Kith's D.Va Review + Rework

Hello, friends. My name is Kith and I like videogames. Recently in an AMA, Brett Crawford (Blizz_Daybringer) had the following to offer on the subject of D.Va:

Now, normally I don’t dive in on characters that I know are being worked (because I’m not a fan of my work going to waste even though it’s unlikely it’ll be accepted in the first place), but a friend asked me to do one of my Review+Rework threads on D.Va because of Mr. Crawford’s comment. While I am apprehensive about the prospect, I’m going to do it anyways because I like making my friends happy.

The Review will cover Visual Design, Unit Stats, Abilities, Talents, Overall Gameplay Issues, and culminate in a Final Grade. After that, I will present the Rework aimed at solving whatever issues the Review reveals as the second post in the thread.

D.Va’s Mech and Pilot forms are pretty clear in what they communicate:

  • The Mech looks well armed and armored and has visible boosters, implying the ability to go fast when needed.
  • D.Va herself wears a fitted pilot suit and is armed with a repeater pistol, implying that her personal combat role should be limited.

Given that D.Va’s Mech is significantly more durable than she is and you typically want to stay out of Pilot Mode as much as you can, I’d say this section deserves a perfect score.

D.Va’s Mech is okay-ish - it’s got a lot of nice utilities the offense department (high Attack Speed, AoE, Attack on the Move), but it doesn’t really feel like enough to offset the relatively low durability and damage output. Another major mark against the Mech is the reduced Movement Speed which makes Body Blocking and general mobility significantly harder.

Pilot D.Va’s primary feature is that she exists in the first place: she’s the player’s opportunity to deny the enemy 50% of a takedown, so she gets value just by being there. However, bizarrely, she also features the highest unmodified Basic Attack DPS in the game. I could understand her Pilot form’s DPS being reasonable to give her a chance to ward off attackers, but #1?

Ultimately, the two halves of D.Va feel unbalanced, like the Pilot mode got too much juice and the Mech suffered as a result. Given that D.Va’s listed role is “Bruiser”, that’s not great.

The opportunity to deny the enemy Takedown value is undeniably great, but what’s not great is that the denial potential is really all this setup offers. Even worse, it’s really obvious that the majority of the design value went into this Denial Potential setup and that the other abilities suffered as a result, so that’s not helpful either.

On any other character Boosters would get a higher grade, but Mech D.Va’s bare-bones kit forces a harsher judgment because it has to shoulder so much of the load. Boosters does a little bit of everything, but that’s not necessarily a good thing - if you use it for any of its primary purposes (damage, peel, mobility), you might find that you’ll need it for one of the other ones as soon as it goes on cooldown. It’s not necessarily a bad ability, but it definitely leaves a lot to be desired in context.

Defense Matrix is the star of the show where Mech D.Va is concerned, and what a star it is: a 75% reduction can turn some of the most threatening attacks in the game into pokes.

Unfortunately, for as good as Defense Matrix is, it can be a little tricky to use properly: its range isn’t extensive and mastering the appropriate time to deploy it to negate the damage of powerful attacks can be difficult. Ultimately, despite its potential, Defense Matrix is somewhat situational due to its drawbacks.

Self Destruct is a microcosm of D.Va’s design in general: it’s a situational ability that’s situationally available that locks you out of the rest of your abilities when you use it. Now, granted - it’s really good for what it is and has some amazing potential if you’ve got a teammate that can move it for you, but you’ll rarely see it used more than 4 or 5 times in a match and that whole “forces you out of your core ability set” is really unpleasant.

Bunny Hop is a pretty solid Heroic in theory: it’s got damage, crowd control, Unstoppable, and the animation for it is pretty cute. However, peel back the theorycraft and you start to see the issues:

  • The standard “100 Second Cooldown for Strong Heroics” is way too stifling for a kit that’s already pretty bare.
  • Like Boosters and Defense Matrix and Self Destruct, Bunny Hop is mutually exclusive with the rest of Mech D.Va’s kit while active.
  • Doesn’t really cover any of Mech D.Va’s weaknesses or provide any opportunities that weren’t already available.
  • Despite granting Unstoppable, does not disable the 15% Movement Speed Penalty while active.
  • Big Shot provides significantly better tactical flexibility and interactivity.

