I Like the all one Hero ARAM


Woot, thanks. Round of applause!


Yet, I didn’t say you were wrong, personally, I wouldn’t care either way if they keep mirror games as they are, or remove them.

However, you, leaving mirror games is wrong, it’s also expected that you would receive pushback complaining about mirror games, in the only appreciation thread for mirror games.

Also, it shouldn’t need to be said, but the idea of mirror games was floated on Reddit, as these are dead forums for an undead game. It’s laughable to think anything said here, outside of requests to add specific cosmetics to the store, has any real influence on the one Dev trying to hold Hots together.

Just put him on ignore aswell. He only want to hear his own voice. In his logic everyone who disagree with him is a Whiteknight. Thats already a red flag and people should not waste energy on such people.

Yet I didn’t disagree with him (and others) about mirror games, for the most part I don’t like them. I’m going to assume they don’t read anything more than a post count.

It’s just annoying that you can’t even have one fun thread without someone desperate to spoil it. I’ll take your advice about ignoring them. I have already done so with the persistent forum gremlin (also obsessed with post counts) who is desperate for attention and wants to burn the forums down.

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I don’t know what it is or why but some people really have it out for you lol


funny how you tell people to ignore when you have never been able to yourself. as if you had any energy to waste

yet you are the first to respond the moment I mention “knights”. nothing wrong with leaving . it in no way benefits me to stay in a match that is not fun I do not owe it to you the game or other players to stay.

because so few people like it. make it it’s own mode so it can be avoided or do not complain when people leave . yea I know to late for that

it didn’t need to be said at all . Goes without saying that any positive change will come to this game regardless of how many devs there are or from what platform they are addressed .

Dont worry I wont reply to any of your post from now on. You just a waste of time. Only way you win arguments is with cheap insults and are only looking for yes men to agree on everything you say.

If they are not following your narrative they are a whiteknight. Thats how people know you are a troll.

So yea keep complaining about something that only pops op about 1,9% of the time on average from those 4 mio ARAM games that has been recorded so far.

You will complain about Mephisto/Zuljin/Li-Ming/Azmo the first week its gone anyway :slight_smile:

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doesn’t get any cheaper. The rest of what you said is just nonsense that you wish was true . again try to stay on topic if you can :grin:

It actually does.

Delaying gratification, developing patience, and intentionally utilizing the cerebral cortex are all actions that can be used while doing something that isn’t impulsively ‘fun’.

Even if you were remotely right about only benefiting from doing something ‘fun’, then you still wouldn’t benefit from a game like HotS regardless of you not having mirrors or not.

The capacity for people to enjoy something largely boils down to them learning how to enjoy it, not that it automatically does. Since ‘mind’ can overcome ‘matter’, your unwillingness to enjoy something is more a factor of you than it is of itself; it similarly applies to what people call “boredom”: they’re “bored” because they haven’t learned how to engage themselves accordingly.

People respond to you because this is a resource for helping people out: you not enjoying something is not a farcry from “I need help” if even you don’t actually want to accept it. Like many chronic complainers, you are effectively your own problems, and you spout lies to convince yourself otherwise. When people see someone in need, it is considered ‘normal’ for them to try to help those in need provided they own safety is secure.

Since there’s no magical threat for tossing two bits of info your way, they will.


nothing you say rings true . never had to learn to enjoy anything . it’s either enjoyable or it is not . I do not subject myself to unenjoyable activities since I am not a masochist . this has never been a resource for helping others only for dictating how some think the game should be played . you and yours chronically complain as well but since you tow the company line it’s accepted by your cronies and those in charge of this chat. it really isn’t a problem . MM comes up I switch accounts and play what I Q’d for aram not MM. sorry so many of you have a hard time understanding that no one should be forced to play MM

this applies to those in charge of this game as well


Wow. That’s really dumb.


He can just leave as much he want. Sooner or later he will find himself in leaver que on all accounts. Then he can complain about why he need to win 3 games to get out together with his fellow quitters.

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You being ignorant of something doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

Learning is a fundamental aspect of life and people either learn to do it, or they get themselves miserable and waste their time complaining, or well, they go extinct. Darwinism is survival of the fittest, those that learn to adapt to the environment survive, and fancy that, maybe life can do more than merely survive if the learn enough.

