I don’t know anymore some ideas for changes. She’s already at a healthly win/lose ratio, but her cons feel overwhelming compared to when nearly every other hero can do better than her in a situation.
Game play issues
She cannot solo lane against anyone, her mech has very short range and zero sustain with the smallest HP pool compared to other tanky heroes. Either stay with the team or roam around.
What exactly is her damage output suppose to be?
Boosters for re-positioning or picking off someone and she has her auto attacks. That’s really about it and self-destruct might be the highest damage output in the game, but it’s also the most unreliable. Would it be really that bad for her to have Micro Missiles in this game? Just move the self-destruct to the 1-5 keys like Xul has with his bone armor. -
Her mobility is weird depending on which lvl 1 talent you pick. Rush-Down is great for out of combat, but very poor in combat and vice versa if you take Pro Moves. She at least have standard %100 move speed while out of combat but drop to it’s current %85 when she’s in combat for some middle ground? Also delete Crash Course. You gain nothing from it until after the quest is completed.
LvL 13 Talents - Emergency Shielding the best of the 3. It’s only %10-15 compared to Expensive Plating, but you don’t suffer the extra 15 seconds CD increase on Call Mech. Ablative Armor does that even work?
LvL 16 Talents - Torpedo Dash or GG, WP.
Nanoweave suit - why ever pick this? TD is better for getting out of danger the armor won’t save you and the faster mech call is worthless when you can just take Big Shot.
Suppressing Fire - much as i like this it’s just not enough TD and GG, WP are just far better. -
LvL 20 Talents
Stop and Pop - the only time i would ever see this being used would be on merc/boss capture points when both teams are fighting over it.
Concussive Pulse - self peeling only when i can just dash away instead with lvl 16 talent, i don’t see myself using this ever. -
Pilot Dva has literally nothing unless she picks the talents for the skills. With what she already does it’s acceptable, but what if Suppressing Fire and Concussive Pulse were quest rewards she can earn, but only while in pilot form? idk example maybe land “X” number of auto attacks against heroes to earn Suppressing Fire upgrade?
And of course if any changes/buffs go through there’s gotta be some nerfs, but i won’t comment on what to nerf.
See also has what i see invisible powers. Really just UI changes
Ablative Armor - Take half damage if it’s 4% or less of Dva max health. When does this even trigger?? Seriously i don’t know when it ever triggers or if it ever works. Show a UI near the defense matrix or somewhere for how much damage is being reduced so i can at least see if it’s working.
There a reason why the numbers for Defense Matrix doesn’t show or add up in the tabs under shield/healing? She is reducing damage, but only the Dva player sees this.
When Alt-Clicking Self-Destruct show a % number instead of it’s ready or not? She has a bar that shows it, but does anyone really look at it? idk