I really, really, really want to like Bunny Hop, but it’s just not good enough.

Big Shot is probably the only thing keeping D.Va above water right now. It covers the vast majority of the Pilot Mode’s weaknesses and allows you to get back to Meching about in an amazingly short amount of time. It’s effective, spammable, and versatile - almost the exact opposite of what Bunny Hop is.

Rush-Down is incredibly handy for helping D.Va get around in a timely manner, basically giving her a Mount where she previously only had a 15% Movement Speed penalty. If you’re one of the people that thinks that Boosters’ damage is negligible and only has value as a mobility/emergency peeling tool, then Rush-Down is perfect.

The downside, of course, is that you’re sacrificing a talent to make sure that Mech D.Va can handle long-distance treks in a reasonable timeframe - something that every other character can do for free.

Hit the Nitrous is a pretty okay choice. The extra squirt of speed that it offers is somewhat helpful in getting around and the extra damage can help you pancake unsuspecting foes.

Because Boosters has so many roles to fill, you have to be very good at using it at the right time and in the right way. With that in mind, barreling into the enemy team is rarely a good example of “the right way to use Boosters” - its damage isn’t impressive and the knockback is unlikely to win the adoration of your teammates unless you’re using it to peel. The Cooldown Reduction per hero hit makes it slightly better, but you have to complete the Quest first.

Overall, Crash Course encourages you to use Boosters badly and then, once the Quest is complete, only gives you minor benefits for one third of its primary uses.

Basically, it’s a trap talent in the purest sense of the term.

I absolutely adore Pro Moves, you want to know why? It provides mobility to Mech D.Va without Boosters being part of the equation. It even allows Mech D.Va to reliably Body Block because her Movement Speed isn’t constantly getting dragged down by her stats!

Diverting Power is a nice idea, but a flawed execution. Part of that is just Defense Matrix’s flaws being magnified, but the extra Movement Speed reduction is really unnecessary. The other choices would be better options even without Diverting Power undercutting Mech D.Va’s already gimped mobility.

Most enemies scatter as soon as Defense Matrix comes out because they don’t want their damage nerfed into uselessness, so while the extended duration sounds good on paper, in reality it rarely gets significant value.

If you took D.Va, chances are it’s because you want to use either Self Destruct or Defense Matrix. Fusion Generator enables more of the former by virtue of using the latter, overall it’s a pretty handy talent to have around.

Depending on the math, Bring It On increases the amount of Self Destruct Charge generated from Mech damage to either 39% (which is laughable) or 60% (which is less awful but still not impressive). If you’re that thirsty for boom juice, just take Fusion Generator instead of turning yourself into a piñata.

Coming Through increases the value of Boosters as a Crowd Control tool, making it much more effective at peel and general disruption.

While the slow isn’t substantial, Dazer Zone does make it easier to keep enemies within the effects of Defense Matrix. Unfortunately, Dazer Zone’s soft CC directly competes with Coming Through’s hard peel, so it’s not not a great choice in context.

Aggression Matrix is good for when you want to mill as much Defense Matrix as possible, either to suppress the enemy team’s damage output as possible or to get as much supplemental Self Destruct charge out of Fusion Generator as possible.

However, it loses points because it only counts Basic Attacks against Heroes, so it doesn’t give you as much uptime on Defense Matrix as you would initially imagine.

Nuclear Option magnifies everything about Self Destruct (including its drawbacks) and as a result only really has three niches:

  • You’re fighting something that is static or has predictable positioning, so the increased timer doesn’t matter
  • You have a Garrosh on your team who took Into The Fray and can huck the Mech at the enemy team at the last second, bypassing the drawback of an increased timer
  • Your sense of timing is absolutely amazing and you can place it in such a way that the detonation threatens the enemy at a critical moment, either for zoning purposes or dealing massive damage

It’s fairly useful in the aforementioned niche situations, but otherwise is very difficult to get value from. Making a ponderously slow ability even more ponderously slow usually isn’t going to be worth whatever upside comes with it unless you’ve got the cheese to bypass it.

Good in theory, but doesn’t have enough oomph to stand on its own.

In the interest of making Pilot D.Va significantly less vulnerable, Big Shot is the default choice at 10.

More health is always nice, but the increased cooldown on Call Mech is unnecessary. Emergency Shielding and Ablative Armor are better in practically every way, up to and including how much relative durability they offer.

What the description of Emergency Shielding doesn’t tell you is that it outright negates what would have been the killing blow, with no limit on how much damage can be blocked. This means that if a Mech D.Va with 10 Health and an available charge of Emergency Shielding gets nailed with Pyroblast, she’ll survive. The shields it provides are honestly secondary most of the time.

In more straightforward speak, Ablative Armor reduces damage effects that deal 80 damage or less per hit/tick by 50%. It’s a very solid passive counter to characters like Lunara and Nazeebo (who rely heavily on Damage Over Time) and characters like Tracer and Tychus (whose Basic Attacks are weak but extremely fast), but where it really shines is how it interacts with Defense Matrix. The 75% Damage Reduction causes a LOT of things to fall below the threshold and can render D.Va nearly impervious to damage from debuffed enemies.

Also, perhaps a bit ironically, Ablative Armor functions excellently against Mech D.Va and Pilot D.Va due to their high-speed, low-damage Basic Attacks.

Similarly to Big Shot, Torpedo Dash goes a long way towards covering Pilot D.Va’s weaknesses - with the two in hand, she’s basically a full Hero. The ability itself has significant range and only a 12 second cooldown, granting Pilot D.Va excellent mobility and making her much more difficult to pin down.

GG, WP doesn’t really offer anything that you don’t already get from Big Shot. The damage bonus makes Pilot D.Va’s DPS even more frightening, but you’re rarely going to have the opportunity to sit and shoot (and usually if you do have that opportunity, you want your damage to be low so you get as much Cooldown Reduction for Call Mech out of the target as possible). The Takedown refresh is handy, but usually if you’re getting a Takedown as D.Va it’s because you used Self Destruct - which gives you a new Mech for free anyways.

Ultimately, you’re better off relying on Big Shot for supplemental damage and milling the cooldown of Call Mech and taking Torpedo Dash to keep Pilot D.Va alive.

The extra Armor is nice to try and ward off getting blown up immediately, but Torpedo Dash’s ability to get you away from the danger is more valuable pound for pound. Pilot D.Va doesn’t have a ton of health, so the 50 Armor does a lot less than you would think.

Additionally, while the Cooldown Reduction for Basic Attacks is a nice idea, you have Big Shot.

I can understand the concept of Suppressive Fire - it makes Pilot D.Va’s Basic Attacks slightly safer by giving you more positioning flexibility, so you can mill the cooldown of Call Mech more reliably. However, just like GG, WP and Nanoweave Suit, Big Shot already covers those bases, so why not take Torpedo Dash instead and broaden your horizons?

Bunny Hop is underwhelming and Stop and Pop is very difficult to use effectively.

Keep in mind that’s three shots over 0.5 seconds, not three shots with a 0.5 second cooldown in-between. Pew! Pew! Pew! is a massive power spike to Big Shot and the increased cast duration is frankly negligible.

Concussive Pulse is a nice talent that would’ve been useful at Level 7. At Level 20, it’s massively outclassed by its neighbors.

If you’re comfortable with the amount of damage and cooldown you’re getting from Big Shot’s default form, MEKAfall is a very viable alternative that makes Call Mech much safer and much more versatile.

