I'm simply not playing this anymore without a forfeit option

AS if your team has more potatoes with mind-problems than the other team, you don’t lose points!?

I’ve lost count how many times i’ve had a crappy match where we were getting pounded non-stop yet, hung in there, somehow made a comeback and won.

And there have also been plenty of times when my team was dominating the match but, the other guys hung in there and got LUCKY and beat us.

Anyone wanting a “forfeit” or “surrender” button shouldn’t even be playing the game to begin with. Because they don’t have the right attitude.

^^ This x100! haha :grin:

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Nah its the right attitude. You will not when when someone afks unless the other team also has a Afk. you might do well in qm or bronze with that but in diamond and up you are not gonna carry a 4v5.

If you actually didn’t care, you wouldn’t have bothered to reply.

Yet another example WHY there shouldn’t be a forfeit option:

Just played a match where one of our guys left early. So we had A.I and it was 4v5. On top of all that, the rest of our team were composed of morons. Never where they needed to be, always splitting up and getting picked off, etc. The entire match the other team was wiping the floor with us, they’d just waltz in and steal our camps in front of us, etc

The whole match was just really sad. I was utterly and completely demoralized and just wanted it to end.


The other guys must’ve gotten really over confident. During one of their hard pushes, luck swung in our favor and we killed all of them. It was probably the first team fight in the entire match that we didn’t get PWNED.

There was only (1) low-health keep in front of us and their core. CHARGEEEEEEEEE!!!



I’m pretty sure the devs have stated that they designed the game to support comebacks, in particular the long death timers towards the end. A team can be behind for an entire game, get a late wipe, and push to win. Some might not like that, but it is still tough to do so it doesn’t happen overly much.

The point being, if you don’t quit and everyone keeps fighting, it is possible to turn it around. Personally, I always fight to the end no matter how far behind we are. I just see it as a matter of integrity.

On the other hand, I’ve had games where people decide we are going to lose as early as 5 minutes into the game, and occasionally we end up winning those and they have to eat crow. But too often when someone feels we are going to lose that ends up being a self-fulfilling prophecy. Then they gloat at the end like they were right, when really they largely caused the loss by checking out.

I don’t like the idea of encouraging people to quit.

I’m like that sometimes but, after playing Thousands and THOUSANDS of matches? I can usually predict with 85% accuracy how the rest of the match is going to go, after the first 5-10 minutes.

If i’m with a crew of chumps that get utterly spanked and destroyed in the first 2-3 team fights? There’s no reason to think this will change as the match goes on and the enemy team progressively gets stronger.

Ah, the “let’s hope the five enemies get disconected at the same time” attitude. Very XXI century… xD

Since i last posted in this thread, i’ve had a good handful of matches where my guys and I were getting DESTROYED the entire time. But somehow… we pulled through and won.

This one match in particular, i said to my buddy, “We DID NOT deserve to win that match. They played WAAAAAAY better than we did!”. lol.

Just more examples of why a Forfeit option shouldn’t ever be a thing.

Edit: AGAIN!!! I had another match where my guys and i were getting outdone nearly the entire time and it was kinda depressing. We just couldn’t catch a break and…we won! hahahahaha!!!

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People who have these stories where this 1 game we came back and carried does not talk about the 19 others where it was over the moment someone DCED or afked at base. Some instances are not carrable in this game and its better to have the option to GG and go to next.

I’d rather not have a vote to surrender option. Too many people cry about one thing that doesn’t even matter and they mentally quit.
Everyone would be voting to quit 2 mins in because of draft picks. Let alone first blood or the first objective. They won’t even get to 10.

I’d much rather the option to vote kick someone and get an ai. It’s better than the people who afk at the fountain.

I actually had a match recently (eh, about 3 weeks ago), where some scrub got demoralized and ran away earlier on, when we were getting slapped around. Somehow, someway, even with A.I, we made a comeback and won. I know, that’s rare but, it happened.

Hang in there and step it up.

The classic first potatoepick Butcher should allow you to quit automatically…

They need a “my game has a troll” button gives everyone but the troll 200 points. and -600 and 12 leavers match games for the troll if the game results in a loss. Maybe include a option if the trolling player hits a certain threshold of troll reports they are banned from playing in ranked games till the season ends.

I don’t mind not having a forfeit button, seeing as the games are usually 15-30 minutes a game. I used to play 2 hour matches in DOTA2 and I could see having a forfeit button in there.

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Game gets old to me when you know you have a loss coming cause 2 players are afk or bots. It kills all motivation to even play.

If you don’t give me the option to stop playing so help me thrall im going to stop playing!

You can stop playing whenever you want: AMove + AltTab. Just like now…

Since my last post in this thread, i’ve experienced a crap-load of matches where my guys and i were getting DESTROYED the whole time, everyone demoralized and wishing it would just end and…somehow we make a comeback and won.

And the opposite has also happened. My guys and i dominating the entire match but, i guess my crew of dolts got overconfident and starting pushing recklessly a little TOO much. Only for us to end up getting caught one time too many and throwing the match, despite playing 5x as good as the enemy team.

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