I understood why no one plays this game

God, who needs this game, if just to play it and get the usual normal game experience should make so much effort. These people you describe by all appearances units, what is the point?

Do you realize that there’s not even a new people, I’m answering the same ones and I’m really not sure that this is not one person, because your speeches are well very similar.

I started talking rudely after they started writing it back to me, nothing personal.

To what I did not give proof? I said go and check yourself if you do not believe me even after all I wrote, but nobody gives a s what you wrote there, because 1000000 people before you left this game for these reasons, they wrote even about it while they were banned for a week god.

Regarding losstreaks - check your team after a series of defeats - you’ll see everything.

Blizzard were doing not only this patent, they also have a system of mentoring, when the stronger yoke are given weaker players so in general their win rate was 50%, they talked about it mister.
You are like those monkeys who hear nothing and see nothing and say nothing, it’s just impossible. That’s it, I wash my hands of you. You are useless.

Imagine having not one, but multiple 10000+ post accounts. It’s really hard to achieve and rather pointless.
We also don’t sound similar, like Xenterex is thesaurus, unlike the rest (or at least myself).
But you never using occam’s razor, or search for proofs, but rather just go with the most insane tinfoilhattery, is everything ppl need to know about your other “facts” (opinions).

Group party always wins against pugs if this is the argument, but yea.
Same b/s on new worlds pvp. If it is.

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Xenterex has one of the most distinct and unique voices on these forums, in the sense of how they have mastered and play with language. I wish I had half of Xen’s panache, but sadly in written form I don’t read as a “similar” person. Neither do I, nor have I given to you the same content of reply.

I agreed with many of your earlier points, but I disagree with your assertion that the game is “forced 50%.”

If you feel there are very few unique replies to your posts here, it’s because these forums are dead, so how about trying a bigger pond?

My suggestion and challenge to you is to go over to the Hots Subreddit and make the exact posts and claims you’ve been making here over the past two weeks. My feeling is you will receive far more unique replies, but I feel equally safe in saying that you might not be satisfied with those replies.

You may also find people in that sub might not be as polite or as patient with you as the few of us who still post here on the regular.


If you are better then the average player then it would be higher. If you are not then you are worse. Not hard to figure out if you use common sense.

Or people should just start moving on for once and stop wasting so much energy on a forum for a game they dont even like. Its like just because he dont like it then nobody should.

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There are lurkers. They just don’t have the patience or will to go into a debate with you.

This kind of thing has happened more than anyone can count. Someone shouts out a rediculous statement, everyone else has the rodent mallet ready, it’s quite common.

When the debate is not constuctive anymore and the player is just looking for yes men then why should people engage a debate with him ?

Maybe he has not notiest it yet but most people that was on this forum years ago has quit the game or only post on Reddit now. Then ofc he will only see the same 10 people that keep this forum alive.

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and I’ve said that all the bad theories you have regarding this game have been debunked and they’re only repeated by players that refuse to learn more or improve at the game – the implication being that players stop believing that crap when they’re got a modicum more skill at the game, or rather, they get more skillfull at the game when they stop using bad excuses to justify repeating the same mistakes instead of asking how they can improve.

There’s a link to one of my posts that copy/pastes replies from other games. That post used ‘recent’ examples of complaints, but it’s not as if I couldn’t find similar complaints that are older than you are. That isn’t a jab to say you’re ‘young’, but it’s instead the reality that these sort of complaints persist for longer than people realize, and there’s more reason to why they get repeated from one game to the next by the same sort of players.

As I posted before, you don’t seem to know what makes a “fact” a fact, nor do you seem to understand the concept of the “burden of proof”. If you expect people to trust your claims, then you need to be the one to prove it. Demanding someone else “look it up” is ineffective and disingenuous.

If l look up something for “heroes of the storm” my search history, cookies, region (ISP) and default language are going to prioritize results that are different from what you would find. Similarly, the same information isn’t accessible in other languages without specific commands to so do, and if I didn’t hound you so much about a ‘language barrier’ wouldn’t know what language modifications I’d have to apply to a search to remotely approximate what you might have found. (There’s a topic I could link to a similar complication but for spanish when the poster was absolutely convinced of something due to reading it on wikipedia, but it hadn’t occurred to them that wiki’s can have incorrect information)

The US wiki of heroes of the storm Heroes of the Storm - Wikipedia
has 94 citations, several of which are actually dead links
The Deutsch wiki for HotS Heroes of the Storm – Wikipedia is not a translation of the US version: it has different information, opinions, and citations. And it also has dead links. If either of those pages influenced your concern for “forced 50%” I might not be able to find what you said to “look up”

The value of people providing their “proof” stems from providing a means to actually see what someone found instead of presuming that they too would magically find the same thing despite the evident complications of links regarding a ‘dead game’ not staying active. Especially if it’s “news” articles that may have posted updates or retractions that someone may not have noticed from years ago.

Furthermore, the assertion that I should “look it up” neglects that reality that I have ‘looked it up’ and have spent years trying to explain things to people.