  • Mech D.Va is a mediocre Bruiser
  • Pilot D.Va is a mediocre Assassin
  • The novel portions of the design (Defense Matrix, Self Destruct, and Pilot Mode) are not nearly enough to carry the rest
  • Talent selection leaves much to be desired

Before we talk about D.Va, let’s talk about Rexxar. I know, weird change of subject after I wrote all those words about D.Va, but try to bear with me here. Heh.

In a sense, Rexxar is comparable to D.Va because of their shared emphasis on half-heroes. Basic logic dictates that adding two halves together results in a whole, and in Rexxar’s case that’s very true: constantly managing both Rexxar and Misha gives a whole gameplay experience because the two halves are always present, so the gaps are rarely revealed.

However, unlike Rexxar, D.Va’s halves cannot be added because they’re mutually exclusive: the player can only ever be Mech D.Va or Pilot D.Va, never having access to both ability sets at the same time. Instead of how Rexxar’s halves are added together, the two half experiences of D.Va are averaged, and the average of two halves is merely a half - leaving the gaps clearly visible.

To quote the friend who inspired me to write this: “D.Va doesn’t have a lot and what she does have isn’t very much.” Neither of her Modes has a significant presence or impact because so much value has been sunk into the wrong place - all of the effort to cover her weaknesses would’ve been better spent building up her strengths to ensure that she could perform admirably in her element instead of softening the blow of her inevitable failures.


All concepts discussed in this Rework are free to use by Blizzard without credit.

So now we’re on the part where I make suggestions on how to fix all of these problems that I’ve pointed out. My goals are thus:

  • Move statistical emphasis from Pilot D.Va to Mech D.Va
  • Integrate the Micro-Missiles ability that was added to D.Va in Overwatch
  • Add functionality to Basic Attacks to make them more interesting from a Gameplay standpoint
  • Upgrade Mech D.Va’s mobility mechanics

Notable changes (such as tooltip updates, cost/cooldown adjustments, ect) will be listed in italics.

One of D.Va’s biggest problems is that Pilot D.Va gets so much emphasis when she’s such a small part of the experience (and not really why you would want to take D.Va in the first place besides). The statistical changes are to make D.Va a better Bruiser by putting more emphasis on the Mech, both in durability and damage.

Speaking of damage, Mech D.Va’s Basic Attacks gaining increased damage to close-range targets is partially for balance and partially to pay homage to how her Fusion Cannons work in Overwatch. In the source material, D.Va’s Mech is a dangerous combatant at close range, so I wanted to encourage close-range combat a bit more in HOTS.

Not a whole lot going on here except for justifying stats and giving Call Mech a minor buff to make the now weaker Pilot D.Va easier to get out of.

Boosters is now Mech D.Va’s Mount replacement. It can no longer (natively) deal damage or knock back enemies, but D.Va’s “push weight” increases to the maximum while it’s active, allowing her to get where she’s going regardless of who’s standing in her way.

Replacing Boosters as Mech D.Va’s Q, Micro Missiles is based on the ability of the same name from Overwatch. Filling the role of D.Va’s damage-dealing supplement ability, Micro Missiles can be combined with the Mech’s Basic Attacks, Boosters, Defense Matrix, or Bunny Hop.

As something of a drawback, Micro Missiles cannot be aimed manually: they shoot in the direction that D.Va’s mech is facing, either straight ahead or in whatever direction she’s using her Basic Attacks in.

Defense Matrix has gained an additional second of duration and can now be rotated to face new targets. The cancellation ability isn’t new, but it was moved to the Trait button since the reactivation now functions as the re-targeting mechanism.

The Movement Speed penalty was added to make the newly buffed Defense Matrix a bit more fair and go in hand with the Movement Speed penalty suffered from Basic Attacks.

Self Destruct’s charge from damage taken has been increased from 30% to 40% to make it a bit more frequently seen, but is otherwise unchanged.

Bunny Hop got a pretty significant tune-up:

  • Cooldown lowered from 100 to 60
  • Added a 20% Movement Speed Bonus
  • Damage per stomp increased from 60 to 70

Ideally, this will allow it to compete a bit more with Big Shot.

