I'm simply not playing this anymore without a forfeit option

Sorry but we have to be able to forfeit games. It would improve the fun of this game dramatically if we can avoid wasting 25 min when someone is AFK or feeding and we’re down 3 levels and we don’t want to get reported for sitting at spawn. There’s a good reason DOTA, etc has the option to vote to forfeit. Learn from that game, which is still one of the most popular games on steam.


Press Alt+F4. Problem solved.


Dont blame ya. I am not playing until they fix the afking and matching problems. Game was so fun but the community ruined it.


If you leave the game you can start a new one with other leavers that felt the same way about their match.

You should now be grouped up with only players that were all the best player in the lobbies that they left.



anyway league of legends let’s you vote to surrender. it’s kind of baffling that HOTS copied off all these MOBAs but left that feature out. I actually think HOTS has way better animations, a better “feel,” more likeable heroes, and the gameplay is more fun. I just CAN’T sit there for 15 min while my team argues and berates each other when it’s clear that we’re going to lose. I’m over that. HOTS should def add a surrender feature. Although it might be too late for this game to become super popular, I think it will at the very least improve the mental health and reduce the toxicity among it’s current player base. Maybe add better league progression by letting you get higher ranked based on individual play wouldn’t hurt either. I don’t know, but surrender vote is a no brainer.

Also: super competitive pro gamer types would probably not think of HOTS as such a newbie game if they didn’t have to sit there and suffer the newbies for an extra 15-25 mins during a hopeless game. And newbies would have a more… concise… experience when they make a critical mistake or 10 that costs everyone the game. They would learn right away what they did wrong and face the defeat instantly instead of sitting there arguing with everyone and feeling like crap for a small chunk of their precious, ephemeral life.


As long as the people that vote for it get grouped with others that voted to concede then I don’t see a problem

Let all the players that want to quit games play together.

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so like i bet when you play starcraft you let the other person kill every single one of your structures before you leave because otherwise you’d be quitting? dumb mentality. this isn’t the nba playoffs.

What are you talking about and why are you so mad at me. To the point that you think I play a different game a specific way then compare it to basketball.

Have a good day

Also don’t compare it to leaving a game where theres only one person affected.

I’m not mad at all bro

Ok bro,
You’re not mad bro

I’m not talking about leaving. I’m talking about VOTING. The whole team votes.

Yeah then every game that you are winning will abruptly end and you’ll never finish a winning game

Sounds really fun

Okay well you’re clearly toxic. Anyway if you ever play League of Legends, etc, you’ll know that these surrender features work great, and those games are very popular.

When you call my opinions dumb and I defend myself it’s not being toxic.

Mutual respect for opinions is what I care about and when you called my opinion dumb you crossed a social line.

Feel free to disagree but do it like an adult.

Lol well how about this: your opinion is dumb and if that makes you mad then I don’t care lol. Sorry you’re so triggered. What else can I say. It’s hard for me to explain how much I don’t care about your feelings.

One day you’ll grow up and learn how to have a civil discussion, until then take care of yourself.

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you’re know you’re posting on the HOTS forums right. We aren’t at the Platonic Academy. If you want to make something of my comment, go ahead. I’m a veteran of this toxic ish. Let’s get “competitive” in this

Thanks for clearing that up take care now bye bye then.

How about: Ranked gets surrender option. Unranked and quickplay don’t. That way newbies can play out their victories all the way to the very end and people taking the games seriously as an e-sport can move on to their next competitive game instead of sitting there babysitting an AFK player or someone who died 10 times in 10 mins.

I mean just think of the logistics of this game: you have to have TEN PEOPLE all engaged and playing well for this to be fun. It makes no sense to force everyone to suffer through a crappy experience, especially in competitive where we’re trying to take it more seriously. Very frustrating. But yah I am not playing this unless this is addressed. All good plenty of other games

i agree half the game i play there is know point the skill levels dont even compare team to team