Impossible to climb?

So, I started playing HoTs (from League of Legends), as a friend at work plays HoTs. But, have I missed the boat? I’ve started playing Ranked, and even though I continuously top the leaderboards for my team, we never seem to win. Have I started playing to late into the season, where Bronze is literally just the garbage players who no longer want to bother playing? Literally players going afk etc every single game. Worth playing?

If you are not in a party, its usually not worth trying to climb. Too many players are just so terrible that you can not win or you got the opposite and players are trying to lose on purpose cause blizzard supports trolling.


My last match as Li Ming, 10-20-7, 177k structure damage, 162k hero damage, 25k xp. Highest on enemy team, 12/17/8, 147k structure, 108k hero, 21k xp. I got MVP and still lost. Game before, 12/15/1, 117k structure, 80k hero, 14k xp, closest enemy was 2/1/6 60k structure 25k hero and 6k xp. I was MVP again. Game before, I was 5/12/3, 272k Structure, 147k Hero, 23k XP, enemy was 7/22/6, 191k structure, 68k hero and 22k xp.

Just no matter how well I play, it seems impossible to win due to team players. But surely when you get MVP and your team LOSE, it shows you are playing well?

Objectives matter more than stats…

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But to have highest XP, that must mean I’ve focused objectives also? I always go to the camps in the game, provided the minion wave isn’t pushing onto the turret. I always focus on the main parts of the game, but I’ve had games where they literally stay in a single lane and never move out of that lane and just repeatedly die :\

Objectives is like the points on the zerg map. Most maps you want to win those. Hanamora that is a map where camps are stronger than the objective itself. Sure making sure all 2 or 3 lanes are being soaked is important as well.

Without multiple replays its hard to tell whether you are just very unlucky or partially responsible for the losses as well.

When it comes to stats, those are meaningful but not decisive. You are more likely to see bad players with high stats than good players with low stats. Another thing to keep in mind is that some heroes cheese stats in ways that aren’t very meaningful. For example doing enough damage to outright kill a player will often give you less hero damage than failing to kill this player and instead poking at them continuously while they get healed. Li Mings playstyle, especially without Calamity is one that easily racks up hero damage without significant kill pressure.


Trouble is, you can’t focus objectives if your team don’t. You can’t contest them solo. Just feels like people go off in their own little world lol.

Am I able to share replays with you, so you can see? I got to Gold in League of Legends, but only get to play 2 games or so a day at most due to family commitments, so thought I’d try HoTS. Just seems the damage carries on this game, seem to not care about their positioning at all.


yes. check out my forum syntax guide. the sections with Linking and Code Blocks are what you want.

you will want to upload your replays to something like google drive or other place. then share the link to it here. note that the syntax guide will show you how to do the code blocks so that you can post your links. Like this?
another image. an image.

ok, so there is some things im seeing at first glance from the beginning of the game.

one being you seemed confused about the fort not attacking the enemy i think? the think about that is that they priortize differently than in LoL and its a strict priortization there is nothing that breaks that order.

so if i recall in LoL its something like this for both lane minions and structures. they both can draw aggro. its been a while so i dont completely remember.
Minions --> Players
|_switch targets, if enemy Player attacks allied Player

now here it works like this and there is no exception to this. you can actually save players sometimes if they are being targeted by a fort by throwing down summoned minions if you have a hero that does this like Zagara or Nazeebo since the structures will switch from the player back to the top priority.
Minions/Mercenaries/Summons --> Players

ok, so the game itself seemed like not a bad game overall. however, that boss call toward the end that you guys had was like watching a train wreck happen in slow motion. they had 4 up except the healer and i was like ‘Noooo!’. thats actually what went wrong and from there things only got worse.

orb build on ming i would say probably isnt the best thing. especially in the group you had where there was no real finisher hero.

i dont have much else to say about it except that its very likely that ming may not have been the best pick for the map in general. she is harder to use on ‘lane’ or ‘minion’ oriented maps. for those its better to pick up someone like Jaina or Guldan that can better clear out lanes and rotate.

She can clear waves fairly quickly with max range W, I found she is quite good using her W on objectives when the enemy are tanking objectives or siege camps etc. Just seems that anytime I play a Tank or Healer, we never have the DPS to follow up. Even if I try to peel from them etc they always seem to position themselves badly. So trying to find a solid DPS hero to play sometimes. Being fairly new, haven’t learn the Hero’s anywhere near as much as I have the Champions in League.

I did get a bit baffled by the turrets and am trying to figure how her E distance and what walls/objects you can E across/through, if any.

basically you can teleport across anything in the ‘technical’ sense that there isnt a mechanical limitation. its more of the distance factor as you say which i still screw it up too in the fast past action of combat. it happens.

the best thing you can do there to figure that one out is take li ming to Try Mode and turn off the minions and bots. then go practice your teleporting through various things.