Unchanged. Big Shot is fine as it is, especially with the nerfs to Pilot D.Va.

Talents have been almost completely overhauled, featuring many new talents and a new organizational structure:

  • Level 1 Talents: Mobility Tier
  • Level 4 Talents: Offense Tier
  • Level 7 Talents: Defense Tier
  • Level 10 Talents: Heroic
  • Level 13 Talents: Durability Tier
  • Level 16 Talents: Power Spike Tier
  • Level 20 Talents: Storm Tier

Additionally, each Tier features one Talent for Pilot D.Va rather than having an entire tier dedicated to it.

An adjusted version of Boosters requires an adjusted version of Rush-down. It’s like On A Pale Horse, but for the Lil’ Tyke’s Twee Tank instead of a morbid bedsheet.

It’s always bugged me that D.Va couldn’t fly in HOTS even though she could in Overwatch, so this is a way of giving her that functionality in a limited fashion. ON AIR would follow the same movement rules as Medivh’s Raven Form and serve to make Boosters into an excellent escape tool and possibly a better movement tool than the default Boosters based on how well the player uses it to navigate obstacles.

Pro Moves is a fine concept, but the removal of the permanent 15% Movement Speed penalty necessitates an adjustment to Pro Moves’ maximum speed bonus.

For the Pilot D.Va whose primary concern is getting away from their Mech as quickly as possible (or hunting down a vulnerable target after using Self Destruct).

Vastly increases the efficiency of Micro Missiles against tightly-packed targets, useful for both waveclear and teamfights.

Good for waveclear and beating up camps.

Restores the previous functionality of Boosters with a minor damage reduction to accommodate for the presence of Micro Missiles.

A rebranded Suppressing Fire makes getting Mech Charge a little bit easier and faster.

Dazer Zone has been adjusted to have a little bit easier reaction time, but reward players who manage to keep enemies in the Zone for extended periods.

Players who manage to keep Defense Matrix trained on enemy heroes for extended periods will be rewarded with the opportunity to use Defense Matrix more often.

If the math seems confusing, you can get 2 seconds of Cooldown Reduction from keeping an enemy Hero in the field for the full duration. As a result, it’s possible (but not likely) to get a full reset when keeping 6 Heroes in the field for the full duration.

Diverting Power’s new downside is that it can’t be rotated instead of consuming even more of D.Va’s limited Movement Speed.

Concussive Pulse has a new home among the Level 7 talents. The only differences from the original are a lack of damage (because it’s a defense talent, silly!) and a shorter range (reduced by about 30%).

It is still Bunny Hop, my dudes.

It is still Big Shot, my dudes.

Emergency Shielding is one of the very few talents that is not only unchanged, but also at the same tier it once was.

Ablative Armor’s functionality hasn’t changed, it just got a tooltip update to be clearer on what the clamp is.

Inspired in equal parts by the infamous Early Ejection bug and the Shooting Star Animated Short where D.Va is shown repairing her Mech, Pit Stop allows D.Va to pop out and tune up her ride. The abandoned Mech is still vulnerable to attack and gives its full XP bounty when destroyed, encouraging players to not use it as a discount Self Destruct.

Nanoweave Suit is now all about trying to keep Pilot D.Va alive in the event of her Mech getting destroyed. To specify the mechanics of the decay, Nanoweave Suit loses 5 Armor every 0.5 seconds after the ejection.

Builds some synergy in using the two abilities together outside of “they can be used at the same time”. Probably handy in teamfights!

Gives Mech D.Va’s Basic Attacks a little extra oomph in teamfights and for general DPS.

Nuclear Option is moving up in the world, giving Self Destruct some seriously terrifying damage potential and better effectiveness as a Siege option.

Torpedo Dash’s primary problem was that it was the only good option at 16. Ideally, the selection of shiny new talents at Level 16 will solve this.

Bunny Hop gets an incredibly nasty Level 20 upgrade for people who love to go all-in on late-game teamfights.

