Lost 2000 rank points in 4 games, shut down the game pls

An above 50% winrate will get you out of bronze if you win enough games. If you’re in the depths of bronze 5 it will take many hundreds of games. Btw this is assuming you never dodge drafts or DC in game (that’s 500 points each, although in the long run you do get those back over time).

Run it down azmo is unbeatable by bronze players. If they knew how to counter it, they wouldn’t be bronze.

Its not getting any better. I love this game and gonna miss it but I refuse to play it anymore til they fix matchmaking and deal with trolls and throwers.

Like every other hero, who is able to push. I can climb out of bronze by playing Murky and Nova only.

What have trolls and throwers to do with matchmaking?

When you get the same troll and afk 4 games in a row, The matching is broken.