Well like i was saying Jaina and Guldan are good ones because of the damage the do and their laning and merc camp ability. I would say give Jaina a try first if you dont already own her. She is a very impactful mage. While Ming may be all damage, Jaina had damage and CC. Which as they say CC wins games.

also, if you need to look up guides and such try NotParadox on youtube. he has a lot of good videos that can help.

Another great example is just a while ago had a anduin player who refused to use his heals on anyone. he would just split push top or bot all game until team came and ganked him, then when we asked why he is solo all game, he called everyone fags and said he was the only trying to win.

Blizzard start banning these trolls, or your game is done for.

I think I just started playing too late in the season, where there is a clear seperation between the ranks already. The following season, does it reset and you start from scratch, or do you start in the same position as last season?

Its all based on MMR, you play 3 placement games and get ranked. But the MMR in this game is currently crap.

I suggest searching “bronze to GM” on Youtube. Most of those video series are made by very high grandmasters some of who played in the HGC.

There is a way to carry yourself out of those games; By picking heroes that can isolate and kill less skilled players in 1v1 fights. Then getting really good on said heroes.
Then doing it over and over until they can’t soak exp, go to objectives or do anything else. Allowing you to push to their core uncontested.

It can be done up to at least low diamond if the player is exceptionally skilled. The average player will struggle ranking up from low leagues though.
It is very, very difficult or impossible for a Silver skilled player to rank up from Bronze due to low individual impact. I’d still watch those vids and get inspiration from GM’s playing in bronze games.

This is most likely because positioning isnt very straightforward. If someone is looking to improve, its much easier to find advice along the lines of ‘take X build’ or ‘hero Y is weak against Z’ than it is to find a good explanation of proper positioning. Instead its something often gained through experience. The concept isnt too different between mobas, so your LoL experience comes in handy here.

I watched the replay and let me start out with mentioning that stats at the end of this game are painting a completely different picture than what happened. At level 10 your team was behind in experience, your hero damage was 3rd in the game, 2nd in your team. You had 2 out of your teams 8 deaths. There are tons of teamfights due to the game lasting so long, but after checking hero damage done during just these teamfights, you rarely are on top. At the teamfight at 10 minutes, you do only around 2k damage because the enemy mercenaries, minions, skeletons and scarabs soak most of your shots.

If you look at the teamfight around the 25 minute mark, you’ll notice that the vast majority of your damage happens after the teamfight is lost due to losing 3 members. This damage keeps them from pushing and ending the game, but comes too late to help your teammates.

Situations like these show how stats don’t always show all the important information. To give a LoL example, Karthus would get more hero damage by casting his ultimate on cooldown than during/after teamfights to finish off enemies. Your damage is great but doesn’t always come when your team needs it. And that isn’t your fault, its part of how Li-Ming plays out.

Im not trying to say you shouldn’t play Li-Ming, especially if you enjoy her. She’s one of my highest level heroes so I understand her appeal. But there are still other areas to improve that will earn you wins and a higher rank, through which you’ll get better teammates as well. Or you could try other mages with more reliable damage and better wave clear. High siege damage on Li-Ming doesnt come from good wave clear but from being able to safely stack damage from a distance when your teammates can’t get close.

I’ve been trying out Malthael also, after watching some of NotParadox’s videos.

For the games I play, it’s hard to always do damage, as I find people don’t respect numbers advantages. So many games, I see our teams “trickle feed”, where we go 3v5, then 2 die, so they enter another 2v5, then as the other respawn, they die, so its a 3v5 again. Rather than wait, defend structures for the team.

Not to mention Hero Select, where literally no one wants to play Healer / Tank roles, so you always end up having to fill.

I know I’m not the best, still learning this game. But there are some basic fundamentals that just seem impossible. My last game, Lucio had like 30k more heals than me, but when you compare how the teams played I see it as understandable, my tank engages, Malthael and Kael-Thuds run off all over the place, focusing the tank whereas I focus’d Stitches and Zul`Jin who was focusing their DPS. Whereas their team, seemed to be far closer on the map, mine seemed to scatter in the wind.

A good example, Malthael, was top solo, I see he is taking damage, I Roam top to help, he runs away from me (On Anduin), then complains that I didn’t help him. Like, do you not understand, if you ran towards me I can pull you and heal you. But no, he ran towards the enemy structures, then complained because I didn’t follow up.

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Finally a reasonable post. Yeah this is terrible with this game, you are almost never going to win 3v5 fights and players do not know how to stop fighting in this game it seems.

Go get some camps, soak some exp, maybe even split push if the map is big enough. Its ok to do something else instead of chain feeding.