I played probius for the first time and it was in ARAM

It went horribly and I admitted to my team I was the cause of defeat. There was nothing I’d want in probius in my ranged assassins whether in mage or marksman. W is so slow that it doesn’t matter. Even if it appeared instantly, it still wouldn’t be good. Q is pretty garbage. Probius has one of the LOWEST base hp in the game. Now my custom marksmen have even lower base hp but they eventually get more hp through infinite scaling… Probius doesn’t and still doesn’t for the whole game. His turrets are too squishy. I’d rather take gazno in his broken state over probius even if we lose a ranged assassin in the process. And I hate melees. At least gazno can ult + bomb stun for EZ wins.

There are probius mains who do well at the top elo. Good for them. Don’t rework probius and waste time but I’m just saying probius does not feel strong. Was I bad because of inexperience with a new hero? Yes. But even with more practice I think other heroes are worth way more than probius unless probius gets buffs. His base kit is just bad. If he had a niche (like gazno I guess if they changed gazno’s base stats) of turret shoving and being a lane bully early, good. But right now his turrets are garbage, there’s a delay (or at least I had) between D + E combo, and the turrets are bad…

That’s a strong statement based on playing a very high skill cap hero 1 time. In ARAM.

Medivh, Probius, Hanzo, Vikings, will never be high win rate in the hands of average players, even after a hundred Storm League games.

But their kits are very powerful. They are among the highest impact heroes in the game.

Probius has a good solid winrate last 10 patches in master+dia, with a low pick rate (only played by dedicated mains). It’s higher than Anub’arak for example with the same filters.


Probius requires control or drag control, the best choice imo is Dehaka.
I won as Probius with 2 Dehakas, was fun.

I used to pick probius and i was level 2 or 3 with him in ARAM and i even tried him in QM.

he was da bomb

All your other heroes stated have their uses. Medivh is great against pyroblast, when his team is a dive team, and in a 5 man.

Hanzo has his stun ult and is still straightforward despite having hard to use skillshots.

Vikings you already know their use in a “perfect” player from my essays before

Probius? No thanks. Unless his kit gets flat buffs on each ability, that’s a no. I’m sharing why people are turned off (at least my experience of a sample size of 1 player) and not just because “high skill cap”. Hanzo and the others on your list have their clear uses. Area control? Might as well go gazno. Probius does NOT feel great to play and I bring up the point probius mains would be able to get much more value out of other picks. Maybe Probius mains love his playstyle and more power to them. For other probius mains who can get by with other heroes, try those other heroes out

Medivh is great against pyroblast, when his team is a dive team, and in a 5 man.
Hanzo has his stun ult and is still straightforward

That’s a vast oversimplification. Medivh is much more than a shield-bot against Pyroblast, Hanzo is much more than Dragon’s Arrow. These are very complex heroes with horrible win ratios outside top MMR play.

Despite that they are contested picks in higher games. They are bad in average games.


Horrible winrates but at least for Hanzo he has a significantly higher pick rate compared to probius. Hanzo is way more straightforward

TBH at all ranks considered, TLV needs a hard nerf. 55%+ winrate with decent popularity taken from all ranks means even low elo are getting too much value

low pick rates just mean that hero is hard. Highly picked means for the masses, doesn’t mean the hero itself is good.

I mean Li li is 20 times more popular than Probius on average , 21% and yet her pick rate in master is 2,7%… She is barely ever played by good players


If you wanna use probius for pvp as is the case in ARAM, you need to make sure there’s a lot of crowd control on your team’s side to get those rifts to stick. You need to place rifts in very inconvenient spots for your enemy to avoid, places like the center of a contested area where they’re forced to split up to avoid damage. Your turret needs to be part of the backline shooting at the enemy.

Also, a lot of probius’s strength involves timing of rift explosion, you can catch the enemy by surprise if you take echo pulse, so once your pulse is ready to come back, you drop the rift at the exact time it’s ready to explode. Not to mention its much safer to clear a wave by immediately summoning the rifts and echopulse and just run back, not having to wait till the rifts are set up.

I get that a lot of people just say “you’re better off picking another hero”, but wasn’t this the case for brightwing? She wasn’t much of a popular hero until the general population finally learned her through example.

Because good player that are higher then plat never picks her. LILI is a healer that are only good from B5 to P1. In D5 and higher she gets out picked by better healers


I know. Basically a beginner hero. The exact opposite of Probius.

Which is why Probius has so low pick rate in ordinary games, around 1% (it doubles at high elo and most who play him are high elo).


How should anyone take you this thread seriously? :thinking:


It’s an honest take on why people are (at least for me) or could be turned off from probius. If you want to ignore one person’s opinion from experience then that’s on you. There’s little point to using Probius unless you mesh with his playstyle and kit from the start

I hate melees but I know enough that gazno and Imperius are stronger picks that have a use

But that’s the thing. You’re not talking from experience.
Playing a Hero once (in ARAM) is not really experience.

  1. I can look at a heroes kit without playing them and know their power
    Forum: “naoooo not good enough”

  2. Okay, I can try it out in any mode
    Forum: “naooooo not good enough. You need to play ranked where everyone is most likely to be serious”

  3. (I didn’t do this yet) Okayyyy I tried him in SL and I didn’t like him
    Forum: “naoooo you need more than one game with probius LUL he’s hard to use. He also isn’t for everyone but keep trying and see if you learn to like him!”

End result: The bar is going to keep being raised on who or what circumstances allow someone to post their opinion on heroes. I bet you’d want me to be high master-GM, use the hero for HUNDREDS or thousands+ of matches to get a “feel” of a hero. Guess what? I gave my take on what happened from a fresh take on probius. It wasn’t pretty. No matter what the mode I doubt my opinion will change. His kit doesn’t feel good for me and that’s all I’d need to not play him more. Is it to my loss? To each their own.

This isn’t a hypercarry wish thread. It’s an honest take on someone’s first experience with probius. Is it old news that probius is hard? Yes. Will anyone learn something from this? Hopefully yes in that probius doesn’t seem rewarding at first glance. And even at high elo it’s debatable whether his mains could have used another hero and get more out of another hero

By the way, Probius has the highest burst damage in the game.


But that’s true for “very hard” heroes (and even if Probius isn’t labeled one, he should be).

You don’t just pick them up randomly like Raynor or Li Li and expect an acceptable outcome.

Not every hero is created with equal difficulty of mastery. Some heroes are impossible to master by casual players.


Why nerf them?
Didn’t you tell that only robots can play TLV good? Does that mean we have robots in every league? :robot:


What happened is confirmation bias.
You had a negative opinion on Probius, you played him (once), lost, and you strengthened your belief, that Probe is “bad”.

Your list is also kinda strawmanning.
Ppl (so yes, even on the forums) expects real experience if you want to judge a Hero.
The requirements aren’t raising, but rather you going really under it, and when ppl point it out, you go babysteps, and surprised that it’s still not enough.
Like you could do the same with Medivh or Hanzo but since you think they’re fine you wouldn’t blame the Hero cuz your first game was a loss.
Also when a new Hero comes out I could judge it based on my first game. Would you think it’s relevant? Especially if it turns out I’m wrong?

But even you’d do the requirements…:
Probius has a positive winrate, often really high. The devs also said multiple times that the Probe actually doing really well in experienced hands.
So we have proof about his state, and it contradicts your “experience”. (The one you made after a single game…)

So yea…


The Vikings need high APM yes, but humans can definitely have enough APM to micro Vikings to a very high win rate.

People in Starcraft 2 can micro 10+ units at once. 3 is nothing compared to that. No need for robots, just a very good player.