what is going on with this game came back for a couple games and cant get a team that works together. does anyone put money into this game any more? how could you expect to make money with this match making. went from a silver player to b5 due to rank decay, this game needs to be shut down.
Rank does not decay below Master. I think you just had an unlucky losing streak.
Blizzard gave up on this game. Do not play until they decide to make the proper changes needed to ranked.
This is an easy and cheap fix: If you get paired with a potatoe with more than 10 deaths, next game the potatoe goes to enemy team…
Nah you will get the same player on your team like 4 games in row.
Another easy and cheap fix: If you get paired with classic potatoe first pick Butcher that die 11 times and ends game with 10 meat, next game the potatoe is in enemy team…
You know they will not do that. instead of putting said player on the enemy team (that and you cant do it when you are being forced to play against 5man premades) They should be putting more time and effort into a surrender option, player avoidance and of course actually punishing and dealing with the people who afk feed.
Enemy team picks Chogall, my team potatoemates pick Nova and Abathur. I lost rank points and, more important, 10 minuts of my life. But I’ll be banned by AMoving for the next potatoegame…
Nothing worse, you say? Now I get potatoeNova and potatoeMedivh! xD
And now a potatoeMurky that is dying more times than the classic potatoeButcher in your team. A very funny afternoon…
All hail the potato.
Now the potatoe “Valla Carrier”: “Trust me, I’m good with Valla” (30 % winrate). End the game with 9 deaths and 9 kills. 200 points less and learning that the Potatoe Team Generator hates me and puts me now with a potatoeButcher…
This is SO true. Th’as why I wait like 5 minute between rounds before queuing up again.
Well thank you. Thank you very much. I’m so offended.
Don’t Q up instantly after the game ends. You will get a whole set of new players wait at least 5 minutes.
i was lossing over 500 rank points a game so i think your wrong
If don’t play for a while, the confidence of your mmr is gradually lowered over time. ±500 is the limit and from what i’ve seen takes around 1.5-2 months of not playing to reach (another way to get there would be a very long win/lose streak (usually >15). It usually last about 10-15 games until it gets back to ±200 (starts going down slow (the full 500 usually lasts about 4-5 games): like 500 500 500 480 450 400 and then just drops to ~250 fast and then slowly fades to the normal 200).
If you care about your rank, you should really not hop right into SL after a long break. At least do a warmup in try mode or sth. When the difference between win and lose is a full rank (1k points), you should probably make sure you’re at your best when you go back in.
On the other hand, 2.5x for a few games isn’t that much in the long run, so you really shouldn’t pay too much attention to it, if you are indeed playing your normal game.
Rank decay stops at the edge of D5/P1 (anyone lower will never experience it). Decay is unrelated to mmr loosening though - those are 2 different systems. Mmr loosening for inactivity applies to everyone. Mmr loosening is a very good system, passive rank decay is not (but I doubt OP experienced that one, as I can only imagine the language of the post if he dropped from master5k to plat1 for no reason at all, when he seems already so mad about rightfully losing points for actually losing 4 games).
There is a fix. It’s called git gud. It is literally impossible to lose in Bronze 5 if you know how to play the game. You can actually 1v9. Just a move in a side lane until their core is dead. It is actually that simple.
aaaaaaaaaaahahahahaahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Can lucky people that get 4 potatoes in enemy team avoid answering? xD
did you play league before HOTS, this sounds like a league player. the game was designed to be more team based than LOL. And they acomplished it, sure you can carry with certain toons but even in LOL you cant always carry a team. It is the weakest link concept. yes i cant but even having a win rate above 50% will not get you out of bronze. look at my history.