New Heroes for the Class Changes

That’s a pretty cool idea. I was detailing another option for the next character, with some similar results. I start thinking Albrecht would be a cool character in the game so I did a little research to find out about him. I found in Diablo the “Dark Wanderer’s” role is a on going story from the first game, with Albrecht’s eldest brother (Aidan), becoming what you may know as the “Dark Wanderer” or the cover art of Diablo 2. From what it seems, this “Dark Wanderer” plays one of the single most important roles, in the Diablo lore. So I voted him to be the next character, simply out of respect for his role.

As Aidan “The Dark Wanderer” is the character that takes on the soul stone, that sealed Diablo away, this is to be his Ultimate form allowing him to take on summoning or magic abilities. I was thinking to detail this summon, into provoke/taunt ability disabling enemies for a short time (making them attack either Aidan himself or a summon), then the summon can remain until defeated. This is justified by the online back story of this character, seeing him in game summoning evils and laughing about it. Maybe like taunting the player. I also stated one of his abilities to be (Shield of Tristram: A spirit shield he puts up, to protect all the stand behind him. Then when leveled it’s to grow to larger than life sizes. Further more if there’s a quest to make it even stronger, than it’s to defend all team mates in the area) He’s to be a melee tank, with many defensive abilities, including healing damage over time, leveled into magic resist I called Shield of Hope.

Maybe this is working in the same direction you are I am not totally sure. Though I do see some similarities of skills, as a spirit shield could act as a nonplayer object, with a separate health bar. Once all hp is gone, shield breaks and no longer has effect. As for it being a toggle, this is neat to my impale melee skill. The idea behind the impale is, you can lunge a attack forward beside the shield. Though it could be detailed in, basic melee disabled and impale is still functional.

P.S Here’s the post, with the character idea i’m talking about. Next Hero after Imperius? - #116 by ozisop12-2273