I played probius for the first time and it was in ARAM

What Heroes do you play in ranked?

Raynor and cassia mostly. I can anduin and deckard (poor deckard got gutted) heal. Lili too since she’s literally Faceroll. I’m bad at Lúcio but I can technically play him. I know how to but unsuccessful with KT. Orphea I do well in aram but I don’t use her in ranked. Chromie I do well on.

The saddest hero I had to give up was zuljin as the late game isn’t worth it. It’s debatable whether his late game is that much better than the other marksmen. His early game is terrible. Heal is terrible and needs a level 20 talent to even be like raynor’s. I like zuljins infinite scaling attack damage but not the needing to be lower in hp to do more damage. That’s not for me

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If I played him over hundreds of games that’d mean I’m a main unless I have other heroes with hundreds of games too.

If first experiences mean anything for a hero, probius definitely fails for a large percent of the population. Someone pointed out my logic could be used for any other hero but the end result for what I’m saying is probius has a low pickrate/popularity and this is my experience why I think so

If probius gets the broken dva and gazno treatment, I could see how his kit buffed would be enough to break him. If q alone was stronger without needing to explode a W on it, that’s be a start. If W was used solely as a slow since Q is used alone, that’d be a huge shift in probius play for Less skill. I’m not saying to rework him since it’d be a waste but I’m saying it’s easily fixable for any hero to shoot up in popularity from straight numbers buff

Why not Uther? Stukov? Tyrande and Malf?
They have higher winchance.

Why no Fenix? And you said you play Orphea, but why not in SL?

You want to climb.

Uther and stukov are melee so no thanks. If stukov has to talent to be ranged, that’s a waste of a talent.

I main marksmen. I’m pretty sure most of my picks would fall within B-S tier. I think the weakest hero I use often would be anduin

I don’t like Fenix. Just a feeling. Raynor and cassia are enough for me. One or the other won’t be picked or banned

It’s not because Stukov can slow by ranged attacks, what sometimes is very useful.

@Tooton, it takes hours to master a hero. In your totally biased behaviour you really tell everyone, the hero has to be reworked after one single match in ARAM??
I invite you to watch my replay of playing Probius.

But I guess you’re not interested in learning and gaining experience, otherwise you would play more than only Raynor
You are pathetic!


Where did I say I was a master of probius? I’m saying his experience when you first start out is so bad, his kit seems terrible (probius mains will prove differently) that players are turned off from the start and it shows in his low pick rate

I even wrote DON’T rework probius. If we had to waste dev time in a rework I listed the niche probius should have: early game lane bully

People are blindly upvoting you

Just learn to play. But you won’t do it anyway…
They are not blindly upvoting me. They know, where I have Expertise and where I for sure can show, how to play certain heroes.

Making entire thread and telling people hero is bad after one game in ARAM…

It’s not something you should do. You need at least 10-20 games for that.

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Can you in good faith say probius has a great first impression when using him?

Shifting topics- Are there better picks than him even in the hands of probius mains? Most of the time I would say yes. It’s like maining dva when she was the worst hero in the game. There will always be players that can disprove the general trend of a hero being bad but that doesn’t mean the player who mains the bad hero couldn’t have used another hero and get better results in the first place

He has one of the best waveclears, good zoning, hero damage, can support his allies. He makes funny robot sounds and pretty enjoyable.

Well yes they will. Every player that master a certain hero will tell you another story since they figured out how to win games those. They did not claim the hero to be bad after only one game like you do. They continued to play the hero until they figued out how he works and how good he is on some maps.

But you on the other hand just throws the towel in the ring and gives up after a lost game in a clown mode.

I have 60% winrate on pre-rework D.VA. So you can say i actually made one of the worst bruisers ingame work.

Just because you have a first impression that Probius is a bad hero in a clown enviroment does not mean he is a bad hero. You literelly took a hard to play hero you have never played and expected him to be easy to play when you cant even grasp how he really works and what is consept of gameplay is.

You would properly say the same if you took your first game with Samuro or Vikings. They are all bad heroes but people who main them will tell you otherwise because they figued out how to make them work.

Not every hero in this game is hur dur easy stun easy win.


Also I’m one of those people who had insane (61.9%) winrate on Tassadar, even when most players from Hots called him the worst.

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yeah probius isn’t great in aram, one of the bottom tier,
not the worst but not very good unless the enemies are idiots and constantly run into the rifts

Then why is it surprising that the least “marksmen”-esque Hero didn’t kick to you?


I just wanna say in the right hands Probius is the best mage in the game. That means below gold players will never undestand how to probe.


For me, it’s just that he’s so easy to catch out. Damage kills his movespeed, killing pylons can gut his offense… he relies on static situations, as he can’t pick up and put down his setup.

Still, if there were any change to him, I’d want them to stay small at first. I don’t think a positional specialist is something we want stepping too far out of its niche.

Probius has historically been one of the least picked, but higher winrate heroes almost since his release. Tooton, you are simply showing both your lack of experience with most of the hero roster, as well as the fact that you are basically HailFail Version 2