I played probius for the first time and it was in ARAM

Was my post incorrect on what would turn off players from probius?
You’re talking about probius mains in high elo (a VERY select few) while I’m going for the general playerbase. There is a huge turn off to playing probius and it’s not just because he’s “hard to play”. His kit just doesn’t do it for me

:thinking: :shushing_face:

Devs shouldn’t change Probius because you can’t play him.


If that’s this season’s SL, that’s insane after 50 games. Usually even good mains are rarely +70%.

This is from SL, UD and QM. Mostly I played them in SL.

Yes. Your claim was that ppl don’t play the Probe because he’s bad.
He’s not.

Maybe, but it’s definitely the biggest reason.

That’s perfectly normal and has nothing to do with balance and power lvl.
It’d be surprising if you could utilise his kit properly for the first time in ARAM, but even if you could you can still not like certain kits and playstyles.
Don’t look too much into that.

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what i like the most about Probius are the lvl13 talents so the pylons offer buffs for the whole team.


Everyone here talking about probius sure makes me feel like spam picking it all night tonight.

Tychus’ kit doesn’t do it for me, that means he’s a bad hero according to the chain of logic you’ve put forth in this thread so far. Same with Whitemane, Garrosh, Anduin, Greymane, Imperius, Alarak…

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Grey’s kit is bad for me.



With a sample size of one ARAM game…



Pick rate shows those heroes are used. Probius has less than 1% pick rate. If there are 40 ranged assassins (no idea and I’m not gonna take the time to count) and there is one mage per team, probius should be around 1/20 usage if all heroes in that role was equally so 5% pick rate. The less than 1% at all ranks who pick him are mostly his diehard mains

A few games is all it takes for me or the general public to not play a hero in the long term

Most people are not worthy enough to play Probius.


Can you show your source? It’s still not much but all my filters provided 1%+ popularity.

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I’m seeing a bit over 1% overall and nearly 2% in high ratings.

With some playing around you can get him to 0,8% by selecting silver+bronze and the last two or three patch. But that’s a bit meaningless. Just shows he’s even less played in low ratings.

Popularity is different than pick rate. I didn’t use any filters on heroes profile. His popularity is 1.05% while his pick rate is 0.85%.

But to be fair tho, the Probe doesn’t have really great winrates nowadays. Maybe he gained more counters (or just there were too many op Heroes (D.va, Tass, Imperius, Gazlowe)) to keep up.
And I think the Medallion also didn’t really help him, rather the opposite.
Maybe he needs sone small buffs, not sure, we’ll see.
But his kit is definitely strong in normal circumstances.

(Sidenote: isn’t it a positive thing that his pickrate is lower than his popularity? Ppl ban him.)


He was at 60% WR for like two years and the undisputed champion of all heroes.
Before that it was TLV. (Both very low pick rates)

Mobility, counters, medallion, new OP heroes, pushed him down under 55% (but still over 50%) by those who know him.

And the flat 10% move speed buff that happened to all heroes was a bit bad for him, as it makes getting out of Rifts easier.

Pick rate will always be lower than popularity unless banrate is 0%. nothing special

If you’re against any one trick you’re gonna van the one hero. Most of the time you’re not gonna get people saying “ban probius” out of the blue unless there’s an external movement artificially influencing the bans. Example: in Pokemon the tiers are based on usage so if you theoretically had tons of people use a terrible Pokémon, it’d rise to OU

Maybe because Probius req more effort to play to get value of then other heroes were you just one button spam.

Unless that power maximum is higher than the lower effort heroes, there is literally zero point unless you like his kit and/or you play for fun instead of maximizing win chances

Probius maximum potential isn’t high enough to the point he’s gonna dominate the highest elos. Probius in ccl? ? ? It’s not worth using probius when s tier mages exist that do it better