[Mac] Game crashes on startup

imac late 2013

Error code:

Same problem, Macbook Pro M2, EU

Same problem here.
MacBook Air 2020 M1. Ventura 13.4.1

Hello again everyone,

Thank you all for the reports and error codes that have been shared. We have passed along the info to our engineers and they are investigating the source of these crashes affecting all MacOS versions.

At the moment we do not have a work around to prevent the crash, but once we have have more info to share we will provide an update in this thread.


Must be really difficult to reverse whatever you did to the login servers.


Crashes during authentication.
MacBook Pro 2018 Ventura 13.4.1

Crashes during authentication.
iMac 2015 11.6.8 Big Sur

Thank you, it’s nice to know this game is still receiving support!

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In such complicated software as Blizzard has you should consider all services, apps and dependencies between them before doing a rollback.
Sometimes it’s not easy to just rollback a deployment that caused a bug without rolling back other recently released features and/or potentially affecting other services that might depend on these features.
So usually it comes down to evaluating pros and cons of a rollback.
In this case it seems like a feature that they introduced yesterday has more value than users affected by the bug. So perhaps rollback is not possible (or not preferable) and they have to properly fix the bug, which takes some time.

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What’s fascinating is that they appear to have made a server-side change that completely broke HOTS, Diablo III, and maybe other games for all Mac users. The fact that this easily detected outcome was not caught in testing says a lot about their QA and release cycle.


Agreed to all above, just started happening a day or two ago. Seems to fail at Authentication, & glad there is quite a bit of us still active on the forums, even if its because of issues hah. Looks like someone narrowed it down to the Battle.net launcher so hope it gets fixed soon. As someone who’s not a dev, I would think that for the Battle.net launcher, it would be best if game code files were silo’d from each other because it’s not like HOTS has any updates to the game itself?

Mac OS Monterey Intel X86 3.8 GHz 8-Core Core i7

You should always plan your rollouts so that it is possible to roll back without problems. That’s called professional operation.

SAME THING happening here. 2015 Macbook pro intel i7 ; os 12.6.7

error code:


Macbook Pro M1. Shame

It all boils down to effort vs outcome, for example: Why invest into testing your games under macOS for the benefit of 2 and a half users?

True, but sh*t happens nevertheless. Let’s be just patient and don’t demand a lot from the game we don’t pay for.

Same issue here, on a 2021 MacBook Pro running Ventura 13.4.1. My error code is:

I’ve deleted all files + apps, reinstalled, to no effect. I appreciate your time on this!

Error code: 0B02B4FB-93DB-435B-BCBB-65520084EFCC

A game you didn’t pay for perhaps. I did buy a couple of heroes back then.

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