Is Alexatrasza outdated?

It’s some kind of anti E build jerk centipede and it’s actually laughable at how much people complain over such a small difference.

Valeeras, Butchers and Murkys in QM have dogpiled on me for allegedly losing them the game by going E build. People getting deleted in 1 second by burst out there flaming E build as if any other build could have delivered more burst heal.

Some potato goes W build and doesn’t even get to the 15 globe mark until 10? Nobody says anything. But E build, oh lawd, so bad and terrible!

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regularly I don’t like her because I find another healer heroes I focused Lt. Morales & Whitemane by default. recently I played Stukov which also a healer.

Her W shouldn’t be her main heal.
You use it either for the backline where the enemy can’t reach it or you use it under the diving frontline who won’t be in trouble for staying there.

Alex’s main heal is her Trait and Heroic. That’s why she’s not that good (still good but there are better ones) outside of “king of the hill” maps like IS and VF.

And I think a reason why she’s not used nowadays as often is because her “meta” build is her worst healing build (which is my fav and the most fun, sure).

Her tourney appearence? Rehgar was op. Deckard is op. Anduin is like the “best gurl” of Healers favour-wise. WM is insane, Malf is still super good. Ana is still the most annoying Healer against other Healers and Lúcio is movespeed-city.
I’m not surprised that she’s not that popular in there, but I don’t think it based on balance or power, but rather on “meta”, what comps ppl like to run nowadays and what benefits those more.


You also have to remember that there are just a handful of healer mains at the tournament level, and most of them have their own personal favorites, as it is rare that someone at that tier will want to master every hero. Granted, they will play any hero far better than the average person, but they do tend to stick to their mains. Some favor the standard meta heroes, such as BananaH on his Ana or Deckard, and some are known to be incredibly good with the more niche heroes, such as Iksir on Lucio or Brightwing.

Using tournament appearance isn’t always the best measure of hero balance, as Nic is outstanding on his Kerrigan, widely believed to be a mediocre hero. You would also think that the best tanks in the game are Tyrael and Blaze due to how contested they are in tournaments!


W build is a trap in most cases also. If you don’t have at least 2 heroes doing globe quests and if the enemy has a decent AoE mage then you would have been better going Q build.


Her main heal is WHATEVER YOU CHOOSE AT LEVEL 1. Alex has 3 very distinctly different play styles and they are directly tied to what you picked at level 1.


Imho, they just need to tweak a bit how W works: instead of a big heal at the end they could make it leave an heal-over-time when stepping on it (and if stand on the circle it will heal faster). But that probably need to buff also her Q build a bit.

Otherwise she seems to be ok-ish, as a situational Healer.

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I agree with you but whats her main heal when you go E build? :face_with_monocle:


You can choose builds and have different powerlvl for your heal abilities, but that doesn’t change that your biggest input comes from your Trait.


Dragon form heals is all you get! But you do get cooldown resets when changing forms.

And this is kind of the point right? Dragon form isn’t a healing build. Its about the non decaying slow and zoning the enemy off objectives, but your team needs to understand they aren’t getting many heals, they aren’t getting move speed from circles either which is nice for avoiding damage.

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eh I think calling her e build her “nonheal” build is wrong. I know of a decent amount of alex mains who prefer it as a solo healer because it empowers the reason you picked her in the first place: dragonform.


she’s too easy to counter, in aram if i see the enemy has an alex i’m extatic, no matter what character i’m playing i can probably abuse her healing AoE.

Junkrat is probably my favourite, its so trollish!
every time she uses the heal i throw everyone out of it with Mine, every time! XD

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Well, that’s not a good design for a healer, if so. She needs a rework, imo.

I see that her winrate fell by about 3% across the board, so something surely did happen to her.

Q build seems to have the worst, a bit short of 45% winrate which is already significantly bad and also statistically correct due to being most popular.

Her best build is E (about 50.5%, which is also unusually low) which I get is more cooperative / self-sustain (slows / regen) which was a fad at some point. It has been the go-to for a while (and many denying it being so), it was sitting at 53% and it’s the only build I could win with recently.

I don’t play her anymore but my memory is that I would play Q, heal excessive amounts and achieve nothing with it. Also (as mentioned above) in critical fights I’d usually fall below the 75% threshold and become a cripple (instant 50% healing reduction due to cooldown plus another 50-70% reduction due to health loss - easily down to 25% Q throughput in teamfights). Yes, I would pop dragon form whenever I could to avoid / remove that.

Changing W is challenging as players expect the 3s delay, and play accordingly. Granting Protected for the 3 seconds would make it utterly overpowered, I suppose. Half the roster, pretty much every new hero has a hard counter for it: Deathwing several, Mei several, Tassadar several. OId ones, too, including Ana, Malfurion, Kael’thas and again Tassadar.

I think her talents contradict her design, or she is simply Nazeebo on steroids: needs a lot of time to come together. Level 1 Q talent just makes her lose health more often, to heal less - quest is to get 7 to fix that. The W talent at 1 has no effect until 15 globes, I think it should spawn globe baseline and upon casting, simply.

The reason I stopped playing is because the better I was, the worse we lost. I lost a match where I had 200k healing against enemy 50k. Few years back I noticed that her healing made my teammates ultra confident, so I would die once, and then my team would start feeding like a whole bunch of idiots and couldn’t stop until we lost.

Overall, I think she needs a talent review.


I think she’s in a pretty bad state, one of a handful of characters I never enjoy playing.
And I think Whitemane and Lili are great

Yet it’s the only one she can use to heal herself, and her main heal is her Q, which relies on her being at high health.
And the best way to use it is to throw it (probably back) somewhere so it finishes JUST as allies step in it, so it doesn’t end up just being aoe bait and getting everyone killed.

If her main heal is q you’re playing her wrong. Q build has been her worst for a while.

I disagree its what makes her unique and powerful on some maps. 2 ultimates sets her apart from almost every hero in the game (except for jaina/alarak who get their second one late game).

That’s just what happens when you support potatoes too well. Sadly, a big part of the player base can’t even recognize when the support is carrying them.

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It’s called risk vs reward. You risk more for more healing. Having counter play is a good thing bro.

And having a mechanic to play around where players have to decide whether to stay longer to heal more or not could make some interesting game play.

Yes that’s cool and all, but when the person of the idea says clumping up is bad and then asks a mechanic to make them clump up even more, it kinda contradicts what they are trying to achieve, don’t you agree?