MMR Reset Petition

This makes no sense. It’s like comparing apples with pies. I’m sure in football there is no MMR system or ability to have a different team after every game, just to name some “small” differences. Anyway we shouldn’t riddle here what this guy wanted to say if he is unable and unwilling to explain himself.

Actually, football uses several layers more of “MMR” than HotS does to determine a player’s value/ability (Marino’s pass completion rate being a prime example), and is thus much more accurate. Also, If professional players (NFL or HotS) were not bound by a contract, there is no reason they couldn’t have a different team every game.

Stepping away from the football example though, this goes back to what DrSuperGood said–

– Which is really the heart of the disagreement; you could be one of the best players in the world, under the current system in HotS, and still be considered to have low MMR. And that’s really the problem.

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Still comparing like apples with pies. Hots MMR system is used to make teams with equal players and giving every team 50% chance to win. Anyway i can’t see the point of discussion here comparing football and Hots.
Also your example of being the best player in the world but having a low MMR is kinda paradox, because only if you have the highest MMR than you are the best player. I can agree tho that MMR and ranks are not 100% accurate.

To sum up what I am saying: HotS only rates you based on win/loss, but does not consider other factors that would otherwise distinguish a skilled player, and in that regard, yes I agree with you. The current system is a paradox.

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Blizzard heavily favors premades vs solo queing anyway. The current system and MMR is so broken that you can not solo que and expect to get a even 40% win rate in this game.

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“Blizzard heavily favors premades vs solo queing anyway” this is the dumbest thing i have heard for a long time but seeing the name im not suprissed. If you lack basic human logic than look at least what developers said to this topic before repeating the same BS over and over again. Also EVERYONE will get a 50% winrate when playing enough games, even AZJackson made recently a post about it in generall discussion.

For everyone else her: Party’s get a MMR penalty when playing vs solo players. That means 5 people in a party vs 5 people solo with exactly the same lvl of skill gonna perform worser. Partys not only can have a better coordination but they HAVE to to have a better coordination to keep up with the solo players.
( source: heroes developer AMA April 4) .
I made a topic a while back discussing the question if it’s really necessary to play in a party. For everyone interested you can check it out here ( topic: MYTH ABOUT PARTY’S )

Keep on defending what you know nothing about. Premades can and do win in this game cause you do not get any one your team who is gonna tilt and throw game on purpose. I climbed from plat 5 to currently diamond 2 with very few losses Vs when I was playing with randoms who would quit at 9 min cause they were toxic and arguing in chat.

From plat 2 to silver 3 with a 30% winrate. that’s what this game has become if you solo queue


I wanna see them start everyone at bronze. People talk about how GMs can climb to master well then make them do it instead of waiting til the end of the season to play 3 games, get master and quit so they do not get ranked decay.

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I am still considered new to the forums but have been reading quite a lot of threads. And with that, I have noticed the more popular characters on the scene.

I agree with hunterbees And accept all of the weight to this personal opinion lol… Nonetheless on this last particular statement; the ranks should be reset to bronze across the board is a great point. I can go further and ask it to be set for every season, two seasons, or for the more sensitive audience…at least once a year.
Please tell me and share what the major drawbacks would be?? I can only see personal dribble.
Resetting the ranks would incentivize more play, get new players up to speed faster, better que times, more competitive play due to wanting to get back to where you were in previous seasons, and much more!
Don’t complain about trolling or noobs cuz we already have that currently, no matter the rank!
I have made a couple of good ideas across the board addressing ranked play issues but this one can be the easiest to facilitate.

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I played this previous weekend for quite a bit as I had time to do so.

I was ranked D3, 61% wr. 180+ games. I got to platinum 2 due to incompetent matchmaking. The higher the win rate I had, the lower the win rate of my teammates. Why is this normal?

This game is made to waste time it seems. I worked 2 weeks to get to d3, then in one weekend I got down to plat 2. Not cuz i sucked, no, but because my teammates on whom I rely too much made the wrong hero picks, fed, straight up disconnected and never returned ( the bot plays worse than it did 1 year ago), feed and so on.

Even if they reset the mmr, if it’s gonna work the same way it works now, it will be a complete fail, just like now.
I’m almost crying IRL due to the Blizz team incompetence of fixing MMR. Bros, if U see I am a good player, why assign me a slowpoke team? U expect me to carry them? No man, it should be the other way around. The better u play, the better your teammates.

Blizzard is clearly going down the drain, and I hope it will happen faster.

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Who says that masters can climb? A lot of pro and high ranked players own multiple accounts. Will talk about how if they make a new account and it gets below a certain threshold they just ditch it because its way too much work to climb in the lower ranks. Not all games are like that but most team based games are.

So I think dropping everyone into bronze is a bad idea. The thing about stuff like that creates a waterfall effect where there are so many players outside of there rank that are being dumped into the same place that it creates 2 flows. You will get pushed one direction or the other. You might get pushed in the right direction or the wrong one or you might belong in the original rank which sucks because there are so many players being dropped into your rank that your games are going to always be chaos.

Vs the current system where players are playing there placement games at the end of the season to avoid rank decay then season ends and they start all over?

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New season new slate. MMR should be cleared off and be given a fresh start

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You ALREADY get pushed down with the current system you dolt! I’ve had 8 / 10 games the last two days with complete TROLLS that AFK at start (announce in all chat) or insta lock stupid first pick hero’s like illidan.

Reported them game one, three more games i was with them.

You’re an ignorant ****. -250 points a game cuz MMR is beyond STUPID.

Blizzard is clueless.

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It makes perfect sense when you’re not willfully ignorant.

I got matched with 3 players I had already blocked in the season and the 4th was saying he was gonna play Cho or feed. He played cho and fed anyway and kept blaming the team for not going in with him.

People are truely dumb when they think fighting is more important than exp and camps. You cant explain this to people even in diamond…



the game failed because of people like you who never gave their support and still complain that they were/are not followed like the big babies they are.