[My Wish and My Idea] Archimonde the Defiler

Archimonde The Defiler

A summoner who defile part of the battle ground and inflict high amount of Fel and Shadow damage on his enemies.

Basic Info

Health: 2326
Health Regeneration: 4.62
Basic Attack Damage: 187
Attack Speed: 0.91
Attack range: 2.25
Role: Bruiser

Scale Value=4% per level.

Trait and Mount

Z) Eredar of Burning Legion

Archimedes cannot use mount. His shape size is very large (height=7) therefore he uses all of his basic, heroic and also talents abilities and features with double amount of range (200% of the normal amount). In really he uses his abilities in a high width area.

D1) Doom fire spirits

Archimedes summon three doom fire Spirits that continuously moving around his body, each doom fire spirit has 500 maximum health, each of the Dooms grant Archimonde a shield that absorb the same amount damage (Absorb 500 amount of damage), in total the Dooms give Archimonde 1500 shield points. Each time Archimonde lost 500 amount of the shield points, he will lose one of the Dooms and in respectively it goes to lost all of the Dooms. While the Dooms are alive, they deal 110 damage (fel missile) per second on target enemies. The keys 1, 2 and 3 are used to cast the fel missile on the custom target. Doom fire also will used to active Archimonede’ s abilities (10 seconds cool down for re-summoning each of Doom fire spirits).

D2) Summon Doom Guard

Summon a Doom Guard on Archimedes’ location, the Guard has 75% of Archimonde’ s maximum health. Doom Guard protect the Doom Fire Sprits and in result he protects Archimonde and deal 210 damage per second on enemies who attack the Dooms (40 seconds cool down and 50 mana cost).

Basic Abilities

Q) Chaos Bolt

For each Allure of flame effect is active, Archimedes call down a bolt of chaos on the defiled area, deal 201 damage on the enemies who inside the area and stun them for 1 second. Also can be cast on the (solo) custom target (maximum 3 yard distance), in this way deal 187 damage plus 5% of their maximum health and stun them for 1 second (14 seconds cool down and 80 mana cost).

W) Allure of Flame

For each Doom fires spirit are alive, Archimedes defile a small part of battle ground (radius=3) of fel flame energy for 3 seconds, deal 72 damage every 0.5 seconds for the duration and slow enemies movement speed by 20% every time enemies stand on it (12 seconds cool down and 80 mana cost).

E) Shadow Fel Burst

Cast E, cause Archimonde to burn enemy heroes who are in a 1.25-yard area with (shadow effect), deal 144 damage over 2 seconds, after this time cast E again, pull them with a (semi-chain of shadow effect) toward the target location (maximum 2.5 yard), stun them for 1 second and then deal additional 144 (shadow burst effect) damage (12 seconds cool down and 60 mana cost).

Heroic abilities

R1) Shackled Torment

Archimedes torment the soul of an enemy hero, silence them for 3 seconds and deal 585 (shadow effect) damage over 3 seconds (45 seconds cool down and 60 mana cost).

R2) Demonic Feed Back

After 1.25 seconds, Archimedes explode a wave of shadow Burst energy outward himself (wave’ s range=4 yard), deal 418 damage. Also the enemy take additional (shadow effect) damage equal to 100% of this amount over 3 seconds (60 seconds cool down and 80 mana cost).


Level 1 Talents (Tier 1)

[Longer Steps]. (Passive) Archimonds takes longer steps. Therefore, his movement speed is increased by 10%. Every time he takes a step, the ground under his feet defiles for 2 seconds. It inflicts 25 damage to the enemy every 0.5 seconds.

[Fel Shield]. (D) Each time a Doom Fire death, Archimonde gain 244 shield points for 5 seconds.

[Strike of Bolts]. (Q) Chaos Bolt deal additional damage equal to 3% of the target maximum health if hit and stun at least 1 enemy hero and if he/she stand on Allure Flame. This damage is increased to 5% while Chaos Bolt hit and stun at least 2 enemy heroes in the same situation.

Level 4 Talents (Tier 2)

[Medal of Argus]. (Passive) Archimonde’ s basic attack reduce cool down of his basic abilities by 0.5 seconds.
Passive: Reduce duration of slow, stun and root against Archimonde by 50%.

[Heavy Make-up]. (W) Increase Allure of Flame area by 25%. For every second enemy heroes stand on Allure of Flame, its damage is increased by 30%.

[Large and Resilience]. (D) Increase Doom Fires maximum health amount by 20%. From now Doom Fires gain 25 armor against enemy heroes. Also Doom Fires and Doom Guard damage dealt cause to slow target’ s movement speed by 15% for 1 second.

Level 7 Talents (Tier 3)

[Spirit’ s Power]. (D) Each time Doom Fires are alive, increase Archimonde 's spell power by 7%, stack up to 21%.

[The Long Back!]. (E) If Shadow Fel Burst burn and pull at least 2 enemy heroes, the final effect deal 100% bonus damage and the stun duration is increased by additional 0.25 seconds.

[Attack to World Tree]. (D) Archimonde’ s periodic damage is increased by 100% against non-heroic target while at least 1 Doom Fire are alive.

Level 13 Talents (Tier 4)

[Spirit’ s Armor]. (D) For each Doom Fires Spirits are alive grant Archimonde 10 armor reduce damage taken by 10%, stack up to 30 armor.

[Liquefied Fel]. (Passive) Archimonde is healed for 30% of his Non-Heroic periodic damage to all kind of enemies.

[Rain of Chaos]. (Q) If Chaos Bolt hit and stun at least 2 enemy heroes while they stand on Allure of Flame, its cool down is reduced by 8 seconds. Also the single cast of Chaos Bolt against the custom target reduce cool down of Chaos Bolt by 5 seconds.

Level 16 Talents (Tier 5)

[Finger of Death]. (Active) Archimonde point on the target enemy, then a ray of unholy electric energy rapidly hit the target (range=4), deal damage equal to 10% of their maximum health (60 seconds cool down).

[Flamed Mace]. (Passive) Casting a basic ability cause Archimonde’ s next basic attack to deal additional damage equal to 7% of the target maximum health and also heal him for the same amount.

[Eredar of Burning Legion]. (D) Doom Guard basic attack heal the Doom Fires for 50% of damage dealt against enemy heroes.

Level 20 Talents (Tier 6)

[Demon Power]. (Heroic) Demonic Feed Back periodic damage is increased by 100%, getting at least two take down with Demonic Feed Back reset its cool down easily!!

[Unholy Shackled]. (Heroic) Shackled Torment deal additional damage equal to 15% of target maximum health over 3 seconds.

[Mace of Chaos]. (Active) Archimonde swing his mace within a 3 yard area, deal 200% of the basic attack damage on enemy hit and stun them for 0.75 seconds (50 seconds cool down).

[Impact Dooms]. (D) Three Doom Fires are merged to gather and make the Elite Doom Fire Sprite, the new Doom Fire has 300% of the small Doom’ s maximum health and damage. Also Allure of Flame’ s burst areas are merged to gather to make the Big Allure of Flame’ s burst, the area is increased by 300% and the damage dealt is increased by 100% too.