Pew! Pew! Pew! is fine as it is and needs no adjustments.

MEKAfall has received a minor tweak, allowing D.Va to use Call Mech immediately after activating Self Destruct instead of incurring a 4 second cooldown period.

GG, WP has been elevated to a Level 20 talent and had its power doubled, both to adjust for Pilot D.Va’s reduced damage and to account for its new home among the Storm Talents.

The ultimate goal for the rework is to make D.Va into a better Bruiser by making Mech D.Va into a better hero. While this comes at the cost of cutting into Pilot D.Va’s effectiveness, players can still pick up talents at every tier to return her to the current status quo if they so choose.

Anyways, that’s all I have for now. I hope you liked it and, if you didn’t, I hope you’ll tell me why.

Thank you for reading. :wave:

still looking for a job blizz, help ya boy out




Amazing thread. Placeholding a post as i want to come back when i have more time.

As the developers said in the latest AMA, now is the time provide feedback on DVa as she goes through her rework. Let this be the post where people can list their ideas. Hopefully the devs will review it.


No need to play Tycus odin if you got them missiles on DVA


I guess there is no need to play Gul’dan because Jaina has cone of cold…
No need to play valla or tyande because sylvanas has a bow


I love everything you did here, and probably love bunnyhop changes too much… im not sure if its just the new factor, but at face value i cant see myself ever taking bigshot, and by extension, pew pew pew.

Whens the PTR? :smile:


Loving all the suggestions here, if these changes went live I would prob be a Dva one trick. I’ve play her now and then (lvl 25) I enjoy her theme, but her current power and capabilities feel so underwhelming. Her kit works well in OverWatch, but in a Moba game like this it doesn’t work.

I did post my own threada month ago addressing my concerns with her kit. No where as near detailed or well thought out as this post. I’ll still leave it here for the devs or feedback team can see it if needed.


Level 40 D.Va player here, she’s my 2nd most played character and most played Warrior Bruiser, the rework concept is really mixed for me,

  1. I’m not really fond over the micro missiles changes but since the focus here is about her Mech than her Pilot form I will pass over this one.

  2. Rush-Down and ON AIR competing is a good concept between massive wall passing and faster rotations though I could see ON AIR being overpowered in some situations and reminds me of Genjis dash a lot, hYpErMoBiLitY cOnFiRmEd?

  3. Travel Light is straightforward would work in very little cases as mount is overall better, if you do not escape the enemy with a timed Z (especially with the already removed movement slow) you deserve to die because from the look of it her mobility for her boosters went unaffected.

  4. A really nice touch in adding functionalities to different basic attacks.

  5. Suppressing Fire went from Trash tier to viable with the change, can’t say much about Concussive Pulse.

  6. Both Diverting Power and Dazer Zone talents are considerably broken, diverting power may always sounded weak because of the slow but it has its powers even before the rework specifically in tight areas and Braxis Holdout control points during team fights, the “you cannot rotate anymore” is nothing to those knew how to time their defense matrix for the right moment with no need to rotate it in the first place, straight forward buff and a major one, Dazer Zone slow is a strong anti melee diving tool and now it became more powerful despite its already strong state.
    Feedback loop is basically a nerf to Aggression Matrix against Silence functionality, can’t have em all I guess, so I suppose you can no longer have something against Silence lel rip.

  7. Good heroic options with the change but do not agree with the cooldown reduction.

  8. Highly competing talents on level 13, that honestly… this talent tier is really good, it makes Ablative stronger with the health change on top of it competing with a strong safe ejection talent (that has been already strong before the health nerfs) and the armor buffs is only for the massive health reduction I suppose, and the Pit concept is nice, though I’m not really up for the global restore 10% HP whenever you want per second infinitely

  9. The rest seems fine and I agree with a lot of options that were placed there.

Overall solid [B-|80/100] (dunno the alphabet rating system works) rework, can work but it has a risk of talent diversity which is something her talent tree currently has.

