New player getting bullied

If this is QM you have no need to worry. Turn off chat.

If you are a new player queuing up for ranked, you may want to consider not doing so until you are more familiar with how to adequately play the game.


The majority of players you’re going to queue with in QM, even those level 1200, will know how to play their pick (somewhat) but will be completely clueless on how to play the game. They don’t understand what they should be doing after getting a pick, when to do camps or when to push a Fort.

So don’t worry too much about it, they’ll blame the low level for their loss because that’s what they do. It’s also relatively easy stuff to learn and developing that game sense will quickly make you a better player. You can also try to find some positive players you can Queue up with.


Honestly I feel like a lot of people don’t expect legitimate new players, so they might assume you’re just smurfing to ruin matches. Like others, I’d recommend playing vs AI for a bit and turning off chat.

Also, if you have discord, there are some HotS servers so you can find people to play with. I would play with you, but I’m not on NA servers unfortunately.

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Hey! this is such a shame, the community can be rough though.

AI is a good place to start, and also learn about the game via youtube etc.
there are various discord channels where you can find groups, not sure what the US centric ones are, but playing with people who know you are knew and in a premade is a nicer experience!

Good luck with the game, its great

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This is unfortunately the mind set of people these days.
You’re best bet is to mute and disable chat while you are learning because there are a lot of players that have some serious growing up to do.

It’s not just HOTS

It branches out into the real world too.

Feel free to add me if you’d like to play, or anyone for that matter that wants to play endz#1991

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Those people are just bad losers and dont care if you are new or a veteran. You will get flamed on if you dont play by his rules.

And yea it happens in real life too.


What exactly is constituting as bullying to cause you to tears? Your post is incredibly vague.

It’s understandable to be upset while playing, but to have such an emotional reaction where you start crying is not healthy. It’s a videogame.

Just play, you are supposed to suck at the beginning. If they have anything constructive, process that to see if you can take any value in that to learn, and then mute the rest. So long as YOU know you’re trying, being upset over the rest is a waste of your time.

You being female is completely irrelevant unless you’re on voice comms. The game works surprisingly well without needing to use voice, so practicing the game without it until you get better might be helpful.

Overwatch in general has a bigger/younger population that probably has a wider range of players to pull people from for better matches.

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So just fyi, MOBA communities tend to be toxic, and yes. HotS is 100x more toxic than Overwatch, somehow.

I report someone almost every game. People will yell at each other and be nasty even when you’re winning.

If you’re not planning on doing ranked in this game, just practice in vs AI for a good long while. The elite AI is better than most players in a team fight (they very rarely miss, for example) but not at the bigger picture of macro play.

Also the vs AI community in this game is larger than any of the pvp modes. Queue times are less than 30 seconds even at 4 am EST. It’s still an enjoyable game mode and you can get your pvp fix in Overwatch.

Finally, please don’t do this.

As a fellow female gamer, never ever use your gender as part of a complaint in gaming unless you are actively being harassed for it, specifically. Men are bullied just as much in games, sometimes by extremely toxic females. When you bring your gender up like this for no reason (because it’s irrelevant to the topic at hand) it makes it look like you want special treatment for it.


This. Unless you’re announcing your gender at the start of every single match, people aren’t going to know. I can guarantee you us males are getting harassed just as much and just as often.

Use the report features in the game to your advantage. There are countless “BliZzUrd bAN mE 4 nO r3zON” threads each week for me to know that the reporting system is doing its job.

Don’t give up, OP. Not all of us are like this. If you’re truly greenhorn, play a bunch of Vs AI games until you get a feel for how the matches play out, then just queue up on QM and play some games. Things will get better after your first hundred matches or so and the system knows where to place you.

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Best piece of advice I can give you is to get out of the victim mentality ASAP. The longer you see yourself as a victim, the more likely you are to become one (see: Stanford prison experiment for more if you’re into the psychology).

I’ve had my account for 5 years. If I have an off game, I face the same verbal abuse you do. I can run 3 straight games as MVP hard-carrying, then get an ARAM with a hero I rarely play and end up on the receiving end of trash talk. It happens. You can’t control it. Blizzard can’t control it. Don’t try to control others. It’s a fool’s errand. Instead:

  1. Have confidence in yourself that you’re trying your hardest. You know you’re not “throwing”, “feeding”, or any such thing. You’re trying and getting beaten by more experienced players, but mostly you’re learning. You’re getting stronger. You may have a lot to learn, but you are learning.
  2. Don’t argue with them unless you’re sure you can shut them up. 90% of the time, it just devolves into more toxicity, and you’re typing instead of playing, which isn’t fun.
  3. Use the mute functions. Mute voice. Mute chat. Mute pings for anyone out of line. If they’re really over the line, report them for verbal abuse and it’ll automatically mute them.
  4. Be friendly and make friends. As a female gamer, you’re going to get swarmed with people wanting to be your friend. Some women like the attention. Some women don’t. You’ll have to decide how you approach it, but create a good friend list and group with them. Good teammates are much more fun to play with and much less likely to be toxic.

Yeah this community can be pretty toxic.
Like others have said, practice vs AI and in brawl. You rarely get toxicity in those modes.

QM can get pretty toxic but SL is where things get really, really dumb.

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Just ignore or report those kind of players. As this game has huge smurf issues, sometimes players like that will assume you’re not actually a new player at all and get unreasonably annoyed, that’s on them not you.

As others have said play AI games first, get used to heroes and mechanics. What you can also do is find new players in those games, add them to your friends list so when you all feel ready for PVP modes you can go as a group.

Best of luck and always good to have new players aboard.

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Sorry to hear that. I don’t flame bad or new players unless they start berating their team. Then I let them have it.

If you were in my game and told me that you were a new player, I wouldn’t say anything except try to direct you but if you don’t listen then oh well. I know when I was new, I did what I wanted because I wanted to explore the game. I knew that what I was doing may have not been correct but I was trying to gauge how certain actions affected the game.

Either way, sorry to hear that you had a bad experience.



As a new player I would 1) either turn off chat or 2) try to parse through the toxicity to see what they are actually getting at. Many times what they have to say underneath it is still honestly garbage, but you may find something useful in it.

What you quoted wasn’t toxic at all. He was giving his perspective quite politely, and explaining why he has this view. You may not agree with it, but it sure as hell is not toxic. He even put ‘like you’ in quotes so that it was not specifically directed at the OP.

Edit: Also, my best advice (if you care to read) is to find a role that you enjoy playing and focus on it. If you go with ranged assassin, like many people do to start, then make sure to stay behind the tank unless you are trying to secure a kill.
If you go healer, the basic same rule applies. Positioning is key. If you’ve been around these parts long at all, you will see a lot of 'get the healer…ffs get the healer…this is NOT always best, but if you are too far forward, you are easy picking in most cases.
If you go tank, don’t just rush into the middle of their team and expect good things. Bait them, make them make the mistake, and then punish them for it. Make sure you are in a position to peel off their divers, or those that really try to push into the back line. Tanks are the hardest ones to play imo. Good ones make the game a lot more enjoyable to play, Bad ones send me on tilt, and often make me think…sigh ya I shoulda tanked even when I didn’t want to.

Best of luck.


I know what you mean, Volun, but don’t understimate Cybermobbing and it’s effect on some human beings.

If a player says to another player your hero choice (‘Nova’) is worthless that isn’t toxic for you? It might be less toxic than some direct insults, but it’s still toxic. But the main point of my posting is that toxicty begins with different expectation of players like in that example between Sadius and Legit.


It’s funny how you think the levels of toxic we have is “toxic”.

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That and because of that system that I forgot its name where it forbids new players for being matched with new ones.

IMO new players really shouldn’t be matched with new players. It doesn’t allow the system to assess their skill for accurate MMR placement and it teaches bad habits early on.

What the system should do is let players opt into a mentorship where they get matched with (not against) new players more often so they can teach them better playing habits. It should help lower toxicity a bit.

Either way though, the “new player protection” system or whatever Blizzard called it caused massive MMR issues. You have to have new players play with veterans so they can learn and so the system can accurately place them.

Thats how the system worked before 2.0… But then they removed new player protection because of all the smurfs this game has now.

The word I used was shouldn’t. New Player Protection shouldn’t be a thing.

New players should be intermixed with veterans.