With the upcoming classification changes this year, we have two universe specific roles that are still missing from the roster: Overwatch tank and Overwatch melee assassin.
I think I have two heroes that would be perfect for filling that roster. Yes, before anyone says, I’m aware this is much more for quick match daily quests criteria rather than an actual competitive problem, but I do believe these two characters can have an impact on the competitive scene as well.
So first off is the obvious choice for Overwatch tank: Reinhardt, a melee tank.
Trait: Reinhardt’s trait is Crusader’s Armor. When Reinhardt’s health is above 50%, he gains 20 armor, negating 20% of all damage.
Q is Charge. Similar to Overwatch, Reinhardt charges forward in a straight line for a great distance or until he hits a wall. If an enemy is hit by the charge, that enemy is stunned and pinned to Reinhardt until the duration ends or Reinhardt hits a wall, inflicting additional damage and another stun.
W is Barrier Field. Reinhardt puts up a wide shield in front of him with a large amount of hit points. This shield has numerous unique properties:
- The shield acts in a manner similar to a wall. Reinhardt himself and any allies behind the shield cannot be targeted by point-and-click abilities, and skillshot abilities such as Valla’s hungering arrow will not go through the barrier; abilities that are designed to cleave through walls will still go through. However, AOE abilities on the opposite side of the barrier field will not affect Reinhardt.
- The shield is separate from Reinhardt’s hit points, and instead acts as a non-hero structure. This means that any attack that hits the shield will instead be treated as a attacking a structure. Attacks that do bonus damage to heroes or gain quests from hitting heroes will not activate when hitting the shield. Conversely, talents that deal bonus to structures will be devastating on the shield.
- Reinhard toggles this ability, and cannot use basic attacks while in use. When activating another ability, the shield goes back into disuse. While not in use, the shield regains hit points quickly.
E is Firestrike. Reinhardt releases a fiery blade straight line skill shot that travels indefinitely until it hits a wall. Upon hitting the wall, it explodes for additional damage. Enemies hit are slowed.
Ult 1 is Earthshatter. Reinhardt slams his hammer on the ground, knocking up all enemies in its wide arc.
Ult 2 is cleaving strikes. Reinhardt’s basic attacks passively cleave through all enemies in his frontal arc. When activated, Reinhardt’s basic attacks greatly slow and knock all enemies to the end side of wherever his hammer is swinging.
Overwatch Melee Assassin: Doomfist. Yes, he’s a ranged damager in Overwatch, but I have an idea of that, that you’ll see. Basically, he doesn’t have his hand canon as an auto attack, instead swinging the doomfist in a slow but hard hitting strike (like Stukov but hits even harder).
Trait is exactly as it is in game, The Best Defense…
Doomfist gains slowly decaying shields based on his ability damage.
Q is Rocket punch. Doomfist charges up (the more charged, the longer it goes) before unleashing a charging skillshot forward until the full duration or until he hits an enemy. If he enemy is hit, they are knocked back a set distance or until they hit a wall. If an enemy hits a wall, they are dealt massive bonus damage.
W is Rising Uppercut. Doomfist uppercuts into the air, hitting any enemy in melee range to momentarily stun them. While doomfist is in the air for an unspecified amount of seconds, he negates all 90% of all incoming damage and becomes immune to crow control.
E is Seismic Slam. Doomfist lunges forward a short distance, slamming his fist on the ground and dealing damage in a small arc.
Ult 1 is Meteor Strike. Doomfist launches himself into the air, momentarily out of the game. When he lands a few seconds later, it slams in a wide circular arc, dealing heavy damage. The closer to the impact of the circle someone is, the more damage is taken.
Ult 2 is Hand Canon. Doomfist shoots a small cone shotgun burst. It deals moderate damage and is on a low cooldown (for an ult) with 4 charges.