A baby is born and knows how to complain; they can’t do much for themselves and rely on others until they develop enough physically, mentally, and emotionally to do so. They first have to observe, then they imitate, then pattern recognition, then problem solving, and then reinforcement to continue the cycle. That’s part of why people say “good job” all the time around kids learning to walk or talk, or why games splash a big-ol’ congratulation and victory screen.

This observable behavior in developing children can also been seen in all other life forms: stuff can be taught, trained, and learned how to discover something about themselves to improve in the next attempt or generation. This isn’t just recreation, it is everything.

People can learn to like foods, music, exercise, any myriad of activity has a supplement of learning what steps where involved so someone can re-create the previous sensation and enjoy it again. However, if people don’t learn to pay attention to ‘all the steps’ of what they did, then they set themselves up for false-positives and keep trying to do something they don’t like, and not getting the satisfaction they demand.

eg. eating isn’t just flavor, but also aroma and texture. If someone doesn’t learn to identify the qualities of what they like, they may keep trying to eat something and blame everyone else that ‘go it wrong’ because they haven’t learned how to learn, or they may end up avoiding foods they would like and deny themselves enjoyment, nutrition or whatever else. This is stuff that can be taught which is part of why certain forms of school exist for training both the preparation and enjoyment of food.

This also applies to music, and not just ‘appreciating music’ but also making something that transcends a single patron and goes on to inspire generations long after the musician or composer died.

Video games and recreation have enough consistent elements known about them that they can be taught for people to learn how to make and how to enjoy games so they can recreate what has worked before, and may even make something that improves on the past, or make something ‘new’.

Reading is obviously not your forte, so if you need visibly digestible media and coarse language, congrats, an internet dude made a video on this stuff over a decade ago: Sequelitis - Mega Man Classic vs. Mega Man X (language advisory warning)

It’s a internet guy explaining observations on how a game can teach people how to play it, and by extension learn to enjoy it. Some game design does the opposite of what he says (ie, adds in more blatant tutorials and explanations that pause the game, ironically including remakes of the examples he used have gotten worse at this since he made the video) and some have tried to apply that to their own design.

When this – learning by playing – is 'done right" people don’t notice that they ‘learn’ through this stuff, especially when they’re scared of learning and instead make up all sorts of lies to rationalize themselves away form doing it. However, as I mentioned above, “life” requires this sort of learning and adaptation and reinforcement (enjoy something) so people that don’t learn how to learn are setting themselves up for a bad time. However, since most basic needs are met by you being a human, you aren’t functionally punished in a way to influence your environment enough for you to have learned thus stuff before at some point prior to whenever you decide to be honest and observation enough to realize this bunk.

But even if you actually entertain the idea of reading through this, there’s also cat videos, honey badger videos, corvids, octopi, and human ‘gamers’ that get this magical spark of going “hey, I actually like this once I know what I’m doing” that happens for just about any sort of activity or fetish.

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I wanna be the rebel 1000+ post count guy who does not like all one hero aram.

also all this lumping everyone with a high post count account in to some kinda amalgam like were a single entity or a hive mind is silly for a gazillion reasons.


And now certain people will use your post as evidence that everyone hates the mode, and those of us who say we like it must be lying! :wink:

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it’s a lack of proficiency and typically manifests as bigotry.

When someone is in a region that speaks a language they don’t know, everyone ‘sounds the same’ and there are videos of language examples of what it sounds like to non-speakers. The same somewhat applies to cultural distinctions and even visible melanin.

If someone doesn’t know how to read, then it’s just a bunch of characters that are all ‘the same’. It isn’t until people learn how to tell the difference between something that they care about particulars that aren’t their own.

I gather I’m unlikable to some, which is fine, only Dolly Parton is universally loved by all. I just wish these people judged me on the actual content of my replies, rather than twisting my words and projecting whatever nonsense they are peddling this week.

It’s honestly laughable, the obsession and meaning some posters here apply to post counts, or even these forums. You have people here saying “1k post count forum white Knights asked for mirror matches, and ruined Hots”, when the truth of the matter is Reddit is where the Dev’s have primarily interacted with the community. The idea about reintroducing mirror games was floated on Reddit, not here.