How long are we going to have to deal with Mei being extremely overtuned before they balance her down to something slightly reasonable? I understand that they want people to be excited about a new hero (and we all are) but this is beyond stupid.
first Mei so OP please nerf thread arrived! i guess drinking game starting now guys! cheers!
Do we have our first Mei Rant thread?!
i have to admit i knew it’s coming some day lmao i was ready for it
You beat me by a second
How is she overtuned? Can’t just say that without at least explaining why.
Mei is ok, just annoying like the majority of the Overwatch cast.
I am a trendsetter, you’re welcome
Not the first. We had a why play Arthas thread already.
To @Op: I gladly invite you to this discussion:
I hope you can find something useful there.
Guess he means Avalance is op as hell. the hero itself is fine.
This is not informative in the least. How is she overtuned? Is her damage too high? Were you standing in the delayed and very telegraphed Blizzard? Did you get wombo’d by the big, easy-to-move-out-of Snowball? Is her self-stun + heal giving her too much sustain? Does her engage pose too much of a problem? Tell us more. Tell Blizzard more. Saying she’s “extremely overtuned” is such a general statement.
If you had the wheel, what would YOU change about her and why.
Avalanche is pretty strong but she just does too many things well, she has way to much survivability AND control, her iceblock needs a much longer CD or it needs to not heal her, or if they want to leave that the way it is then they need to revisit how much CC she has
How much longer? What defines “much”?
So a longer CD or just a self-stunning shield that can burned through easily? This would essentially remove her from the tank category. Her whole gimmick is self-sustain. Her only armors come from her trait or slide (if she talents into it) – the former being spell armor (otherwise her trait is pretty much useless) on a 25 sec CD and the latter being physical on a 14 sec CD (if she takes the spell armor, 7 if she takes Cold Front, same talent tier as spell armor), which only affects AA.
Are you trying to 1v1 her? How does she have too much survivability – that could mean many different things: too much health? Too much self-healing? Too much armor? A combination?
I think she’s strong, but only in very niche situations. She tends to mess up potential combos as much as she sets them up. She can be a KTZ’s best friend or worst nightmare.
For me most of her Kit is okay, except for her heal and Avalanche ult. Like literally one can put cryo-stasis when close to death and bursting it down is like trying to kill squishy hero. Moreover it is not considered stasis so she regains skills meaning that she slide away blocking your path with Blizzard when cornered. And avalanche for me is better version of Gust. In opposite to Gust you know where you will put your enemies - so your team or enemies can get ready which is neutral. Avalanche put heroes near to each other so heroes like Tyrande, Malfurion with Treeant talent, Ragnaros (with Sulfuros ult and any other character benefiting from large cluster of people can benefit) mostly plus. Moreover you can use avalanche to death trap people through objects meaning half centimetre wide tree won’t stop you mostly unless indicator says otherwise. like pushing them to the towers of doom moat meaning that if hero is not Ilidan to active dodge or Varian to active Parry will got at least 2k dmg or simply to push them deep inside your fortification from which some heroes can’t escape mostly plus over gust. If Avalanche MP cost and Cool-down would have been increased … lets say to 90 sec cool-down 90 MP I would feel it is balanced as Avalanche has hidden power - it’s still damages unstoppable targets despite description which is plus. Other thing I want to mention Cryo-stasis. In short Cryo-Stasis = better Chrysalis of Kerrigan - because it’s faster, more durable, heals more, has lower cool-down. And Avalanche = more practical gust - for me.
I guess the point of her ice block to be targetable.
The problem is, stasis makes the instigator untargetable, cannot heal nor attack them while in stasis, so it was replace with Unstoppable instead to mimic.
It’s like Counter Strike alarak situation when it comes to procing the ability which requires Alarak to be damaged, Protected + Unstoppable is basically Invulnerable but targetable while at the same time Invulnerable is untargetable.
If Cryo-freeze didn’t give Unstoppable, she could be CC’d out of it, effectively rendering the trait useless in combat. It would become something you do to sustain during laning phases.
I understand it’s point is to be targetable. Problem is Ice block have more HP than same level pilot when it should have HP level of Murky (without 20 lvl talent) at best case. As literally there is no character that can destroy it alone (maybe except some over stacked late game characters). And if your team focus to kill her, you will most likely get killed by Mei team. For me best solution for this talent would either give some delay - like 0,75 sec (e.g. mei is doing animation of activating it) or making it more squisher instead - kiss my thick frozen tushy.
And it’s a guy with less than 10 posts! In typical fashion!
happy drinking game
Jo has an Unstoppable she doesn’t need to channel nor remain stationary with and which offers nearly the same amount of shielding coupled with a much shorter cooldown. And if you think Mei has lots of self-healing I wonder what you feel of some of the other tanks and even bruisers. If anything barring a specific build Mei has relatively lackluster self-healing. Her survivability is in her CCs and weaving in then out of fights.