On a side note I like your Rexxar comparison, may I add how you could do the same thing for D.Va with Leoric while at the same time not sacrifice XP for an engage?

Additionally Nuclear option is far from D ratings, the talents entire point is to zone an area as much as possible is the duration increase high? Yes, does it work outside of combo oriented? Yes, specifically against PvE objectives like Braxis Holdout.


It’s true! Granted, that’s base DPS - Worgen Greymane with Inner Beast active or a fully Hatred stacked Valla have higher DPSes, but with in terms of raw stats, Pilot D.Va has the highest DPS in the game.

I’m glad you liked it! And yeah, I’m hoping that I get some official attention - I’d love to see some of my designs go live.

Funny you should say that. The Micro Missiles icon is a heavily edited version of the Ragnarok Missiles icon:

I’m really worried that I didn’t do enough for Bunny Hop, honestly - even after the changes, I couldn’t see myself not taking Big Shot just for the safety/utility. Ultimately it’d take testing to see how the new Bunny Hop shakes out to see if going all-in on the Mech is worth it.

i wish

I’m glad that you like it so much! Although, I admit that I disagree that her kit doesn’t work in a MOBA. All her kit needs is a different approach in the translation - a different set of emphases and a sharpened focus on her primary role.

In Overwatch, D.Va works because Pilot D.Va can still jump, crouch, strafe, hide, and all of the standard FPS actions to go with her Light Gun. However, when converted to a traditional MOBA control scheme, all she’s got is movement and Basic Attacks. In theory this is balanced, but the reality is usually not so kind - as we’ve seen.

Y’know, I get the feeling - and this is just a guess, mind you - that you’re a fan of Micro Missiles.

I look forward to your feedback!

Would you mind explaining why you don’t like Micro Missiles?

I’m relying pretty heavily on the cooldown of Boosters to keep ON AIR in check. If the rework gets implemented (which I know is unlikely, but still), I’m sure tacking on a cooldown increase to ON AIR will keep it from falling into overuse.

I was considering adding an extra Movement Speed boost during the initial ejection. Do you think that would make it a better option?

I’m guessing you meant the bonus damage for close-range targets. Either way, thank you! It always bugged me that D.Va’s mech has what are basically twin shotguns and HOTS D.Va doesn’t have any kind of translation for that.


Honestly, I’m kind of worried about Concussive Pulse. The knockback it has is substantial and it hits in a reasonably generous area.

Then again, it’s competing with the various Defense Matrix talents, all of which are very strong, so I dunno. Testing (if it ever happens) will reveal how effective it is.

Honestly, I’m not that worried about it - Defense Matrix can still be interrupted/canceled like any other channeled ability. If it turns out to be a real problem, then we can throw in an extra Movement Speed penalty again.

Do you feel that it’s too strong?

It is a nerf when facing interrupts, you are correct. However, it puts more emphasis on blowing Crowd Control on D.Va when Defense Matrix is out, which makes her a much better attention magnet when she needs to step in and do some tanking.

Do you feel that the reworked Bunny Hop is too strong with the reduced cooldown? I personally feel that I didn’t buff Bunny Hop enough - taking Bunny Hop means not taking Big Shot, and that means relying entirely on Pilot D.Va’s Basic Attacks to get your Mech back - something that can be crippling.

My goal for Level 13 was to overwhelm the user with nice choices, and it seems like I succeeded. :smile:

It doesn’t, actually. The clamp would still be at the same spot that it is now, just no longer specifically based on D.Va’s Maximum Health.

Unless you mean that Ablative Armor is stronger because the Mech has more health, which is technically true.

That is correct, Nanoweave Suit’s Armor bonus went from 50 to 75 because Pilot D.Va’s health went from 1153 to 850. I debated on pausing the Armor Decay every time D.Va took damage, but I’d rather see how the gameplay shakes out first (if it sees the light of day at all, anyways).

I’m glad that you think it’s nice. I feel like it’s a fair method of granting D.Va some conditional sustain as she’s one of the few Bruisers who has no sustain options whatsoever.

