I understood why no one plays this game

nothing, its the new “vine”, as in literally disliked the other for the dumbest reasons, well some of them are valid like how some people are so comfortable to post stuff they really show they are clueless with.

That, or the fact the US is about to ban it unironically.

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Those people who do that usually get roasted in the comments, at least from what I’ve seen.

And the US is trying to do much more than just ban TikTok…

I know, but that’s just the first step, its more complicated, but IDK if its allowed to be discussed here.

I don’t actually, but the concern is less about me, and more that enough companies do it that to normalize complacency with it, despite the consequences typically being something people don’t actually want.

Either one pays them with “targeted” adverts, or one pays someone else to obstruct that and both profit by trying to force the polarization flip-flop

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I’m going to assume it’s not, but I don’t really care. The thread will get nuked if it isn’t. The bill they’re trying to pass that’s seen as the “TikTok Ban” actually doesn’t even have TikTok in the bill. Its not the first step, because banning TikTok isn’t a “step”.

Believe me, I don’t want my personal data being sold. If it is anyway what upsets me is I’m not even benefiting from it. I’m not easily swayed by advertisements, no matter how good Pizza Hut’s pizzas looks in those ads they’re directing at me because they know I like pizza. I’m also not receiving a cut of the profit and I don’t like that. I’d rather not have my data harvested and sold period, but that’s almost impossible to prevent.

My point here isn’t to say that if one entity does it, its ok for others to do it as well. I just don’t like that TikTok is receiving crap for it by the US government when all these other companies have been doing it for years and are pretty much left alone.

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The only social media I use is Reddit, as at least the user isn’t forced into providing personal identity information.

As Sami said, TikTok is essentially Vine 2.0. While it can shine a spotlight on some new, upcoming, obscure or legacy musical acts (the best compliment I can give TikToc is it is the 21st century equivalent of radio), most of the content is not for me.

I prefer the occasional long form video essay on YouTube and for laughs, well humor is subjective, and my friends already keep me well stocked up in that department.

I can’t help but feeling sympathy for those people who aren’t adults and post dreadful stuff that may haunt them for years.

It doesn’t solve everything, but I’m every grateful that uBlock Origin and other Ad blockers exist.

That’s perfectly fine. Everyone has their preferences and they’re entitled to them. I won’t criticize or mock someone’s interests, because to them, it’s awesome even if I don’t think so. On the same token I understand why people dislike or prefer not to use a certain platform, and I get it. TikTok can be very… idk the word to describe it other than extreme at times. I apologize for not being able to pinpoint a word to describe exactly what I’m trying to say.

In reference to a user’s data being protected, if TikTok is going to be attacked for it, so should all the other scummy companies that claim they put their users first regardless of whether or not people like them.

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I totally agree, and when it comes to harvesting or selling of users private data, I don’t see an easy solution on the horizon.

Even if you can manage to protect your own data, there is the problem of private companies being hacked. Last year, a company I have an insurance policy with, was hacked and millions of their customers had their data leaked onto the dark web. Some of my data was leaked, but fortunately for me, it was minimal, for others it included things like their full medical history and social security numbers, etc.

This company was given the ultimatum by the hackers to pay to prevent the leak, but the company declined. It’s also ironic (but no doubt a deliberate choice) that this insurance company had no form of insurance to cover cyberattacks.

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Imagine being this delusional.


I was drunk this evening, why did I launch HOTS instead of going to bed? Plus, I was upset by the fact that people on Steam would not play their games anymore on WIN7/8.

Blizz->Activision->Microsoft<-Win7<-Chrome<-Steam = Lilac wine does not land well with belgium beer. Bad gates, I paid the bill. At least, data privacy was debated here.

That’s a very good point. I just think its a little more upsetting that companies will simply sell your data anyway. I mean if its hacked, its not being exposed due to the company profiting from the breach because usually those end in class actions settlements. If its stolen, at least it wasn’t fully the companies fault, but when they sell it on their own, it feels like a slap in the face. Very good point though and I agree.

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I’ve literally said in multiple threads that I think Blizz is “Evil”, but because I like this community, enjoy playing Hots and have a high post count, I’ve been dismissed as a shill for Blizz.

Not only did I agree with the OP that many of their concerns were valid, I also added a few additional problems I also have with Hots. However, because I disagreed with them on one point, that forced 50% isn’t a real thing, that apparently made me a shill and any arguments I had made automatically invalidated.

If you actually knew me, you would know I’m not a defender of corporate institutions, but I’m rather on the opposite end of that spectrum. What I am is pragmatic enough to know that I personally can’t meaningfully affect any broad systemic change. So as an example, if I want to post here on this corporate platform, I have to follow their (often vague) rules, because as an individual I have no power to force Blizz to change their policies.

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Win 8 is such a meme that 8.1 is unironically a serperate brand version, good on them for not playing on that.

Win 7 is simply 10 but weaker, you get all fhe features with at least updates.

