Malthael too weak (full 1v1 list)

ok i get it, Malthael isnt weak, ok, i understand now. thanks for replying to stupid me. i said some very stupid stuff that now when i look im wondering what was going in my head. but you guys still continued to answer my stuff, and now i understand what was going wrong for me.

and i would really appreciate if i could have some of you guys friended :slight_smile:
specially you Karabars and Harbringer (since i can tell you guys play Malthael really often or know him really well)
(idk how to mention so ill quote absolutely nothing)


Malt can’t kill TLV in half cases, but TLV can’t dmg him well enough until 16 with stun.
Malth can freeze a lane and lower TLV’s hp every time someone tries to collect exp. He’s fine at double soaking with his 1 lvl talent for faster mount and he outheals TLV’s dmg and punishes them very hard if he manages to spread his Trait to 2 of them at least.

He’s not a hero I would like to face as TLV in certain maps.


Karabars#2813 just tell me which region you play on.

Early game you can end up just wasting time. Your job is mainly to be laning or double soaking in lane(s), not skirmishing between. That job is better left to heroes with freer mobility and high burst damage, such as dedicated gankers.

Applying chip damage to someone you pass by in the jungle is perfectly fine, especially if you can kite them out and waste some of their health, mana, time, and patience.
The problem is if you end up spending too much time doing so, like if you’re chasing a kill against a hero with enough sustain or mobility to kite you or enough health to stall you for too long, you’ll end up losing out on the value you’re supposed to be getting in-lane. Malthael’s low single-target DPS also means the enemy team will likely have time to respond and collapse on you before you get the kill anyway, forcing you to retreat or your teammates to come help you as well.

That dynamic changes once you hit level 10 because exp takes less precedence after that point and you have your ult to help you kite and/or kill your foes. Prior to that, however, you are both stronger and more valuable focusing on laning.

OMG, you understand this!

Your team usually won’t let you. They’ll insist on staying in one of the lanes you’re soaking.


Gladly I am smart enough to let Malth do his job.

Surely if I play TLV and I have Malth, I will force him to join our team or do camps lol


I will write harby play a split push malth with you with that next time you play tlv :smirk:

I do think illidan definitely is a hardcounter against malthael.

i play on EU
and thanks

  1. theres a certain… art of playing malthael that I dont know, so I’m not commenting on him cu I suck with him alot

  2. a good malthael beats a good rag, but its cause malthael has alot of sustain. Rag is criminally underrated when it comes to laning, he beats yrel, dehaka, leoric, even qhira and zagara . It’s all a matter of hard micro and using E to dodge, heal with minions with Q and hard poking with AA and W

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Level 57 Malth, 60% win rate here, I feel like your list is ill-founded.
Malthael is a poor boxer, there is no getting around that. If you just sit there and box your opponent on Malth, you will lose 90% of your fights; His auto-attacks do extremely poor single target damage and his health bar is far too small for such a contest.
What Malthael is and always has been an oppressive laner. If you mark a wave and a hero and hold down q, most heroes in the game cannot match your sustain and at 4 when you pick up Die Alone, you can bully people out of lane. The heroes that can successfully 1v1 him in these situations (e.g. Gazlow) can’t outclear him, and 90% of the characters that can both 1v1 him and outclear him have to choose one or the other. Malthael is so formidable because he can bring his great clear, harass and sustain to bear simultaneously. Most solo laners can’t even fathom that kind of situation.

HAH! Malthael completely wipes the floor with Illidan until 16. Illidan hasn’t the clear speed or the damage to challenge Malthael in lane until he gets the Blades of Azzinoth. In the case of The Hunt, Malthael has a talent at 13 that makes him immune to cc. Malthael literally has the tools to prepare himself as soon as Illidan announces that he isn’t prepared (“YOOOOOU ARE NOT PREPAAAAARED!”). Also, try using the “massacre” talent for Malthael at 7. It makes his teamfight power much more formidable. Illidan doesn’t dominate Malthael instantly, Illidan gets dominated by Malthael instantly.

i honestly think he needs more self healing
then again, not a good malth player.

I believe that Malthael needs some tweaks to make him playable in more maps than he currently is. His kit doesn’t allow to play him very often and can be hard to pick unless specific teamups are made both for ally and enemy.
Some of his talents are ‘‘obsolete’’ compared to new heroes and skills, I wouldnt go as far as reworking him but he deserve some tweaks and talent changes.

Personally I would love for malthael to have a faster AA animation (not attack speed but actual attack animation) since sometimes in kiting the enemy u cant land the passive on them fast enough and sidestep or juke almost at the same time, that would make him slightly more viable in 1v1 trades especially versus harder matchups.
Talents tweaks and possible rework:

–Death’s reach: should go to 45-50% increased range (sinergy with lvl 4 Throwing shade.
–On a Pale Horse: should either go to 30% extra mount speed OR stay on 20% and have the mount channeling time reduced to 0.5 sec (i mean johanna and yrel insta mount right? so his pale horse need some love too)
–Fear the Reaper: should go to 40% mov speed for 5 sec and prevent Malthael mov speed from being reduced below 110%

–Die Alone: maybe buffed to 60%?
–Throwing shade: range increased to 45%(to match lvl 1 Death’s reach changes) and add a 100% projectile speed (cuz lets face it ffs it travels so slow that when u wanna hit the enemy back line the enemy has the time to order some take away, come back, and dodge the shroud…) the 2% dmg and mana cost reduc iare ok, but should work on structures too.
–Black harvest quest reward should be upped to 4 sec.

–Cold Hand: up slow to 25% at least, and for 3 sec.
–Massacre: good as is but a bit extra radius would be nice.
–Touch of Death: up time to 5 sec of antihealing.

LVL 10
–Tormented souls: CD increased to 80 sec and should heal Malthael for all the damage he deals with his ABILITIES included his passive, for the duration(since this is suppose to be a sustain ult)
–Last Rites: good as is.

LVL 13
–Soul Syphon: up it to 5%
–Ethereal Existence: should give 20 Physical armour per hero affected by Reaper’s Mark up to a max of 40 physical armour (that would be more relevant especially in 1v1 against high AA dmg heroes in solo lane)
–Inevitable End: good, but maybe buffed to 2.5 - 3 sec maybe?
–Shroud of Wisdom: Either make it 60 Spell armour or keep it at 50 but remove the 2 sec windup.

LVL 16
–Soul Collector: keep it the same but add, Soul Rip (Q) healing from heroes increased to 5% of their max health.
–Mortality: keep it the same but add, reduce Wraith Strike by 1 sec
–Memento Mori: Reapers Mark 90% extra dmg after afflicting enemy for more than 3 sec (instead of 4, would make good sinergy with the ‘‘ranged build’’)

LVL 20
–Reaper of Souls: increase Tormented Souls duration by 2 sec but remove the refresh mechanic on takedowns (to compensate for lvl 10 buff) add new mechanic, Tormeted Sould CD refreshes 20% faster for each enemy hero affected by Reapers Mark.
–Angel of Death: should heal malthael for 50% of his missing health (not from dmg dealt) this would prevent the 0 healing from enemy getting huge heals or protected and could be cast a second time within 8 sec for no mana cost, only if the ult kills (which means Last Rites has to do the finishing blow).
–Final Curtain: should be an active, cast a round version of Death Shroud in a target area close to Malthael, more or less the size of Tyrael Sanctification, and rename it to ‘‘Well of Souls’’
–No One Can Stop Death: should give malthael 60 armour upon respawning for 10 sec (would be fun for those tight games where defending gets tricky)

Anyway these are just some thoughts to make Malthael more viable and maybe more meta.

Last 3 patches Masters SL: Malthael is the 4th highest winrate among Bruisers and 12th most popular. We have 17 Bruisers.
I think that’s good enough to consider him viable.
At least enough to not buff every single one of his Talents… :sweat_smile:


What could possible go wrong? I say bring it on! :smile:

im ok with deaths reach, but more range would make it more popular.

i actually comletely agree with this cuz on a pale horse actually isnt as good as every think it is. not THAT big of a change but lower mount speed channeling time would be really nice

feat the reaper is comepletely fine with me, but i do like the “prevent Malthael mov speed from being reduced below 110%”

yeah die alone 10% more damage could really come in useful, specially against low health heroes

i think instead of reducing its cooldown, more projectile speed would be nicer

black harvest is completely fine with me, i think buffing it would make it a bit too strong

nah, cold hands is comepletely fine

i would love this “new functionality: gets 0.5 reduced cooldown for each hero hit”, it would be such a big and good change, but the radius shouldnt change.

tormented souls: “additional functionality: 10 additional armor and 10 spell armor”


soul syphon is fine

that would be a bit too op, but maybe instead of capping it to 30, cap it to 50 armor

nah its fine

its fine

its fine

its fine, maybe instead of 8% make it 9%

memento mory should have 300% more as cap instead of 90%, because otherwise it would deal so low damage, this would make trait build a very viable choice, maybe make it a quest or something cuz just straight up 300% would seem too op

for each takedown while it is active, reduce its cooldown by 10 secs additional function: reduce all ability cooldown by 0.5 and abilities dont cost mana.

i think this talent is fine, since it drastically reduces his quest needs.

just remove this completely, maybe put it as a level 7 talent or sth

its fine

Memento mori: Reapers mark deals increased damage every time it is reapplied

Reapers mark deals 10% increased damage every time you reapply it up to 200%

Passive: reapers mark lasts 1 second longer.


I’d say 25% every time it’s reapplied by basic attacks or abilities (so TS doesn’t instantly max it out), up to 200%.

i really do like this idea, it is a very good one, will def make it worth it for good players, since applying reapers mark over and over again wouldnt be so easy

why shouldnt TS max it out? then TS would be def worth it, if it actually maxed it out. it would make TS really good and i think i like it.