More Banners, Please

Skins and mounts are plentiful, but what you seem to be neglecting are banners. No I don’t mean goofy esports team banners. I couldn’t care less about those, or esports in general to be perfectly honest.

I mean Warcraft and Diablo banners. Overwatch and Starcraft seem to be pretty well represented, but Warcraft and Diablo not so much. They are relatively easy to create, much more so than skins and heroes, and add content / money sinks to the game. Let’s see what we’re missing.

-Darkspear Tribe (though there aren’t yet any darkspear heroes)
-Bilgewater Cartel
-Gnomeregan (though there aren’t yet any gnome heroes)
-possibly Alterac, Arathor and other human nations
-Fel Horde
-Twilight Hammer
-Burning Legion
-Scarlet Crusade
-Argent Dawn
-Cenarion Circle
-Earthen Ring
-Wyrmrest Accord (Alexstrasza, Chromie)

-Crusader (Zakarum)

And any others I may be forgetting and that I may or may not edit in later when I remember.

Additionally, a few more faction mounts from WoW would be welcome, such as an elekk, kodo, goblin trike, nightsaber, mechastrider, skeletal horse, etc.


Just even more color variants to match skins. For example, the Protoss banners only have the standard gold/blue, purple/green and red/black. But there are skins for Protoss characters with more than just those colors. How about a Protoss purifier color scheme with white/grey/orange. This done could go on and on. And please, stop making sooooooooooooo many portraits. Enough already. A complete waste of loot box stuff.

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yes Banners are lacking a bit.

I also want a Tassadar D.Va skin. We could call it, D.sadar or Tass.Vadar ;D