That can happen in any MOBA… I’ve play LoL too and I can’t tell you how funny it is to hear/see a streamer loose their bananas cause it’s a known smurf account and they get wrecked by a bunch of high gold/plats.

Do you even know how it’s suppose to be? Ranked should be a bell curve in theory. Majority of the players should at some point be in the middle(gold).

The game was well played and well liked, the issue is you are coming into this game after being abandoned. We can only hope they give us HoTS 2 and build it like overwatch 2.

It isn’t a consequence of that system. Unless you train and get better, whatever your MMR/Rank is, is where you belong. Period. Again, do you know how MMR system works right? Most to all MOBAs, MMR ranking strives to find you the perfect match where it can go either way. That’s why on certain games if it some reason puts your team in favor to win, you’ll lose more MMR cause you should have won. Much like if it puts the other team in favor and you win you get more MMR.(MMR could also be rank points or league points or whatever system that MOBA is using).

Most people in league of legends are in silver/gold. The MIDDLE.

Weird I can’t post links for some reason so hopefully this image will work.

I guess it won’t let me put anything in my posts, go look up League of Legends recent distribution and you’ll see how everyone is silver/gold in that game too.

Again you don’t know how MMR works. You can’t base HoTS on other MOBAs nor can you base it on anything anymore since it’s not getting fixes as it’s suppose to and updates to internal systems. It also doesn’t help that everyone wants to play the more “Meta Champs” much like any MOBA, so they think they are better than everyone. So when they start to lose, they either make more mistakes or just out right don’t play at all/right. This happens in any MOBA rather ranked/unranked.

Or you can play better and take the lead. I can’t tell you how many games I’ve turned around when we should have lost or were going to lose. I doubt the system wants to “trim” your wins. It isn’t always your team mates fault that YOU LOST. There is always a way to play better and improve yourself. Especially since HoTS has the best ping system than most mobas.

[quote]It’s so funny and absurd at the same time that perhaps the devil in hell will definitely take them to work.

So, returning to the topic - the players were very quickly distracted by this and attention, the funny thing is that the development team did nothing about it 8 years after the game came out.

Players always make rumors on why they are terrible. I tend to play solo and do much better than duos/premades even with practice because it is easy to not assume what your group/duo buddy is going to do.

That is, you understand yes, the game was created for such a narrow audience. No wonder no one plays it.

I’m also omitting the point that the support just deleted the posts of the dissenters for 6 years for sure.

I don’t feel any pity for an inch - absolutely deservedly dead project.[/quote]

I feel you only have played it recently the last year or so because you just sound bitter as all hell.

The only way a game decides if you lose is when you play bad or make a bad comp and I’m not talking about making a meta breaking comp. I am just stating that you and your team mates are in control and this sounds like some tin foil hat stuff. This is from the same complainers that go STUFFS CHEETOS IN FACE AND DRINK MONSTER I SHOULD BE HIGHER IN RANKED, THIS IS BS, IT IS MY TEAM MATES FAULT AND WHY I CAN NOT CLIMB.

If you go to DOTA2, LoL and etc you’ll find the SAME POSTS over the course of the game.
Also why does no one play it? Cause it’s not getting updates anymore. No more new heroes, no more anything. If DOTA2 or LoL went into “maintenance” mode. Those games would die too. Also the same exact issue is that the reason why Blizzard probably put it into the maintenance mode is because they let people get anything from chests and giving a chest at every level and all that jazz. I literally only at game release and course of two years, probably only put in about one hundred dollars into the game. This was back before you could earn shards, gems and etc. You only earned gold. Where getting dupes really Fed ya. A few skins I liked and the hero starter pack and a few other packs. Other than that, I had no reason to really “invest” into the game cause trust me it’s embarassing that I spent probably about 450 bucks into LoL in the course of 12 years.

If the game doesn’t keep rotating/updating/having new skins/heroes come out. It can not make money period. When League of Legends removed the rune system and changed everything, I have so much blue essence I’ll never have to farm/buy champs ever again. There goes 8 bucks micro-transaction.

The issue with HoTS is it is a barebones MOBAs. No more worrying about items, no more worrying about anything. Just pick a hero, chose some talents and go at it.

I’m sure within a few seconds you’ll probably look at my match history. At one time I did play ranked under the old system not when they turned it into bronze/silver/gold and etc. As well as I took long gap of not playing it cause after awhile I got burned out on all MOBAs, I was playing DOTA2, LoL and HoTS and took a very very long gap.

Again, most of my roles, other than assassin, is a 50% or close to it win and as well as if I tend to soak more in my tank/bruiser roles(Xul/Leoric) instead of doing the first fight mid. Team tends to get ahead quickly as well as if we reach ten first it seems we tend to win the match at 50%. So yeah lol.

