I’d rather see Blistering Attacks fixed and nerfed before even touching Lava Wave.
He’s my favorite target to bully as Yrel. He’ll get way more siege damage, a bit more XP and hero damage, but he’ll die 3 times more. Without Sulfuras Smash, a late game boss will be the end of him.
On point here. That’s the downside is less team fight for essentially 2-3 waves every 2 minutes. You could counter with a global and split push then come in etc. You can also get a wipe and you make up the xp.
There is also like azmo trait etc. A lot of counters to it but I don’t really think it’s all that and a bag of potatoe chips.
I would like to kindly inform everyone that this isn’t OPs first topic on the matter.
The first time he claimed that Lava Wave is such a ridiculously OP skill that it, and only it, was the reason for him losing a game he had a 4 level lead on.
When asked to share the replay, he didn’t. He strongly refused to share the replay for no valid reason. Even though the replay of how Lava Wave was so strong that it completely negated a 4 level lead (how do you even get 4 levels down with Lava Wave to begin with?) would be perfect as evidence for his case.
And on the topic subject, I’ll say the same I said in that thread.
As it is, Lava Wave is a skill that is only useful if you’re already losing. It has … not that much use in an average game and is pointless in a game where you’re winning, atleast in macro.
Because what’s the point of throwing a Lava Wave and killing at most a single minion wave with it?
Sometimes when I pick it I end up sitting on it for 3-5 minutes or longer because there’s no lane that’s being all that pushed. Everything is in the middle or moving into their territory.
And if Lava Wave is so blisteringly OP, isn’t Sgt Hammers BFG 20 upgrade even worse? Place it on the a lane right and it’ll basically shut down an entire lane permanently, until she shoots another BFG.
I agree with you in general, but isn’t the difference that wave grants Rag free exp for just pressing R the difference why people complain about wave, but not about hammer’s BFG? Isn’t it valid?
On the contrary Hammer can re-position BFG anytime (unless it’s on cd) and use it in teamfights, but Rag can’t, it will just go throw the chosen lane after the big warning.
Thats still not how arguments work though. If you are trying to compare heroes, you should compare them to the role. Otherwise i can complain that tychus cannot heal others and therefor any healer is OP.
Roles are relevant, so take heroes that can fulfill that same role (waveclear), for example blaze, leoric, nazeebo. And those heroes show EXACTLY why lava wave isnt as OP as people say. As soon as you get a hero that benefits from soaking multiple lanes, idealy getting extra benefits out of that (in theory even butcher would work here), than lava wave is often causing that hero to get extra benefits by making soaking easier as the enemy waves get clustered towards their own defenses preventing ganking potential.
Probably more that Hammer’s BFG is only “infinite clearing” when you’re already at 20, where exp is less important.
The constant wavepushing is still very troublesome. But we rarely ever see Sgt Hammer these days, so there’s no point in complaining about something you don’t see.
I think i’ve only seen a Sgt Hammer like twice in this season.
They also have to choose between waveclear or PvP potential. Most usually choose the latter.
It’s not just a nerf, it implies a bug fix. The CDR works against everything, not just heroes.
Blistering Attacks is stronger than Hand of Ragnaros even with Sulfuras Hungers, which shouldn’t be the case. By this route, Sulfuras Smash isn’t far behind Lava Wave in terms of win rate (2.5%).
What was i trying to illustrate?
Your build is your build, what ult you take doesn’t directly influence your hero when your ult is on Cooldown. But your build does. This is what i treid to illustrate. Because of it… When a Ragnaros picks Lava wave, He is NOT like an Abathur clone. Because Abathur clone doesn’t have talents which Ragnaros does.
It being specifically Valla that i just “threw out” as an example doesn’t contradict anything of the subject i was trying to illustrate. What i tried to illustrate, had literally… let me make it phat… Literally nothing to do with roles. Zilch, nada, none.
If it’s a buf then it’s a different matter. Any bugs should be fixed.
In theory. In practice, having a capable sololaner spend some extra time to clean it up in 20 seconds, vs AN ULT with one of the longest CD in the game, its clear which is better. This ult has SO MANY points of view surrounding it that you forget the basis of the ult itself and focus on the theoretical part of the ult, which is absolutely not representative of what it actually does.
A huge downside nobody mentioned with lava wave is that it is an incredibly passive ult. All it can do is stall the game long enough for you to initiate a comeback. And even then it is not the best lane clear. It can’t do well vs any objective, even braxis. A hero push is almost always unaffected unless you pull off a SERIOUS combo, and it’s real value comes from the times when you yourself are unable to go to that lane.
If your team is losing teamfights, it is a crime to not pick Sulfuras Smash. This ult gets you so many real opportunities to win teamfights. And when you are losing teamfights naturally you will go to lanes anyways, so you won’t need Lava wave actually.
In the FEW times I pick Lava wave, I use it on lanes which I cannot reach since we pushed to the enemy side. And most of the uses feel REALLY underwhelming anyways.
Lastly, if your team is literally unable to push back Lava wave, which destroys less than 2 minion pushes on average, then you don’t deserve to win. Now especially with nazeebo being more popular there’s no excuse for your team to not be able to push it back. even a diablo can do it.
You forgot to add this part which was the cruX of it.
You also forgot the cruX of it. same reply as above.
About it not being picked or wanned because of that change could easily be solved with reduced CD. Because now atleast he doesn’t get xp but he can be the lane pressure clearer instead of XP booster.
True but matches often doesn’t look this simple. Which is why i also think why people arent against Lava Wave so much… because people in higher ranks are more coordinated to deal with it. They have as you said “5 ults”.
here’s the thing. Does ragnaros have a really high winrate? No ? Well then he’s not op and dont deserve a nerf. If you nerf lava wave, you should buff him elsewhere or his winrate will get gutted. When people start to understand chain CC (diamond and above), Rag is pretty bad in team fights and quite squishy for a bruiser but makes up for it by giving his team an xp lead. Thats the whole point of lava wave.
Why waste a reply because i wrote “Their” instead of “They’re”? (analogy, don’t reply to this… if it wasn’t clear)
Don’t be too petty pls and send the reply to adress the point instead.
That’s illogical. Why would you want to add more damage to minions at all? How is not getting xp relevant to that?
With a lower cooldown, you’d lose more xp. You’d keep killing minions too far for anyone to soak it.
By picking that ult, you get both less xp, and no team fight ult, on a hero that already has good wave clear. What exactly do I gain from picking it? Ragnaros doesn’t need more clear.
In higher ranks, Rag is picked as a combo piece. So they don’t generally have to deal with lava wave.
But why do you think it needs to be changed at all? Good things will be part of the meta, and Neither Rag nor Lava wave are highly sought after.
“1 less ult in a teamfight”
“does almost nothing to Heroes”
“similar to Tlv”
And the likes. It was highlighted, that Lava Wave is passive.
Weird take. Some ppl here say that Lava Wave is useless if you’re winning. But you say that SS is mandatory if you’re losing.
Meanwhile filtering just for Masters (latest 3 patches), Lava Wave is twice as popular while also have 7% highher wr.
(Also Rag is among the highest wirnate Bruisers in almsot every patch, but usually outshined with some heavily op stuff.)