Here’s something I “looked up” that you could technically find on a google search: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/heroes/search?q=forced%2050%25%20%40Xenterex-1540

That’s a list of posts I’ve written that contain the characters “forced 50%” for what is mostly likely topics concerned with many of the same complaints you have repeated on these forums. Just as you have stated that somethings haven’t changed in 8+ years, some of the superstitions players post is one of them.

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You just wrote an entire book of wrong information lol

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you have provided no proof, counter-points, or effort.

The ability to claim something is ‘wrong’ does not mean it is; the capacity to think 2 pages is a “book” indicates you’re about as illiterate, ignorance, and useless as the rest of the complaining lot.


So very odd that someone would complain about what boils down to “reading”, on a written word discussion forum.

This isn’t TikTok yet, thankfully.

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And yall being 10 shills, corporates, will bring any"'proof"? I do love HOTS and I do hate that 10v1 match up you are setting up every threads around this forum. You know you do are. Whoever player is writing here, YOU just bring 9 buddies paid to make the OP “wrong”. All “big” companies are doing this right now: too big to fail? We’ll watch…

Since I’ve been called a “shill” before, I’m assuming the concern for “burden of proof” is aimed at me… again.

Post #10 I shared information regarding official dev statements in ranking distribution (per request) and I also attempted to clarify information regarding a different image that was shared for the topic.

Post #32 I shared a link to actual data analysis performed on older matching compared to matching at that time.

Post #38 I linked to examples that debunk the “patent” theories that are commonly posted by chronic complainers. I also linked to my post history of other topics were I attempt address that over and over again. The typical issue for that matching system for the patent is that:

  1. it doesn’t require any actual code to file the patent (code is not protected by patents, so nothing like that may actually ever exist)
  2. the OP, and like them, demonstrably haven’t actually read the patent filings as that would contradict some their claims, but they’re also not in the habit of reading much of anything to be informed about the issues that draw their ire.
  3. it’s an activision patent, and not a blizzard one (they have their own filings) so if they were sincere about the “Facts” they claim to have, they’d stop using the 1 patent that has been debunked, and instead link to something else.
  4. Big companies have to deal with frivolous lawsuits from Patent Trolls, so they may make a patent to prevent predictable potential problems preventing profits.

Post #50 I linked to the search page that leads to many of the other topics where I have provided explanations, links, quotes, graphics, and other devices, to try to off-set the common conspiracy claims made by posters that do not do any of the above that I have listed.

I replied to an alt account that was made for a day to ‘like’ a dozen posts by a specific poster, and then they made a few replies to visible detractors for said account.

Meanwhile, the OP claims to have linked to “facts” for their claims, but the only link they have provided for the “proof” of what has influenced their perspective is the infamous activision patent.

If topics like these would provide corroborative evidence (things that actually support their claim) then they’d get less flak. However, this is yet another topic that repeats the 'bronze level" conspiracy theories that are spread among several games.

One of my links already quotes posts from LoL and Dota forums (hero names removed) that will we verbatim as if they were complaints about HotS. Those topics claim similar defects that are met with similar replies (or proof) and are similarly made by posters that do not request help at playing the game.

Time and again this is stuff may by players that do not want to be informed, they do not want to go through the process of how to be better at this, or many other games, and they instead repeat the same mistakes and act like they have provided “proof”

We don’t see solo-play streamers coming to the forums/reddit to complain that matching is rigged; we don’t see data-miners (the ones who have read code and have posted actual bug-fixes to the game) whistle-blowing some secret “rigged matches”. We don’t see the upper-tier players bragging how their sweet sweet cosmetics won them games.

Game communities are generally held together by passionate players not imaged shills. While I don’t think anyone else should actually write walls, I do think it should send some sort of message that time after time, the topics regarding the same sort of conspiracy theories do not link to anything that actually supports their claims.

They have stuff to assert they have read — and yes, there is stuff they could use – but they don’t share any of it and instead demand that anyone else “look it up” instead. I have also replied to some of those if you think you’d want a link on that too.

As a player of the game, I don’t get paid for any of my activities here. However, I enjoy the game, and I have found that other people would enjoy the game more if they stop convincing themselves of falsehoods that detract from their experience. It is not exclusive to HotS and any game has players that have a bad time due to ignorance and superstition. Find a popular speed-running game and you’re going to find players that are very knowledgable about the game and they turn that knowledge into playing well at the game. This forum community is rife with posters that are afraid of knowing much of anything, and yet present the contradictory position that they are magically empowered by ‘truth’ that they can’t actually share.

A community that excels at a game informs their playerbase.
A community that is afraid to know more about the game has a stagnant skill level, and they stay that way so long as they keep blaming anything else that isn’t their own ability.


I’m a blizz shill, drone and plant who gets paid in Gold-pressed latinum to call Blizz “evil” on their own forums.

Nice work if you can get it!

Hey what’s wrong with TikTok?

Meh, it’s mostly not for me. I’ll give that TikTok can bring attention to music artists, both old and new.

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I enjoy it because a lot of videos/edits are hilarious.

data selling is probably the more demonstrable concern :thinking:

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I sure hope you don’t use Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, or Google because if that’s your concern, you have a lot of companies to worry about.