I’m a lurker lol but I’m around. Just haven’t posted much due to real life stuff but should be around more now. Always a pleasure to hear from you Daylan.
Thanks, and wishing you success, health and happiness.
Please tell me.
Do you have a hero proposal suggest for the game? grant me an option of your personal interests if you wish, I will provide a concept as a case for the project.
Thank you! I wish you the same!!
My hero proposal is Moira! She’s my main in Overwatch. I’ve seen some concepts, I’d like to see one by you.
Your welcome, already, I don’t know Overwatch characters well, but soon I’ll study them and make the concept.
I would totally love something like this, but i feel like warcraft has been taking up all the spotlight in heroes in recent years, and adding this i feel like would make all the rest of the games in heroes irrelevent.
Thanks for Feed Back
We can have some more Warcraft’s options that are actually missing from hots special Spell Breaker, Crypt Fiend, Dwarf Rifleman, Hogger and Naga harpooner, but I will continue this project if people and friends want it, this topic in not just belong Warcraft, it is going to extending.
Hello everyone
Soon after the end of the second part of the project, we will complete the articles that we intended to do at past and will show them in this thread.
Thank you.
I was thinking of Teron Gorefiend but Highlord Darion Morgraine makes sense as a Horseman Death Knight hero.
Thank you for feed back.
At first I’d liked to make him like a Infantry Death knight as a theory work, but now I think he need an another concept, and so I will change the present concept for Theron Gorefiend.
Good!!, you can list your concepts here by linking them like the original post.
Daylan78… man you lost all creativity didn’t you.
No problem honey, he is not forced to work in this page and it is not supposed to some one lost his creativity.
Here the concept!!
[HC] Moira O'Deorain//A Gift to The Friend! - #19 by Calystol-1492
We will start the third phase of the project soon!!
Welcome back.
I came back with good manners and behavior.
So, don’t break it anyway!!
Friends, the third phase of the project will be completed soon with the Mannoroth concept. In the next few months, due to the university activities, we will not be able to work regularly in the field of projects and even forums. Therefore, the activity of the fourth stage may be delayed, although I have stated a number of options in other titles and I will try to create them.
In the third stage, which will end soon, we tried to offer stronger options for the game. We also had a good focus on the Death knight class from World of Warcraft.
Also about two concepts in the first step of project (Mannoroth and Archimonde), we change the names with Pit lord and Eredar Demon and we attach a more original concept for them in the third step of project.
We hope you enjoy all of the work done so far and also hope that they have been effective.
Thanks you for following the Project so far!!
Is there a Tauren pack?
They need more representation.
The classic Carine is here, as you wish I’ll make a new version too.
Jumpy, at past time I made a specific [HC] as a gift to Mr Calystol, if you have a favor proposal hero tell me about it so I’ll make a complete concept of it. That Zebra is promising too.