Excellent! I’m glad to hear that from a high-level D.Va player.

An 80 would be a B, so you’re close enough. What talents/tiers are you concerned about?

I’m not sure what you mean about Leoric, would you mind explaining?

I gave it a D because I’ve never, ever seen it get value unless there was a Garrosh present to chuck the Mech at the enemy. Based on your feedback, I’ll give its zoning potential a mention and bump up its grade.

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Your right, bunnyhop would need live tests with all her new base stats, but heck, just being able to move at 100% speed makes it at least worth looking at. You get a REALLY large area of influence increase from just that.

As a plus, thinking about that lvl20 combo when those teamfights make or break the game… well, you got me excited about it and thats really half of the battle with design.

I’m not really a big fan of “If Overwatch does it why can’t we do it too here?” I know sounds really dump but I suppose this time it makes actually sense with the rework?

Could definitely make it, it would be cool if it gave 20% ~ 30% movement speed for 4 seconds upon ejecting, but still can mount anyways.

Yes, it already makes Melee assassins life hard to grab couple of basic attacks or move around upon casting, this change is an overkill with the movement speed increase too lol.

I would say about an 80 seconds cooldown should be enough instead of being 60, but the changes made it compete for once finally.

That’s what I menat. :stuck_out_tongue:

Leoric can disrupt and do a very similar job to D.Va the difference is one sacrifices 50% XP to achieve a kill in an engage, the other is called Leoric.

Yes people die when they are killed but D.Va softly gives 50% XP for trading one, Leoric can do the same thing and survives the engage when played correctly.

A lot of people confuse Self Destruct as “a damage tool” which is a similar common mistake a lot of players try to attempt to do in Overwatch too, Self Destruct Damage is secondary, Zoning is the primary of the ultimate, by using self destruct to force zoning the enemy team and isolating a target.

Additionally you put them in a bad spot can be a team win, so it comes to either zone out of the area that deals 1000 damage (in Overwatch) or face a triple kill and lose the fight and the game too.

Nuclear Option can work on siege specific maps, I love to use it during punisher moving as it secures a the area and let them waste 7 seconds to not attacking the punisher due the nuke, on top of its damage too its really good.

On Braxis a timed bomb deletes the entire wave with one cast, rendering everything useless.

Please, don’t add even more boring identical tiers to the game. Talents are so much less interesting when every talent buffs the same aspect of a Hero. Allow some actual choices what type of talent you want.

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I keep telling this to everyone I meet, if there’s 2 things I want with a dva rework, it’s

  1. Being able to hop out of the mech at will so that it can repair itself while you’re baby dva but can only get back in if you’re near it (no calldowns unless you don’t have one period)
  2. Micro missiles in talent form or otherwise.

How would ON AIR and Crash Course interact with each other?
Technically I’m flying over enemies and terrain, and Crash Course would make me damage/knock enemies, while in air?

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Why not? She can do the same thing in Overwatch. Although it does sound kind of strange in a moba-type game, now that you mention it.

Anyway, love the suggestions here. However, knowing Blizzard’s own track record, I can’t imagine they’ll actually improve much if anything at all. They seem to really want pilot mode to be more impactful than the mech, so at this point all I’m expecting during her “rework” is even more emphasis of not actually being in the Mech for any serious length of time.

How would On-Air work exactly?
It works with Medivh because you can’t unmount on top of walls.

But if the duration of on air ends while in the middle of a wall, what would happen? Would you get pushed to the closest side of the wall?
Depending on the walls, the “push” could send you really far and could be considered broken.

Aside from that, I absolutely LOVE the base changes, especially the damage increase on closer ranged (I used to say tracer should have that back in the days when she was broken lol).

The buffs to Bunny hop is a bit much, it’s not a bad ult at all, just somewhat overshadowed by the alternative. I think reducing the cooldown is all it needs, 60s will definitely make it much more usable, especially with the base mech durability buffs.

Torpedo Dash should be baseline, not made into a storm talent :frowning: