Is Alexatrasza outdated?

I am aware of that, the circumstance I described was when I was already using her Gift of Life and already picked the talent.

I took that HGC beings one of best Heroes of the Storm eSports which was cancelled few years ago.

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Some healers are OP. Ana, cain and rehgar who can counter alex hard.
Also AoE mages too. Mephisto, chromie, orphea, ktz, etc.

But don’t need alex buff. Her E build is broken.
Just nerf OP heroes.

Ana can’t selfheal herself (reliably) yet she’s not mentioned to have problems.
But Alex who can (more effectively) is somehow too limited?..

It’s fine if someone doesn’t like Alex or bad with her, but she’s hella fine and strong.


“Is AlexStrasza outdated?”

looks at Uther, his CD’s and mana costs…

Yeah, of course, Alex definitely need changes…


Her AoE healing needs to be a little less obvious to enemy team.

My problem with her is peppering her with damage becomes a valid counter.
Healers are supposed to alleviate that worry, though, in the first place…

Her circle is just a big invitation for long range aoe heroes ever since her release.

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Dragon Mom is still fun and good. As someone who mained her since her release I can’t complain.


Yea honestly she’s just difficult to play. Q build could definitely use some buffs but its just a lot better on paper than the other two. In reality e/w are the correct builds to go 70% of the time.

She is not stroing enough outside of her dragon form. Never like the part of her kit where you loose health each time you Q.

I’d still hit it.

But her healing doesn’t rely on her being at decent health.
Alex sacrifices health.
Tyrande, Malf, and Whitemane need to hit enemies to increase their healing, which can be a risk of they’re at low health, though self healing can reduce that risk.
Ana just shoots allies, she doesn’t have to put herself in harms way to hit enemies in order to heal allies better. So if she’s at 2 health she will heal just as well as at full, unlike any of the others mentioned who might die if they try it, so then have to have reduced healing until they get themselves back up.
Ana is more comparable to Morales then, except her healing range is even higher and safer.

But of those who need to be near enemy heroes in order to heal better, how do they compare in bringing themselves back up to a reasonable level in order to get back into the fight?
They each heal:
Alexstraza 340 every 14 seconds
Whitemane 140 every 4 seconds
Tyrande 510 every 16 seconds
Malf 380 every 20 seconds

Malf is clearly in last place for healing rate (and Whitemane for mana conservation). But they all at least get better healing when the fight resumes.
Alex just doesn’t. Her Q is only ever good in certain situations, in certain windows, and I don’t think that feels good, even if she’s a decent healer.


No, I don’t think you know, let alone the fact that you are encouraging people to clump up more for the course of the 3 seconds with the 1 second interval else they lose HP values.

Currently its a 3 seconds that requires you to be touching the part out of the circle when its about to proc, so in general, you have 3 seconds to not clump up until like the last 0.5 which would be far better than being clumped over it for the course of 3 seconds.

You should think this more properly because your suggestion is going against your clumping philosophy because you only making it worse.


I think she’d become a lot more viable, with 1 simple change - the ability to trigger her W heal early.

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Kinda goes against the idea of the ability. I don’t like it.


In that scenario than the heal should be less if triggered before it expire by itself: the earlier you make it pop, the less it heals.
The gap between each “step” should be significant but that way the ability will be more flexible and can lead to some nice counterplay against enemy’s aoe/poke.

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I’d rather if they just gave her the ability to heal early, and nerf it only if it’s overperforming.
For some reason I suspect that she’ll be rather balanced despite the buff.
She should have at least 0,5 sec delay before being able to activate it tho.

I don’t think early trigger would work well.

First, uncoordinated teammates - if I see it, I know I have to be there in 2.5 seconds. Not earlier, going passive - the big caveat of the ability -, but just then.

Second, coordinated teams - it would put them at advantage, because they can make ad hoc agreement on when to clump up. It’s kind of the same with Rehgar, except that ability is instant, so I can heal whenever the team is randomly together.

This would make it rather complicated to counter.

If you want it to be impossible to be countered, then effectively consider adding a Protected + Condition Removal to anyone walking to it, and then consider what that means and compares to.

The more we talk about it, the more I think that ability just shouts bad design.
(Right now it’s not about the counter, but how it requires the team to cancel their engage - or, when placed strategically in front, encourages backline to hug the tank, except when they start QQ about it, “W is always backline behind the walls, noob”.)

There is actually a similar ability available to a hero with similar healing strategies: Auriel.

my idea allows more opportunities to get healing from the circle. I don’t think you understand how this works. your desire to “win” one on me is clouding your judgement.