Kith's Artanis Review + Rework

Hello, friends. My name is Kith and I like videogames.

Artanis! He’s the perfect example of a Bruiser: he’s got good damage, good durability, solid waveclear, pick potential, and is definitely not someone you would want on your backline. Some of his stuff is a little roundabout in how it works, but that’s really part of the charm - it makes him interesting to learn and play.

Unfortunately, Artanis has a few failings. There aren’t many and the ones that are there aren’t too debilitating, but they’re there, and I’m here to talk about the whole story so I can shine some light on the grungy parts in proper context.

The Review will cover Visual Design, Unit Stats, Abilities, Talents, Overall Gameplay Issues, and culminate in a Final Grade. After that, I will present the Rework aimed at solving whatever issues the Review reveals as the second post in the thread.

The Hierarch of the Daelaam is kitted out in his swanky (and bulky) Legacy of the Void armor, cleanly communicating that he’s some kind of tough cookie. His wrist-mounted Psi Blades imply that he’s a short-range attacker, and that’s true to his gameplay. Finally, being a Protoss, it’s implied that Artanis has access to Shields on some level and can probably do some weird psychic stuff.

Overall, Artanis plays more or less how you would expect him to: he’s a super buff Zealot with some special moves.

Artanis is the model Bruiser: a very solid amount of health and reasonable damage output for his Basic Attacks. His grade is further improved by his Shield Overload, which grants him a periodic burst of extra durability and a solid source of combat sustain.

Shield Overload goes a long way to defining Artanis’s playstyle, encouraging him to stay engaged and brawl for as long and as hard as he can.

When Artanis released, Blade Dash was… pretty underwhelming, all told. But as time went on, it got an enormous design update: the ability to use Phase Prism while Blade Dashing, something that turned it into a major part of Artanis’s kit instead of an offhand detail.

Blade Dash’s mechanics are a bit strange compared to most movement/attack abilities, but a little practice will go a long way towards making it into an effective tool.

Twin Blades is a great ability - cheap, straightforward, synergizes well with Shield Overload, and gives Artanis a solid DPS bump in the form of soft burst. The charge makes it easier to close gaps and stick to fleeing targets, and can even be used as a pseudo-escape in a pinch if you’ve got a target in the right place.

Phase Prism can be a lot of things: a fishing hook, a brake pedal, an “I’m body-blocking you now” button, or even an escape. However, moreso than any other part of Artanis’s kit, Phase Prism’s impact depends on its usage. While Phase Prism itself is incredibly powerful, the potential to do harm to your team must also be considered with each use - it’s arguably just as easy to get a God Swap on a fragile Assassin as it is to put an irritable and dangerous Bruiser on your backline.

Suppression Pulse is the king of swing when it comes to shutting down heavy Physical compositions due to its huge effect area and extended Blind duration. The infinite range ensures that targets will never be out of reach, allowing you the flexibility to use it on an immediate teamfight or possibly save a teammate on the other side of the map. Suppression Pulse can even be used as a scouting tool in a pinch, allowing the user to do things like check Boss with no cost beyond incurring the relatively short cooldown.

Purifier Beam is a fantastic weapon, an excellent tool, and all-around effective choice against pretty much any team. If Suppression Pulse can’t get the job done, it’s very likely that Purifier Beam can.

Reactive Parry is okay in theory, but in practice it has issues competing with other options on the same tier. Artanis typically doesn’t have much trouble dealing with sustained Physical damage due to Shield Overload and Suppression Pulse, so unfortunately Reactive Parry falls by the wayside when compared to its more tactically significant peers.

Amateur Opponent is the go-to talent for ripping through minions, structures, mercenary camps, bosses, and objective monsters. It’s devastating against targets like the Immortals from Battlefield of Eternity and, with the proper build, allows Artanis to solo Bosses by Level 13. If you want a tactical edge over your foes, Amateur Opponent is the talent for you.

Seasoned Marksman is an amazing generalist talent and the best choice at this tier if you don’t have a specific reason to take Amateur Opponent. The bonus damage that it grants is multiplied in value by Twin Blades and the Attack Speed boost that it rewards you with is nearly overpowered - not only does it boost Artanis’s significant Basic Attack DPS, but also make it much easier to mill the cooldown of Shield Overload while active. For most matches, the stack requirement ensures that the Attack Speed boost comes late in the game, but in one-sided matches it can come much earlier and be a little too strong as a result.

At first glance, Psionic Synergy is a great pick: initiating with Phase Prism is almost always dangerous and 20 Armor goes a long way towards making swaps less likely to get Artanis killed. However the other options at the tier are far more flexible and reliable because they don’t require the use of Phase Prism to activate.

Shield Battery is an excellent talent for when you face a team that lacks the burst to break through your Shield Overload quickly, allowing you to get good value out of the increased cooldown speed while the Shield is active.

One of the greatest strengths of Shield Overload is how deceptively durable it makes Artanis, and Shield Surge multiplies that impact by nearly half. Granted, it only kicks in when Artanis is below 25%, but it’s very rare that Artanis won’t get value out of Shield Surge at least once over the course of a match.

Solarite Reaper is ~37.5% increase to the total damage of Blade Dash, which definitely has its uses - primarily in waveclear. However, unless you’re specifically aiming to clear waves quickly or you’re rolling a Caster build because the enemy team is saturated with Blinds, Solarite Reaper can fall a bit flat compared to the other options at the tier.

Warp Sickness makes enemies much easier to focus down after getting swapped, making it an excellent choice for the pick-oriented player.

75% additional Attack Speed is no joke when you find yourself surrounded by enemies, making Artanis much more dangerous to a fragile backline and much more difficult to finish off thanks to the Shield Overload cooldown reduction generated by Basic Attacks. For the player that likes going all-in on their dives, Chrono Surge is the talent to take.

Twin Blades is a mere 20 Mana and has a 4 second cooldown, so Artanis will be able to use Follow Through’s bonus damage on a regular basis. For the player who wants a generalist talent that they’ll get constant value out of, Follow Through is a great choice.

Suppression Pulse is an excellent defensive tool with a variety of potential uses, not least of which being a drastic counter to heroes that rely on Physical Damage.

Purifier Beam is an excellent offensive tool with the potential for excellent disruption and devastating damage.

Templar’s Zeal is the core of a Blade Dash build thanks to its roundabout method of inducing cooldown reduction and reduction of Blade Dash’s Mana Cost. If the opposing team features multiple Blinds, Templar’s Zeal is a fantastic method of keeping Shield Overload active.

Triple Strike is an incredibly powerful Talent that increases the value of a Twin Blades cast by 50%, both in damage dealt and Shield Overload cooldown reduction. However, it comes at the cost of increasing Twin Blades’ cooldown by 1 second, requiring the user to be slightly more careful when using Twin Blades to refresh their shields.

Like Templar’s Zeal, Gravitron Vortex goes a long way towards making a Phase Prism build possible. It also synergizes exceptionally well with Chrono Surge since the increased Attack Speed generates additional value combined with Gravitron Vortex’s cooldown reduction per hit.

Artanis is uniquely vulnerable to burst damage due to its ability to punch through his shields and cause him to take Health damage once more. Considering that the majority of burst damage is Ability damage, Phase Bulwark’s Spell Armor goes a very long way towards covering that particular weakness (and is great for keeping Artanis alive in general).

Titan Killer gives Artanis an okay-ish amount of Health Shred and builds upon the burst of Twin Blades, but I find that it’s difficult to justify picking it over Force of Will or Blades of a Templar - even against compositions with multiple high-health targets.

First and foremost, Force of Will gives a massive amount of Shield Overload cooldown reduction, making it an absurdly strong defensive upgrade. Secondly, Force of Will smoothly empowers both Blade Dash and Phase Prism builds, building off of their constant casting to keep Artanis alive.

In comparison to Blades of a Templar, it is the slightly more defensive choice - the cooldown reduction being triggered on cast rather than on damage makes generating value simple rather than relying on having enemies to beat up.

On its face, Blades of a Templar grants Artanis better DPS, more value from Seasoned Marksman, and an easier time of sticking to fleeing targets thanks to the Movement Speed slow. However, just like any other Attack Speed boost, Blades of a Templar also improves Artanis’s Shield Overload cooldown reduction rate, giving it a powerful defensive edge as well.

A second charge makes the versatile and powerful Suppression Pulse twice as versatile and practically guarantees that Artanis’s team will always have the edge against any physically-inclined opponent.

Target Purified not only makes Purifier Beam more reliable as a damage-dealing tool, but also leaves the potential open for seeing its value multiplied with each kill.

I love Zealot Charge. I do. But having to wait until Level 20 to get it is a crime.

I like Plasma Burn in theory, but I have a very hard time justifying taking it. While the damage is no joke (being the second strongest in terms of raw DPS provided), it doesn’t have the same level of impact as the Heroic Talents and it stands out as one of the few Artanis Talents that doesn’t provide both offensive and defensive benefits.

  • Despite having multiple strong builds, several Talent Tiers have clear losers
  • Situational choices aren’t as strong as need to be to truly compete with core choices
  • Seasoned Marksman is arguably too good while also being out of place as a generic talent (artanis isn’t a marksman!!! :rage: )
  • Zealot Charge comes too late and doesn’t do enough to compete with other options at the tier

Artanis is one of the best-balanced and best-designed characters in Heroes of the Storm, but he’s got a few minor problems that just need a little extra attention.


All concepts discussed in this Rework are free to use by Blizzard without credit.

So now we’re on the part where I make suggestions on how to fix all of these problems that I’ve pointed out. Since Artanis’s core is very strong, my goals are simple:

  • Buff underperforming Talents
  • Push Artanis closer to a more cohesive design

Because my goals for Artanis are reserved compared to what I normally do, I will only be listing the Talents that I feel need to be changed to keep things brief. If a talent has been added to or modified, the alterations will be listed in italics.

Reactive Parry’s block charges are the hefty 75 Armor kind, but it’s very difficult to compete with the other damage-oriented options when that’s all it has to offer. Adding some extra cooldown reduction for Shield Overload goes a long way towards making Reactive Parry into a more attractive choice.

Once upon a time, I made an offhand comment about how Zealot Charge should be the reward for a reworked Seasoned Marksman. When I saw that multiple people had liked it, I decided to cook up a design on how to make that happen, and now that very same design is seeing the light of day as part of my Artanis Rework. You could even argue that I wrote this entire thing just to showcase this one idea, but, heh, that’d be silly!

i am intensely silly

History lesson aside, this is just a more Twin Blades-themed Seasoned Marksman that incorporates Zealot Charge as a quest reward. It’s very important to note that Zealotry only gives stacks per hit, so things like Blinds and Evasion will deny stacks. It is also important to note that Triple Strike will make Zealotry stack 50% more per activation of Twin Blades due to the additional hit.

Allowing players to keep the Armor by engaging in Artanis’s favorite pasttime gives Psionic Synergy a niche as an aggressive option that’s focused on actively mitigating damage instead of relying on Shield Overload to passively mitigate it.

Shield Battery only needs a smidgen of a buff to compete more evenly with Shield Surge, so it gets to trigger 5% Maximum Health earlier.

I should mention that I’m spitballing 33% - the intended effect is that Artanis’s extended Psi Blades get counted for the hitbox of Solarite Reaper, so whatever value suits that purpose is the goal.

That said, the original Solarite Reaper is a nice enough idea, but the other options at the tier simply offer too much for it to compete fairly. An increased width would go a long way towards making Blade Dash a more effective choice by making it easier to mill Shield Overload’s cooldown and better at clearing waves.

The original Titan Killer is the only Level 16 Talent that doesn’t provide Artanis some form of sustain, so I stapled on some minor healing. It creates an interesting opportunity for the player to restore some of the health they’ve sacrificed for Shields without being so effective that it drowns out the other options.

The updated Plasma Burn comes with a new and shiny defensive benefit, encouraging you to go as ham as you possibly can. It might not be enough to lure folks away from the Heroic Talents, but at the very least it’s a step in the right direction and the amount of cooldown reduction can always be increased if it’s not enough.

With Heirarch’s Zeal granting Zealot Charge as a Quest reward, the source Talent doesn’t need to stick around - the last thing we need is an Artanis with triple the normal charge range.

Artanis is in an incredibly solid place right now and the majority of his options are basically perfect, he just needs a little extra spice in a couple spots to give him some better Talent variety and theming.

Anyways, that’s all I have for now. I hope you liked it and, if you didn’t, I hope you’ll tell me why.

Thank you for reading. :wave:

blizz pls giv kith job ;-;


no :sunglasses:


Very well reviewed Kith, and I do like the ideas you’ve given.

Although the Solarite Reaper buff is a bit ‘weird’, not that I’ll complain since no one picks it that often.

Psionic Synergy however, seems ‘very’ powerful for a Level 4 talent, it’s a near 100% uptime for 20 Armor, with Shields, since Artanis attacks 1 time per second, so each second he attacks basically increases it back to 1 second, including the usage of Twin Blades.

I am aware Artanis is also susceptible to Blinds, however it doesn’t mean the talent shouldn’t be at the very least powerful.

In my opinion, it’s better if Basic Attacks increases the duration by 0.5 seconds and Twin Blades increases it to 1 second.

The Titan Killer, buff is okay and seems nearly the same as Sonya’s Giant Slammer.

Plasma Burn since no one picks it, is a good buff, as it is rather ‘pitiful’ compared in the Storm Talent tier.


Exellent job Kith, however i must agree with Hellobog about the Psionic Synergy CD reduction and i wanna suggest that Veteran Zealotry would provide a 0.2 increase every time you AA an enemy hero since in theory complete the quest takes only 160 secs, but in practice it can take the whole match, as an example you can play Alarak and count how many AA you do in the entire match and the result would surprise you, even if Artanis plays as a different kind of hero, is hard to land 40 Twin Blades without the risk of die since your behavior will be too predictable.

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So… it deals damage 4 times per second. If you hit 2 heroes with it for 1 second, you will reduce your shield’s cooldown by 8 seconds xD Think that would be overpowered… Even more so than his old level 20 talent, that was increasing the cdr from his basic attacks to 6 sec, when he could basic attack all day and never run out of shield.

Otherwise I really like the proposed changes.

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ur not blizz!!!

Thank you!

Why do you think it’s weird?


Kinda-sorta, yeah. Difference is that Twin Blades can be blocked in more ways and Artanis is mixing and matching sustain types.


There isn’t any CD reduction on Psionic Synergy. Unless you mean the duration extension of the Armor, which I’m changing to 0.5 seconds anyways, so it’s a moot point.

I’m honestly not sure what you’re asking for here. Do you want me to increase the requirements for Veteran Zealotry so it takes longer to get access to Zealot Charge? Because if that’s the case, you immediately turn around and say that it would be difficult to land 40 Twin Blades, which… seems to address your previous complaint.

guess who forgot to look up how often Shield Overload ticks, it’s meeeeeee

I’ll reduce it to 0.5 seconds per hit. I want it to be good, but not that good.


Neither you, haha gottem.


i-i can dream… one day senpai will notice me…

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So I love the idea of this, quite a bit. However, a lot of what you mentioned has great potential to boost him into more of an OP tank/assassin role. Which, hypothetically is bruiser, only he would have more damage + more tanking ability with this. I think it would be awesome to wreck people with something like this… but I feel you’d have to adjust some numbers downwards, such as base damage/base health to compensate for these changes. I didn’t read in depth so you may have mentioned that, other wise I love the ideas!


Would you mind explaining why you feel this way? I feel that the majority of the changes that I made were very minor buffs (except for Veteran Zealotry), so I’m afraid I’m not seeing the same thing.

I didn’t do that, but that’s primarily because I don’t feel that Artanis needs it. The majority of the changes that I made were to unpopular or ineffective Talents - the most I’m doing is giving Artanis more build paths, not strengthening his core experience or most popular builds.

The only exception is Seasoned Marksman’s transformation into Veteran Zealotry, which can arguably be called a nerf because it no longer gives the incredibly versatile and powerful Attack Speed buff as a reward.

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I tried to say that basic atacks against heroes need to be part of the talent, meaning the following: 1 land of Twin Blades = 5 basic atacks.

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Nice overview and suggestions for one of my favorite heroes.

I think Chrono Surge is kind of underrated as an offensive/defensive talent. In the right context, he becomes an almost unkillable duelist and can even 2v1 if he can’t be locked down, especially if the enemy team doesn’t realize what’s happening.

Prism duelist builds are also where I think Purifier Beam shines, in addition to the enemy comp not being AA-heavy requiring Suppression and a map not emphasizing team fights. With cooldown reduction on his E, you get to hack away and perpetually pull them towards the beam, which forces them to choose to attack you and take massive damage or micro around and take AA-damage while you happily recharge shields.

Veteran Zealotry I like this idea overall. Seasoned Marksman is pretty generic. Although it would effectively replace Zealot Charge at level 20, so maybe he could get something else that would reinforce one of his weaker builds, or maybe just get an extra charge of Charge.

Plasma Burn This is a great suggestion to get more robust value out of it. One thing I can think of is that it’s possible to build around Shield Overload CD reduction already, so the actual amount of reduction might need to be tuned to not be super OP. Another option is to give a flat boost to his shields so they’re up longer, 30% for instance.

Random side note: I’ve always thought Artanis’ actual body model looks a little less swole than in the SCII cut scenes. I wouldn’t mind if they made him a little thicc’r.

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Basically if you were to stack Reactive parry, shield battery, Titan killer, AND Plasma burn, that is a LOT of extra shield reduction and armor for getting it at 90%. For the shield battery to not be too OP with that amount of reduction, you’d almost have to reduce his basic shielding to like 60-65% hp, move the new shield battery to maybe 80%, to compete with the current (the one that gives extra below 25% hp). Another thought is to maybe, instead of bringing it to 90%, simply have it activate immediately upon taking damage, instead of taking the first hit to your health, and then shielding after could be a cool thought. I feel that maybe not damage quite per say, but survivability would go thru the roof. He’d turn into more of a tank, than he would be a bruiser, but still with the same damage. If you were going for more of a buff, I would say that it would work out great. Then again, Reactive might not be the one going into a team of mages, so all of it could be situational anyways. Basically I see you trying to balance the under performing/ under used talents to bring them up to par. But i’d personally choose everything you reworked, every time hands down. Which could mean you did an amazing job, or you simply buffed the under performing, to the point of being now over performing I guess? Idk. I don’t quite look into exact numbers, more so just the benefit of each. Again, I REALLY like your ideas, just throwing around my thoughts. You did much better, and a put a whole lot more effort than I could ever come up with :smiley: I suppose thats why devs don’t listen to the players on things like this lol. Too many opinoins. But great job! I like it regardless.

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I absolutely love the change you made to season marksman, getting the increased charge as part of the quest fits much more then increased attack speed. Keep up the good work my guy

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I’d prefer not to, if I’m being honest. While Basic Attacks and Twin Blades are very closely intertwined, the overall theme of the Level 1 Talents is “Twin Blades”, so including Basic Attacks as a progression method seems out of place to me. If I made any changes to Veteran Zealotry, it would be something like the following:

So it would stack faster (generating one stack per hit and therefore two stacks per cast if Artanis didn’t get Blinded, Evaded, or Parried) and directly synergize with Triple Strike, but only apply bonus damage to Twin Blades instead of Basic Attacks in general.

I’m still debating on if I want to do that, though.

Thank you! I’m glad you liked them.

Honestly, I adore the Prism Duelist build, but I know it infuriates my best friend who plays Artanis regularly, so I try not to use it too often.

Moving Zealot Charge from Level 20 to “Level 1” was the entire point, though. I don’t think Artanis necessarily needs a fourth Level 20 Talent, especially post-rework - both of his Heroic upgrades are amazing and the new Plasma Burn should be good enough to turn some heads.

I’m pretty okay with 0.5 seconds per damage instance for Plasma Burn, honestly. I think it’s in just the right spot to be useful but not unstoppably powerful.

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First thing: Titan Killer doesn’t give any additional Shield Overload cooldown reduction. I think you’re thinking of Blades of a Templar or Force of Will.

Secondly, I’m honestly pretty okay with that. Such a build would come at the expense of many of Artanis’s better offensive or tactical options. He’d certainly be very hard to kill, but not much more than he currently is.

I’m sorry to say that I don’t agree. The other options at the tier - especially Shield Surge - are much more attractive. Even with the buff that I gave it, Shield Battery is pretty niche overall.

Shield Overload doesn’t prevent Artanis from taking damage unless it would kill him, and even then it reduces him to a single hitpoint, so your suggestion to apply the shields after taking damage is the current functionality.

If the player chose to take those talents under the proper circumstances, sure. It’s not like making Reactive Parry or Shield Battery more attractive discounts Amateur Opponent or Shield Surge, though - reminder that these are changes to Artanis’s Talents, not his core kit.

And that’s your prerogative - personally, I wouldn’t abandon Shield Surge regardless of what you offered me. Although, I am very happy that I did a good enough job to influence your decisions like that. :slightly_smiling_face:

Feedback like this is what inspires me to keep at Review+Rework threads like this, so I appreciate it very much. Thank you.

It’s also less likely to be a “win more” talent this way, which is always good!

Thank you very much! I will keep doing my best.

Artanis def need a better titan killer. This talent is a joke vs double warriors teams who have a decent healer

Are you talking about the original, or the reworked version? If you’re talking about the reworked version, what do you feel could be done better?

I use this build against a melee heavy team fairly often. Although it isn’t my most used build, I typically draft him for solo lane and/or boss racing, it is my favorite by far.

I have been watching this thread with interest, since we have been chatting about this for a while in Discord, and I do prefer Veteran Zealotry being based on hits rather than usage, mostly because it makes Triple Strike a bit more attractive in a bruiser build, in comps where Phase Bulwark isn’t needed.

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