m all for giving new players a chance, but just leave them out of games they do not belong. They will just get raged at and probably rightfully quit the game as they do not have their place in this community. This is all blizzards fault.


  1. New Player Queue.
  • New players should not be allowed to ruin other random people’s games. The other options are not even available to them yet. Call it a different Queue called “New Player Queue”. As a veteran queuing for QM/UR, you can check a box that says:
    X “Match me with New players” X.
    Tooltip: Selecting this Option may lower queue times and awards bonus XP.
      • New Player Queue is your only option until you are level 100. At Level 100, SL becomes available and you can queue for QM/UR With or without New Players.
      • Players can get out of the New Player Queue by being in a Party with a Veteran
      • If 10 new players are not found, they are replaced with veterans who want to play with new players, if none are found, they get a bot.

This Option gives players the option to be queued with new players or not if that is their preferred style of gameplay.

  1. Level-Based Matchmaking or Experience Based.
  • New Accounts Get matched with the same account level average. MMR having gradually more and more influence on Matchmaking the Higher the Account level or the Higher the amount of Games played becomes. Returning players who have not played for awhile are also subjected to this for 5-10 games.
    • Accounts under level 50 would be matched with other new accounts with minimal MMR influence, just based purely on Account Level. MMR is calculated during these 50 levels in the background and from level 50 to 150, Slowly diminish the amount of effect the Account Level has on Matchmaking and slowly replace it with the current MMR value of the Account.
  • So a low level Returning Account would be treated in the same way as a new player and a returning Veteran would be treated as such for a few games only, the MMR difference from where they used to be and how much it would have moved if they were not with new players gets averaged out (Old MMR + Current MMR/2) and regular Matchmaking continues.

This Option is to not ruin games with new players or rusty players, Gives them the opportunity to learn in a more casual and friendly environment or slowly get back into the game after long periods of not playing without being stomped and raged at.

If it is substantiated with a well rounded opinion, then no it is not. If it is just to sling snot, then yes it would be.
Just because you don’t agree doesn’t make it offensive.

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Exactly and most of the time critics in this game aren’t really well rounded, but rather bland and toxic. If someone tells me “Don’t pick this hero, he/she is worthless”, then this kind of reasoning fells into this category and I don’t care what the random player tells me.

You depicting a very poor representation of the playerbase. Of course some people are toxic but i showed the game to my girlfriend and people were very comprehensive when you say you are new to the game. Most players are just silent and muting the few toxic one’s is fine.

The first thing i would recommend is playing versus AI until you can beat intermediate AI easily. If you die to intermediate AI, you’re gonna get mauled against real players.
Once you’re starting to understand the game and the basics and can easily beat intermediate AIs, i would advise playing some games in aram to get a feel of how other players move and do stuff. Aram is a very casual mode and salty people are fairly rare (just mute them when it happens). Once you played a couple of aram, give quickmatch a shot and try to feel confortable with a few heroes. People can be kinda toxic in QM but tell them you’re new and if they keep talking mute them.

Most of all, try to have fun and dont let those rock heads get to you. After all, they’re just babies getting mad because they’re losing in a video game.
BUT: dont mute all chat as some nice people will try to give you tips on what to do and where to be and those tips are invaluable and very important to progress as a player.

Good luck out there, i hope you enjoy your stay in hots :slight_smile:
PS: Feel free to add me if you have any questions or need help!

not listening to players in your team is kinda toxic too. Draft is a team game and the point is to play as a team !! I’m not saying to not play your confort heroes because they arent “meta” but at least acknowledge what they say and tell them you believe they are wrong or that you are more confortable with the hero they dont want you to play. Communicate with people, even if it seems they lack substance and let them explain their point. If they dont, well its on them and tell them you prefer picking your confort hero. People dont get mad when you say this.

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Oh, this community has some real winners lol. HotS has extreme toxicity issues but I don’t think it’s as wide-spread as people are claiming. Most players are pretty civil and can even take some (within reason) shade as long as you’re not a total d-bag about it.

But every once in a while you run into that special someone and that special someone usually has a bunch of other special someone’s who follow their lead.

It almost becomes a requirement to append each game with, "Hey guys, I’m new. So don’t report me. " But even saying that in chat can easily put you at risk for reports.

I more or less depicted the community accurately. Whether the matches are toxic or not, my tips basically still “protect” you from Blizz’s flawed system and the toxicity already described in the OP.

I essentially told the OP to play silent like you described the players you encountered.

Why should I listen to a random player, who just dislikes my pick without proper reasoning? I don’t change my choice for just random people’s sake.

Exactly it’s a team game and communication is key, if someone don’t like my pick then he should give me valid arguements and not just “bad hero, don’t pick it”. Plain and simple.

Yeah well just “bad hero, dont pick it” isnt great. But last picking Nova when your team needs a tank is kinda bad too. It depends on if you’re just picking an off meta hero (which is totally fine) or completely ignoring draft and taking stuff against your teammates’s will just because you feel like playing it even if your team needs something else to win. There’s a mode to play a selected hero you feel like playing no matter what and thats QM / unranked. Storm league is the “try hard” mode and you should try to play with your team’s best interest in mind, not just what you feel like playing. If your team says: “dont take butcher, they have uther / garrosh”, picking butcher because you think its still good is totally fine. But picking butcher even though you know its bad just because you feel like playing it is kinda toxic in storm league.

Its just my opinion though and its probably a fairly unpopular one.

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Actually, if the Nova player prepicked Nova and picked her last, then it isn’t Nova’s fault, but his team, because his team failed to adapt. The Nova player is only fault, if he don’t prepicked Nova and just picked her by surprise, so his team couldn’t adapt.


If Nova was prepicked at the start of the draft but your entire team ignored that or you tried to force her pick other hero/role by picking everything but not tank/heal…

It’s your team’s fault too. I had a lot of games, when my team ignored my prepicked Nova/old Tassadar and tried to force me to play something else.

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I absolutely agree with you and Sadius !!

I hate off meta picks. Just use a legit hero.