Mannoroth (Hero Concept)

Mannoroth, The Destructor, is a Melee Bruiser Character from the Warcraft Universe. The Barbaric Leader of the Pit Lords when Kil’Jaeden had recruited them. When Archimonde was placed in command of them, he recognized Mannoroth’s value as a brutal, bloodthirsty fighter and made him, his second-in-command. Mannoroth helped lead the Burning Legion in assaults on countless worlds, and led the first invasion of Azeroth. His ruthlessness and vile cunning made him into one of the favoured lieutenants of his masters, Archimonde and Kil’jaeden, the champions of the Burning Legion. He is also known as “The Flayer”.

“Stupid, pitiful creature. I am the rage in your heart. I am the fury of your thoughts. I alone empowered you to bring chaos to this world, and by the endless void, you shall!”
— Mannoroth confronts Grommash Hellscream.



Secondary Abilities

Primary Abilities

Heroic Abilities


Nice concept!
It would be fun to add 2 choosable talents that fit with his Lore. One that makes damage sending flames infront of him after he is killed.
Other that corrupts a healing fountain (the ones from the team and the enemies ones too) for 10 seconds, improving the healing and increasing extra damage for the same time. Enemies can’t use their fountain when it is corrupted, and It would alloud your team to use enemies fountain during the corruption.

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Can he empower his team by having them drink his blood?


He can probably do that if selected in the Talents (in which i think it would be great, also so that he can’t be too OP in the First Match) though i’m not really good in making talents… :sweat_smile: also Thank You guys, for pointing out that Blood Curse Capability, i almost forgot about it, I hope you Love the updated version of this concept, hopefully Blizzard notice this :sweat_smile:

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This is cool, but i think he would be a warrior. Since he had a lust for battle, he could have a trait that gives him quicker attack speeds and quicker Glaive attacks ,the lower his health and/or the more he attacks.

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Hmmm… indeed, he has potential to be a Warrior type (considering how tanky he is, somehow) but the reason why I made him an Assassin because most of his spells are very destructive (hence his title itself) not to mention as most Assassin are quick to kill (like him and with Grom, somehow :sweat_smile: sorry) and I did manage to put your suggestion, Thank you, though i put some changes, because i dont want him to be like a Zul’jin Copy in a way, in terms of Hero Trait… so yeah Thanks again Cammy :blush:

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It’d be cool if when he dies a large pool of blood forms under his corpse that boosts allies attack speed and damage while they stand in it and for 3 sec after.

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Again he can also probably do that via Talents, sadly im not really good in making Talents, hopefully Hots Team nails him!!!

No problem. His comparison as a Warrior would be close to a mix of Butcher and Diablo, becoming a train that’s hard to stop or move. What I mean as his trait, his Attack Speed and Glaive Speed would ramp up the more attacks he does, if that helps.

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I did manage it somehow to update him, i realized that he doesn’t benefit from his own trait so yeah i gaved him another one, (hopefully he doesn’t feel too OP now) additionally i also manage to put some suggested Talents in him too, never thought Mannoroth would be my requested and popular Hero i’ve ever recreated :grin:

Anyway all of you can suggest, like other Talents for him or at least a Quest for the two new Talents he has, Thank you!

Also feel free to check out my other Concepts and tell me if its good, especially Azshara and Archimonde… :sweat_smile:

I was considering making my own mannoroth hero (though with malganis i doubt they will be adding him any time soon. and I would agree that he fits the tank role slightly better, however I would love to see him as an assasin/specialist. Heres my ‘inspired’ version of him.
I do dig the ability to empower teammates and will incorperate it.

talent(L13 feels good): Manneroth sacrifices 10% of his maximum health pool to increase a target allies attack-rate by 40% for 4-8(whatever is balanced) seconds. This target also has -25 armor.

Melee Specialist/Assassin
Q - Cleave(2.5 second CD) Mannoroth swings his blade dealing moderate damage, and reducing armor by 10 for 4 seconds in an area. This armor reduction stacks and is refreshed with subsequent cleaves. Maxing out with a 30 armor penalty.
W - Howl of Terror (12s) All nearby targets run away from Mannoroth for 1 second. While fleeing Cleave deals double damage.
E - Meteor (2 charges, 20 second CD) Calls a meteor from the sky, to impact a location. Targets hit are damaged and briefly stunned. The impact crater is impassable last 3 seconds. and burns anything near it.

R1. Doom: Curses a target hero; to loose 5% of their maximum health per-second for 8 seconds. If the target dies while afflicted a powerful doom guard is summoned for 8 more seconds.
R2.Blood of Mannoroth(25 second CD): Mannoroth sacrafices 25% of his maximum health to increase a nearby allies ability power by 50% for 5 seconds. Also passively adds 25 armor to mannoroth.

Z- Stride(15s CD) Instead of mounting; manneroth can be targeted in a specific direction; he will then charge (unable to turn) increasing movement speed by 10% per second, until he cancels Stride or hits an obstacle. (This damages/knocks back enemy heroes/units. and damages enemy structures) Pressing Z again slows him down 30% per second until he is under 80% movement speed. then cancels stride. Hitting a wall/barricade/structure instantly cancels stride, and deals damage to the target (if it is an enemy building)

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I also love your Mannoroth build, especially his Z Ability, yours reminds me of a classic Pit Lord kit back in warcraft 3!!!

A potentially quest(dont know what effect), that is called Spread of Chaos or something like that that triggers after affected people deal so much damage or just how many heroes effected.

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Im really sorry for taking such a long time to take your suggestion, i just wanted you to know that i did manage to put it up!! Thats all, Thanks a bunch!!!

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We really do need some WoW Demons