Mei is the first hero not to have "Mei is OP" thread

What’s going on? Every single hero release has had people complaining OP regardless of the actual state of the hero. Even cassia who was the worst hero in the game post rework (after rework, before the later buffs) had a “cassia is OP” thread.

We need to stick to traditions. I hereby declare that Mei is OP.

What about Blaze?..

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Tanks or healers usually are that way. Rehgar an exception since they overbuffed Bloodlust which will pass in time as they nerf it again.

Which leads to the next problem: Their carry potential is too low leading to games where people don’t want to tank or heal.

Diablo was also only popular when his wall charge did a ton of hero damage. Now when that build is gone, you almost never see Diablo in SL again.
Depending on teammates to deal damage sucks in a game where most teammates suck.


People are too busy with the anomaly to complain.

Also she is a tank, so most people who even try her have no clue about the role and play terribly. Combine that with being pretty balanced and there you got the explanation.


topic was already made by Vitae prior to the hero release; 107 responses, 1.4k views.

  • There’s been at least two topics on avalanche/wall combos are OP
  • There’s been another token topic that asserts Mei is op as the ‘usual’ expectation for blizzard to make money on this game.
  • There was a "she’s a better arthas’ topic; (that was later inverted to suggest Arthas is a better Mei in another topic)

So to claim she hasn’t had a topic is wrong; she’s similarly not the ‘first’ one even if that weren’t the case but the big jimmy there is that there’s either other stuff to complain about, or the topics just aren’t bumped soon enough for people to realize they already exist, so they forget about them.

If a post isn’t in the top 10 of replies, then the topic will be neglected for something like 11 weeks until someone decides to necro bump it and act like they refuted something someone wrote 3 months ago despite whatever balance patch may have changed in the interim.


There’s people that complained about Blaze, and tbf, Bunker was ridiculous on release.

Mei released underpowered, which is why there’s no threads.

Distraction 100

Well played Blizz. :sweat_smile:


Really? Qhira, Deathwing, and every other new hero all got their own “Mei is OP” threads? That was some serious conditioning on the off chance that she ever got released in HotS.

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I don’t think so?

But I was barely around on the old forums.

I don’t think every hero got an “OP” thread. Just most!

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Mei not an assassin. Only assassins can be OP.

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Zarya never had one as far as I can recall, or Yrel and a few others.

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Yrel had some complaints, namely her healing. She was released with the ability to heal on par with actual healers, which led to QM being an absolute mess until it got nerfed since no one likes healing apparently.

I recall Alex getting called weak on her release too. People were trying to figure out how to optimize her healing and it wasn’t until people realized just how strong dragon actually is that the complaints stopped. Q and W build were being called useless and E build was supposedly her only “real” build.

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That is clearly not true based on the data. She’s just not obviously OP, there’s a difference. It’s important to note that new heroes generally will see a slight uptick over time as people adjust and get better with the hero. If they’re over 50% at the start, that generally suggests the hero is on the stronger side. They might not be overpowered, but they’re definitely not underpowered.

Underpowered heroes would be like a Lunara or Morales release. where they started at 40%.

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The “Anomaly hysteria” mostly gone. The “Mei op” threads are here. Winter is Coming!

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you are living in denial.

Mei isn’t excessively OP, but she needs some nerfs here and there. Particularly with the trait and avalanche.

even more are coming i believe cause if 1 appears that means more and more will appear it won’t stop till mei is hard nerfed even while she isn’t really over-tuned potatoes are going to be potatoes that’s hots community

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Actually I do remember a blaze OP thread in which he healed for a lot on release. Beyond that he’s basically fire mei.

Like what? Her trait is for her only, and it’s a massive gamble to even be used for baiting. It’s 30% HP, and you can focus her down quickly. If she’s being focused and uses it, she can still die near-instantly.

Avalanche? It’s a strong disengage ult at best. Unless the enemy team deliberately lets her get behind them, and then positions to eat Avalanche, it’s o.k, but it still has a delay and relatively slow travel time. Honestly, the wall is the better play maker and stronger ult. I still haven’t figured out its wild snap targeting shifts on cast, though.

She needs buffs, be it damage or cooldown reduction. She doesn’t do a lot, and isn’t even particularly good at what she does. Arthas is better for slows and anti-AA, and Diablo and ETC are better engagers. Johanna and Garrosh are better peelers. Hell, most of the tank roster is peelers.

And all of them deal much more damage, and can arguably eat a lot more damage in general. Mei’s self healing outside of her trait is barely there, talented. Her coolest combo is setting up multiple people into a Blizzard stun. And then she’s out of gas, cause she doesn’t deal damage. Miss that combo and you’re much less than Diablo having missed his.

I have yet to play anyone and feel threatened by a Mei on the enemy team, or feel threatening AS a Mei. Maybe I haven’t seen a good Mei, but she seems underwhelming right now.


loooooool :rofl: :joy: :star_struck: