Is Alexatrasza outdated?

Yes, that is true

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Right but it concentrates your healing ability into the small window of time you are in dragon form, meaning you are a mediocre healer the rest of the time and there’s a good chance one of your team is simply going to die while you save dragon for the objective.

You don’t need your main heal to heal yourself as well.
With Q build, she doesn’t need heals (you don’t pick Q build where it doesn’t work) and with E build, your Es heal you and it’s more ffective than her W.


it’s fairly obvious that if the W worked the way I said, you wouldn’t have to clump up as much to get healing. do you need help imagining how, or what

It’s really funny when you are healing so hard that your team are like unkillable gods, but they don’t realise it was you and when you die they charge back in, only to get horribly annihilated.

Alexstrasza is too vulnerable. She doesn’t heal enough outside of Abundance, and Gift of Life costs her health outside of Dragonqueen. While she is theoretically the strongest healer in fights (not in raw healing, but total power and utility combined), she has a very high skill floor and ceiling, and is not inherently easy to play. Cain is like the 1000% easier version of her, and I’d argue he is overall more effective because of his comparatively low lack of drawbacks and restrictions.

Dragonqueen’s power spike is huge, but Alexstrasza herself is not invincible. Abundance is almost universally easy to counter due to its long delay before healing. ANY hero with an AoE is a counter to her team, and puts these heals in fights at high risk. While DQ is very powerful, she is still relatively weak to dive early on, so a level deficit will leave her vulnerable to it as well, but she’s unstoppable with a level lead.

Personally, her healing numbers need to be tuned higher with her massive drawbacks outside of DQ. Alternatively, they could lower Abundance’s activation time, and reduce how much health she has to give up for Gift of Life, and I don’t even think Dragonqueen would need to be nerfed if these changes happened.

At level 20, she gains some of the most powerful and devastating upgrades of any support. Like, none of them are bad (though the Lifebinder upgrade lacks in potential compared to the others). Blessing of the Red means turtling puts her team at a HUGE advantage (assuming Alex can make it to 20 + 2:40 time with no deaths).

I think base Alex needs some not-insignificant buffs, and she should not receive any kind of nerfs until after said buffs settle into the game.

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Is Nic the full player name and is he still active?

the way i see is you have to look at the current release heroes shaping the meta.

we first got a Tass rework. he is a mage now with heavy aoe. so if you picked Alex into that your whole team could potentially get blown up.

our next hero is Mei. she is pretty much aoe everything with slows, blinds, and lockdown. plus her dive could just knock ppl out of the heal circle. so depending on how she plays it. it could be a setup or denial.

i think just looking at these two things has something to do with not seeing much of Alex lately.


A nice upgrade I would like to see for Alex, is that her healing circle, that has to charge and then heals whoever was inside, could be also an activated ability, so you could interrupt its charge (for a weaker healing), but still manage to heal people inside it for the charged total. (I hope the idea is clear enough).

This way, people wouldn’t have to wait so long for it to be fully charged, and could also tremendously help avoid danger by gathering inside.

This is all true, and Alex lacks any cleanse which is a draw back considering just how many heroes have soft and hard CC’s.

Yes and yes. He plays in the EU Div S tournaments, and shows up regularly on Khaldor’s casts. I can look up some of the ones on YouTube for you, if you would like.


That would be much appreciated. Everytime I look for " HOTS pro match" it always show the old HGC ones

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No, her main heal is designed to be her Q.
Low cooldown, single target, sacrifice health.
Everything points to it being what you’re supposed to use to help allies who are in trouble, like Q is for most healers.

If Q build isn’t performing well, it’s because the design of sacrificing your own health to heal isn’t working.
Because like I said, she’s in a bad state.

It still leaves her design in a questionable state.
If Q sacrifices life to heal allies at base, yet at base she doesn’t really have much to make up for that aside from W.
At 7, if you’re above 75% health, you can avoid sacrificing life.
At 7, if you can hit an enemy hero twice with E you can heal.
At 7 her W heals more.
But at base she’s still largely dependent on self healing with W.

It’s just a lot of restriction baked into her basic healing, and makes her a pretty terrible healer when she’s hurt. Even the healers who rely on doing damage have better ways to get themselves back up to speed so they can heal allies effectively again.
It could be solved by giving her better ways to self heal early on.
Or by giving her a different heal and putting Breath of Life on 1, if it’s actually supposed to be used infrequently as an emergency sacrificial heal.

Her current design feels to me, like if Malf didn’t have a heal over time on Regrowth and absolutely had to land Moonfires.
Which he couldn’t really risk doing if he were hurt.
Or redesigned Whitemane when Clemency costed mana
ugh, it just cost too much to be worth it.

This was one of the better ones. They got a little throwy in the middle, but some of what he does on Kerrigan is really fun to watch.


Lifebloom is infinite holy lights with no cost and very low cooldown, as long as you can pick up the bloom after each cast and stay at high’ish health.


No it’s not, and you can’t.

What do you mean it’s not? I mean the interaction between her lv1 and lv7 Q talents.

While Alexstrasza is above 75% Health, Gift of Life’s cooldown recharges 100% faster.

While Alexstrasza is above 75% Health, Gift of Life creates a Lifeblossom at the target’s location. Alexstrasza can collect the Lifeblossom to make her next Gift of Life cost no Health.

Later on you can even add Armor to it. So it costs no mana and no health but heals a ton and gives armor with 3.5 second cooldown.

While Alexstrasza is above 75% Health, Gift of Life grants its target 25 Armor for 2.5 seconds.


I was going to ask, is there a bug associated with this talent? I was playing Alexstrasza a while back and used this on a Zarya at point blank range, I didn’t see the flower and assumed it was picked up, but then the blossom icon didn’t show and my next Gift of Life still costs me life. Can blossoms be destroyed or ‘trampled’?

Ok, at 16 (really late) it almost becomes Holy Light (with the requirements of being above 75% health and being able to get to your allies location when the flower drops)
except it doesn’t heal and armor herself which is a large part of Holy Light’s base power.

So you become kind of like Uther, but if the enemy hits you you start to really suck.
Which is kind of the opposite of Uther, who likes to absorb damage.

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I think the first flower always costs health. The subsequent ones are free. When you first pick the talent but haven’t picked a flower yet you don’t get the free cast. The talent does say her next Q is free.

Alexstrasza can collect the Lifeblossom to make her next Gift of Life cost no Health.

I know I just meant she gets to do that at 3.5s cooldown. Uther can heal allies and give them armor but it comes with a 12s cooldown (almost 4 times longer) and costs quite a bit of mana (a bit less if he finished Silver Touch).

I still do prefer to pick Uther most cases, he is a fun semi bruiser. Especially Holy Shock build that never runs out of mana.