Balance Patch Notes Feb 12th

i’m very curious why would they change raynor he’s extremely easy mode hero why would they make him even better? feels like they’re the ones trolling us here you go fans have some troll buffs for an easy mode hero hf!


Eh, stuns/slows are so omnipresent nowadays having one from lvl 1 doesnt really change much, imo (especially in more organized games).

EDIT - tha said, wouldnt mind if they just removed the slow, sure.

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It’s not about the slow, it’s about the proc on ACE for bonus damage. Imagine having executioner at level 1 that procs on your own AAs

They finally buffed Tyrael’s trait.


So… its about the slow that enables executioner from your own AAs. Yeah its silly, but since Raynor is usually part of 3/4 man deathball it barely changes anything (again, in more organized games).
Inb4 nerfed because lower leagues tho :’

I can’t believe they actually listen to my idea of emergency protocol!!!


Okay, but there are a multitude of heroes in the game that has a slow from level 1. Pair them with Raynor and away he went. This changes nothing except letting him proc it himself earlier instead of at level 4 (assuming he took that talent anyway if he had allies with slows).

I actually think he would be nerfed cause of higher leagues tbh. Also, if they didn’t change this, his slow is applied BEFORE his trait damage, so whenever you get trait damage you already get the proc from ACE instead of damaging the enemy and then applying the slow. It’s pretty strong.

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Ace in the Hole + Unstable Compound is the most popular pick, but Veteran Marksman + Unstable Compound is also good if you can count to 4, especially when you pick Bounty Hunter at lvl 16 you can get to crazy numbers late game.

However, these changes didn’t fix the main problem with Raynor’s talents. Some are just too good all the time, no matter how you play or teams composition. I am talking about Fight or Flight (lvl 4) Giddy-Up (lvl 13) and Paint Them Red (lvl 16).

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There is always a risk that if any hero shows up, they will be ruined, with “reworks”. Orphea is in a good place for neither buffs or nerfs.

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I’m concerned about these DW nerfs. They seem to constantly be nerfing the wrong thing and if the trend continues it seems like they’ll remove what makes him viable to begin with.

It takes a ton of time for that veteran marksman to actually out matches Ace in the Hole.

That change just made Ace in the Hole a must pick lmao.


Hammer of Justice [E]

  • Cooldown increased from 8 to 10 seconds.

Level 4

  • Holy Shock [Q]
    • Damage reduced from 50% to 40% of Holy Light’s Healing.

The BIG SAD:sob:


Okay, quick summary:
Mal’Tanis nerfed, but not in a way that would make him less dominating.
Muradin getting small buffs - Playmaker incoming.
Stitches getting insane buffs, getting buffed versions of his 16 talents on level 13!
Tyrael getting buffs, now his trait does more than just deal little damage.
Deathwing nerfs again.
Malthael getting some buffs. The Throwing Shade is finally gonna be viable. But Tormented Souls will still struggle to be a real heroic.
Aba getting small nerfs to his beetles. Which makes sense. He could take down a keep with just 2 backdoors.
Zarya buffs - she was always a strong hero, but maybe not too popular. Now she’ll be even stronger x_x
Ariel nerfs - while I agree that Ariel was the strongest support, I disagree with the nerfs she got. Why couldn’t resurrect just revive targets at 50% HP, upgraded to 100% at level 20? The cooldown increase could be a decent nerf tho.
Malf getting small QoL changes - appreciated.
Uther getting nerfed - LOL, really? From all the supports, Uther is the most powerful one?! I did not see this coming.
My Eve Cruel Chains functionality reverted - okay, I guess.
Azmodan - small buffs. I just love it when a talent is moved to a lower tier and gets BUFFED. It just shows how undertuned it was at the higher tier :smiley: Just look at Chen’s level 1 3,5% HP heal, which used to be a 1,5% HP heal as a LEVEL 20 TALENT! But yeah… they are trying out stuff with his laser build… it could work.
Fenix getting small buffs - more like QoL changes tho.
Jaina changes: Ice Lance cooldown reduction FURTHER nerfed - I quite liked it when it was providing a 2 sec cd reduction, her Q’s timing felt so natural back then. Then it was nerfed to 1,5 sec and her Q started feeling really clunky. Idk why was this further nerf needed, but I admit that I will no longer take this trash talent at the state it is now. What it was providing, that the other 2 talents were not was a PvE bonus. I really wish that her basic attack talent would at least start affecting non-heroes too.
Jimmy buffs. Oh, hell! Why would they buff poor Jimmy?! I think they made a huge mistake and they are not realizing it. I’ll be playing Jimmy till he gets nerfed. He was above average hero even before this buff. I feel like he’ll be completely broken after these changes.
Minor Hammer buff… okay. Nothing special.

It seems like devs don’t want main tank Uther.

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How about they make him a solo support then? Like lowering his healing cooldown, or reducing his healing mana cost.


I get the hp nerf. (2nd hp nerf in row by the way)

But why the Holy Shock damage? Or stun cd?

He is weak as a solo support due to having incredible cooldowns and mana costs. Stun was what made him viable.

Obviously you can nerf hp to remove the solo tank aspect, but why the other nerfs?

Edit: They could at least compensate lvl1 stun quest for the nerf from 1.5 to 2 second CDR.

You literally pulled words from my mouth lol

Again nothing for Tracer :cry: