Hey all,
Some changes were made on the back-end to alleviate the crashes when logging in with the Mac client. You should all be able to launch the game and resume playing.
Apologies for the interruption! Thank you all for hanging in there and do let us know if any new issues arise.
Can confirm is working on mac for me now, thanks for the fast support!
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Stil crashing when game starts!!! Cant join for a second and keeps crashing! Fix this Blizzard!
It’s been about 80% success rate for me since the alleged “fix” a few days ago, (i.e. can log in about 4 out of 5 times) until tonight. Now I’m back to 0% success rate. Hence, it’s not fixed for me, either. Also, setting of Windowed/windowed(full screen) in the options will 100% crash HOTS for me, and the same setting in SCII simply doesn’t stick/ignored. Not sure if that’s related.