Uh, it was more so on LoL hype than DOTA 2. If LoL didn’t get massive especially ESPORTS, DOTA2/HOTS would never have happened. Though they are also lucky speaking of DOTA2, they didn’t lose the lawsuit because DOTA cause they were trying to trademark MOBAs/DOTAs ;). (Also the fact that most games that come with editors unless it’s Half Life[Since Valve tends to pay people for making great mods so they can tell it[Or Minecraft Java/Bedrock]). That Blizzard had a policy under their editors that they couldn’t sell it and since DOTA was made in WC3… lol

If you consider further conversation to be pointless, then get out. Why even make this post from the start? Why even make the thread? Go back to DOTA or LoL and keep being bronze.

I thought further conversation was pointless? Stop replying then. Also again, people make the same posts about any MOBA and how it’s the system/team mates fault.

A MOBA game can never be absolutely balanced. Not only cause of human component but as well as the hero/champ kits(abilities). You could take the most broken hero/champ and give it to someone who doesn’t know squat and they will squander it. You had people complaining day 1 of SC2 on how the system was working cause some pro player got stuck in gold lol.

I thought you were saying that further conversation was pointless? People leave games all the time and in MOBAs usually it’s some stupid reason like the game sucks(Hint they suck), game is unbalanced(Again MOBAs can never be truely balanced because of champ/hero interactions and human free will) Also we are posting from our point of view like most people and with biased opinion of course cause we like the game and you don’t. We get it, go back to DOTA.

Oh yeah like we couldn’t use google translate or some source to get the jist of what you are saying and trying to be savvy like oh look at me, pinky out, drink some tea and beer and I speak three languages. You speak English good enough unless you are using a thesaurus to make yourself sound smarter.

The thing is this and this is the bottom line too… If Blizzard curtail to every single Fing complaint that someone had. There would be a few things that would happen.

Alienate the fan base. You know how awful it is to have part of game changed cause the “Pros” hate it. Fun fact, the reason why AP yi was removed was because it happened at one of the high end ESPORTS tournament and when there was barely any counter to it(Stuns and other means to counter him), AP Yi was removed. Thus removing a fun aspect of him.

Also, if they don’t curtail and put the game out how they vision, people would still complain because the game wasn’t fit to their needs.

It’s the same thing when other games are released. If they curtail to people, people scream STOP CENSORING THE DEVS, if they don’t then they talk mad crap about them.

EVERY MOBA GAME HAS SMURF ISSUES. Because when you can literally make a new account with free new email. Literally there is no way to stop smurfing especially if you can earn champs/heros for free. All you lost is time if you get banned.

The only little girl here is you and you cry worse than my four year old cause I won’t let her eat ice cream for supper.

You claim groups always win but yet forced 50% that’s untrue. As well as let me give you this little nugget of info. All MOBAs have a duo, trio and full group queue that intermingle. Most won’t let you do quads anymore.

I stopped around post 40, I can’t read anymore because Xenterex, Morthion and everyone else has said their piece… and I Just can’t, I think I lost IQ reading BBCho’s posts.


nobody will not fix about this from blizzard

I am not sure I am allowed to post this, but you don’t remember or didn’t read what I wrote about you Minky. It was in another BBChoho thread :

“I know you don’t, but I do love you for your way to write things and think before joining the dumb pack.”

I’ve never had a word against you.

Nobody will not fix means that somebody will fix.

Thanks for your well thought out, positive, 1 post contribution.


Just passing by to pass on some materials and of course… Links :v: :stuck_out_tongue: . Glad someone is carrying the torch. I can’t believe u guys are still here making the same arguments. Time to move on to D4.


Ideal matchmaking:
Designer ideal :
-Put players into matches that are fun .
-Have a planned experience with varying intensity (easy, even, hard)

(My Conclusion: The goal of the matchmaker is to make “Fun” matches, not fair matches.)

45:20 “The approach where it’s still kinda 50/50 but you don’t always give a 50/50 match, you give a variety of matches, you have some smart way of saying no for this match i’m going to give him actually a hard match
for this next match i’m going to give him an even match for the next match i’m going to give him an easy match.”

45:35 “it gets to the point when matches are super even all the time after a while it actually get kinda tiring…so i come up with the opinion that its ok to allow a little bit of balance here and there and have a mix of even hard and easy matches.”

linkedin joshmenke

Area of Expertise : Machine Learning , Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence

Be nice if you’d get over your self-inflicted denial. You "don’t believe’ that people are ‘making the same argument’ but all you do is post the same video. I’ve dissected the crap you’re peddling, and other posters have as well.

Since posters, like yourself, keep repeating yourself, it’s not an oddity that much of the same statements are posted to debunk that ignorant crap. Should I re-link to the times people have pointed out that you:

  • neglect context
  • make bad assertions
  • don’t refute adverse evidence, but instead respond with ad-hominem attacks
  • haven’t provided any new, complimentary, or pertinent evidence

You’re trying to showboat by blaming others for your hypocrisies.

Maybe if you’d work on reading, critical thinking, and not repeating yourself, you wouldn’t find your ‘belief’ that challenged that the ignorant keep on doing the same thing that you keep on doing :thinking:

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