[Mac] Game crashes on startup

I was able to log in…yay

leavers queue…booo0oooo

Are you guys able to play Hots yet?

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it’s not looking good brev

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No luck yet.

same here,

Macbook M1 Pro 14’’ 2021

error code : F3088EC8-DB39-4386-BB45-C780CA721FD0

Same here. Got to the main HotS loading screen before it crashed today, yesterday didn’t even get that far.

Thanks for still working on this game <3 I’m not ready to give it up

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Same here unfortunately. Thank you to whoever does fix it eventually :slight_smile:


Error Code: E776DF1E-0750-44FC-95B5-A2D11F8249B6 Thanks for working on this! Sincerely appreciate it

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same error here. Gaz will not like this

thanks for the help!

But it’s not two and a half users…

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I think this guy is just talking out the side of his neck. I concur with you. A change process has to go through a series of tests and approvals. That process then needs to be reversible if it breaks something. This broke several somethings as people are reporting it has happened with other games on Mac. Blizzard has to have a decent QA and release cycle because they’ve been in business too long for them not to. This is not a good look.

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omg its back up guys!

Not for me. Maybe they’re rolling out a fix?

It isn’t up for me… :frowning:

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you sit on a throne of lies


Oh no, not again!!!

bump - same for me w/ the crashing since yesterday.

isn’t back up yet on my end.

So you did all that lying so you could say your Battlenet tag? Donkey of the day goes to… :expressionless:

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hahha I actually chuckled